Re: shapes-ISSUE-44 (Graph dependencies): How to express dependencies between graphs [SHACL Spec]

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 4:34 PM, Holger Knublauch
<> wrote:
> oslc:instanceShape looks like sh:nodeShape [1] to me. As far as I understand
> the OSLC spec, sh:include/sh:library would be closer to oslc:resourceShape.


Your writeup of ISSUE-44 says:
"1) sh:include - points from a graph (e.g. of instances) to other
graphs (e.g. of class definitions)"

If you are pointing from an instance graph to the shape that describes
it, then in OSLC you use oslc:instanceShape. This is like on XML
document pointing to an XML Schema. Is that what sh:include is for? If
not, I think your writeup is misleading.

-- Arthur

Received on Thursday, 16 April 2015 20:50:53 UTC