Re: shapes-ISSUE-19 (S35 not RDF): S35 appeals to something that is not RDF wrote on 01/09/2015 01:16:48 AM:

> What makes an acc:AccessContextList invalid? No nodes of type 
> acc:AccessContext? Some node of type acc:AccessContext that doesn't 
> have a title? Is this different from validating twice, once for 
> nodes of type acc:AccessContextList and once nodes of type 
> acc:AccessContextList and once for nodes of type  acc:AccessContext?


If any of the informally stated constraints are not satisfied, then the 
graph is invalid. 
For example, let X be the IRI of the access context resource and let G be 
the RDF graph.

If G does not contain a triple (X rdf:type acc:AccessContextList) then G 
is invalid.
If G contains more than one triple of the form (?S rdf:type 
acc:AccessContextList) then G is invalid.

-- Arthur Ryman

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2015 15:17:46 UTC