ISSUE-1: Inferencing and current databases

In order to make some progress on the question "what inferencing can or 
must be used", I started a wiki page with links to the reasoning support 
of various popular RDF/SPARQL databases

Maybe some more knowledgeable people can provide additional details 
where needed, and add databases that I forgot.

While many (but not all) database seem to support RDFS, I tried to 
understand the set up procedures for graph-level inferencing, which are 
sometimes quite involving (e.g. how to tell the system which class 
definitions to use for an instances graph). A problem that I see is that 
once inferencing is activated per graph, it seems to be impossible to 
distinguish asserted from inferred triples. This means that in a typical 
scenario for constraint checking, if someone edits an instance on a 
form, the form may also display inferred triples that in fact cannot be 

So I have no idea how we could realistically rely on database-level 
inferencing at this stage.

I would also like to hear from others, how many people have actually 
activated any of those inferencing modes in their deployed systems, and 
what the performance impact is. For example, Dimitris, is the dbpedia 
set up using inferencing?


Received on Monday, 13 April 2015 07:02:17 UTC