Re: Interlinked shapes (was: Shapes vs Classes (in LDOM))

On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Holger Knublauch <>

> Thanks for your examples. I will create separate email sub-threads for the
> specific problems that you desribe.
> On 1/24/15, 3:53 PM, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo wrote:
>> 1.- It is not clear to me if you can represent inter-linked shapes? As an
>> example, you could define "Course" and "Student" where a Course shape
>> contains a property :student whose values must have the Shape Student, and
>> a Student could contain a property :course whose nodes have the shape of
>> Course. I think this is similar to Peter's example of recursive shapes.
> Why can't you just make them classes?

Because they are not classes...I could repeat the same arguments that we
had in other threads...

Of course, this particular example could be modeled with classes, but the
point is if it can be modeled with shapes. A larger example is again the
statistical linked data portals, where Observations are linked to Datasets,
Datasets to Slices and Slices to Observations...

The question is if it is to possible to model this kind of interlinked (and
recursive) shapes. I think Peter's example also belongs to this category.

Best regards, Jose Labra

Received on Saturday, 24 January 2015 10:19:25 UTC