Re: Relevant documents on SPIN

On 10/26/2014 10:14, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> Somehow, my understanding of SPIN is not improving.
> Is there a document that defines how SPIN constraints work?

You had originally asked for compact documents so that you don't need to 
sift through large documents online. A compact document such as the 
spinsquare primer is intentionally left short and incomplete. Even the 
longer documents such as the specs on do not cover all 
details because they were not the result of formal peer review processes 
but rather grew organically. Many people have understood and now use 
SPIN successfully without additional formal specifications. If the WG 
decides to use SPIN as one input to a shapes language, then it will of 
course write down all the details for that language.

BTW anyone is welcome to learn SPIN by trying it out, by downloading 
TopBraid Composer Free Edition (yes, it's free and has no strings 
attached). Examples are included in the download. There are also 
tutorials available on various aspects. But getting a complete picture 
of SPIN requires more than skimming through some compact documents.


Received on Sunday, 26 October 2014 03:18:48 UTC