Re: Stand-alone Shapes and oslc:valueRange implemented in SPIN

Sorry for the dealy in responding. I noticed the request for shapes
folks to say what else was needed and I had to think about this for
a bit. A few comments inline.

I think you mean oslc:valueShape, or at least that's what I see in

* Holger Knublauch <> [2014-11-20 10:49+1000]
> [Starting a new thread on this specific solution, extending on [1] ]
> I have implemented a new SPIN property function
> spin:constructViolations and a helper function
> spl:violatesConstraints, and those have allowed me to implement
> oslc:valueRange as defined by the Resource Shapes 2.0 spec. The
> implementation and an example file are attached.
> In the example, we have :Issue pointing at :Person via two
> properties :assignedTo and :submittedBy. Both are Persons, but
> submitters may not have last name or email, but assignees must have
> those. This is modeled via
> oslc_issue:Issue
>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:assignedTo ;
>       oslc:range oslc_issue:Person ;
>       oslc:valueRange oslc_issue:Assignee ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:submittedBy ;
>       oslc:range oslc_issue:Person ;
>       oslc:valueRange oslc_issue:Submitter ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Issue"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing .
> which means although the range of both properties is Person,
> different additional constraints are used depending on the context.
> Here is Assignee:
> oslc_issue:Assignee
>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:occurs oslc:Exactly-one ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:email ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:occurs oslc:Exactly-one ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:lastName ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:comment "All assignees must have an email and a last
> name."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Assignee"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc_issue:Person .
> This :Assignee class doesn't need to be part of the actual ontology
> - it may just live in a SPIN file that isn't visible to end users.
> The actual context-sensitive check behind oslc:valueRange is
> implemented using
>         CONSTRUCT {
>             _:cv a spin:ConstraintViolation ;
>                 spin:violationRoot ?this ;
>                 spin:violationPath ?propertyDefinition ;
>                 rdfs:label ?label .
>             ?s ?p ?o .
>         }
>         WHERE {
>             ?this ?propertyDefinition ?value .
>             (?value ?valueRange) spin:constructViolations (?s ?p ?o)
>             BIND (CONCAT("Value ", xsd:string(?value), " of property ",
>                  xsd:string(?propertyDefinition), " does not match
> the shape ",
>                  xsd:string(?valueRange)) AS ?label) .
>         }
> where spin:constraintViolations essentially spawns off a recursive
> constraint checking engine to verify that the given ?value meets all
> constraints defined at the class ?valueRange. Any nested constraint
> violations get propagated forward in the surrounding CONSTRUCT. But
> nobody needs to look into those details - they can be solved by a
> shapes library.
> The cost of this solution is that engines who want to support this
> would need to implement the spin:constructViolations property
> function. There is currently no official extension mechanism in
> SPARQL for property functions, but many SPARQL databases actually
> have this implemented as a de-facto standard. Yet we would need to
> somehow specify this. If we cannot use property functions (aka magic
> properties) then we could make it a normal SPARQL function that
> returns a temporary named graph or maybe just a boolean, so it will
> definitely work even with the current SPARQL language spec in one
> way or another.

Or someone could parse the shapes and compile an inclusive SPARQL
query directly.

> Anyway, the extension above is now in the TopBraid code base and
> will go into the next SPIN API for Jena too.
> This means that SPIN can now be used to check an instance against a
> certain "shape" even if the instance doesn't have a corresponding
> rdf:type.

If I understand this, you can now parse resource shapes in exactly
their current form and perform the appropriate validation, perhaps
even a sublanguage of OWL that used only subclasses of restrictions
with allValuesFrom and cardinalities. This certainly makes it much
easier to use SPIN+extensions for this.

It may be a bit hard to know how easy this really is until we figure
out the language. For instance, are the cardinality constraints
qualified or unqualified?  The feedback I heard on day 1 of the F2F
was that they are qualified so multiple declarations of dc:creator

  <S> a rs:ResourceShape ;
      rs:property [
          rs:name "creator" ;
          rs:propertyDefinition dc:creator ;
          rs:valueShape <Authority> ;
          rs:occurs rs:Exactly-one ;
      ] ;
      rs:property [
          rs:name "creator" ;
          rs:propertyDefinition dc:creator ;
          rs:valueShape <Author> ;
          rs:occurs rs:Exactly-one ;
      ] ;

would mean that one of each was required and, implicitly, no others.
Arthur, is that still your intention?

> I would appreciate feedback from those in the Shapes/ShEx camp. What
> else is needed?

I think the big issues with shapes as types were
  1 contextual constraints (which this addresses).
  2 conflicting constraints.

I know that your position on 2 is that they can be written in separate
RDF graphs and responding to that thread had responding to this as a
prerequisite. I'll respond to the other now.

> Thanks,
> Holger
> [1]

> # baseURI:
> # imports:
> # imports:
> @prefix oslc: <> .
> @prefix owl: <> .
> @prefix rdf: <> .
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> @prefix sp: <> .
> @prefix spin: <> .
> @prefix spl: <> .
> @prefix xsd: <> .
> <>
>   rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
>   owl:imports <> ;
>   owl:imports <> ;
> .
> oslc:AllowedValues
>   rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
>   rdfs:comment "Defines a set of allowed values for a defined property. This type of resource is useful when defined properties take values in large sets of standard values that are used in multiple types of resources. For example, a list of standard country codes could be stored in an oslc:AllowedValues resource."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Allowed values"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:AllowedValuesConstraint
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   spin:body [
>       rdf:type sp:Construct ;
>       sp:text """
>         # Reports a constraint violation if ?this has any value that is not in the enumeration of allowed values
>         CONSTRUCT {
>             _:cv a spin:ConstraintViolation ;
>                 spin:violationRoot ?this ;
>                 spin:violationPath ?propertyDefinition ;
>                 rdfs:label ?label .
>         }
>         WHERE {
>             ?this ?propertyDefinition ?value .
>             FILTER NOT EXISTS {
>                 ?allowedValues oslc:allowedValue ?value .
>             } .
>             BIND (CONCAT(\"Value \", xsd:string(?value), \" is not allowed for property \", xsd:string(?propertyDefinition)) AS ?label) .
>         }
>         """^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:allowedValues ;
>       spl:valueType oslc:AllowedValues ;
>       rdfs:comment "The resource containing a set of allowed values of the defined property."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:labelTemplate "The property {?propertyDefinition} must have one of the allowed values defined by {?allowedValues}."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Allowed values constraint"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:PropertyConstraintTemplate ;
> .
> oslc:Any
>   rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
>   rdfs:label "Any"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:Cardinality
>   rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
>   rdfs:label "Cardinality"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:Either
>   rdf:type oslc:Representation ;
>   rdfs:comment "There is no constraint on the representation of the object resource."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Either"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:Exactly-one
>   rdf:type oslc:Cardinality ;
>   oslc:maxCount 1 ;
>   oslc:minCount 1 ;
>   rdfs:comment "The defined property MUST occur exactly once. It is required and single-valued."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Exactly-one"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:Inline
>   rdf:type oslc:Representation ;
>   rdfs:comment "The representation of the object resource MUST be present in the representation of the described resource."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Inline"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:MaxSizeConstraint
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   spin:body [
>       rdf:type sp:Construct ;
>       sp:text """
>         # Reports a constraint violation if ?this has a literal value that has more characters than ?maxSize
>         CONSTRUCT {
>             _:cv a spin:ConstraintViolation ;
>                 spin:violationRoot ?this ;
>                 spin:violationPath ?propertyDefinition ;
>                 rdfs:label ?label .
>         }
>         WHERE {
>             ?this ?propertyDefinition ?value .
>             FILTER isLiteral(?value) .
>             FILTER (STRLEN(xsd:string(?value)) > ?maxSize) .
>             BIND (CONCAT(\"Values of property \", xsd:string(?propertyDefinition), \" cannot have more than \", xsd:string(?maxSize), \" characters, but found \", xsd:string(?value)) AS ?label) .
>         }
>         """^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:maxSize ;
>       spl:valueType xsd:integer ;
>       rdfs:comment "For string datatype properties, the maximum number of characters."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Max size constraint"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:PropertyConstraintTemplate ;
> .
> oslc:OccursConstraint
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   spin:body [
>       rdf:type sp:Construct ;
>       sp:text """
>         # Reports a constraint violation if ?this has an unexpected number of values (cardinality)
>         CONSTRUCT {
>             _:cv a spin:ConstraintViolation ;
>                 spin:violationRoot ?this ;
>                 spin:violationPath ?propertyDefinition ;
>                 rdfs:label ?label .
>         }
>         WHERE {
>             BIND (spl:objectCount(?this, ?propertyDefinition) AS ?count) .
>             BIND (spl:object(?occurs, oslc:minCount) AS ?minCount) .
>             BIND (spl:object(?occurs, oslc:maxCount) AS ?maxCount) .
>             FILTER ((bound(?minCount) && (?count < ?minCount)) || (bound(?maxCount) && (?count > ?maxCount))) .
>             BIND (CONCAT(\"Property \", xsd:string(?propertyDefinition), \" does not match specified cardinality \", xsd:string(?occurs)) AS ?label) .
>         }
>         """^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:occurs ;
>       spl:valueType oslc:Cardinality ;
>       rdfs:comment "The number of times the defined property may occur."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Occurs constraint"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:PropertyConstraintTemplate ;
> .
> oslc:One-or-many
>   rdf:type oslc:Cardinality ;
>   oslc:minCount 1 ;
>   rdfs:comment "The defined property MUST occur at least once. It is required and multi-valued."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "One-or-many"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:Property
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   rdf:type spl:UnionTemplate ;
>   spin:labelTemplate "Property {?propertyDefinition}"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:comment "This template serves as a single \"parent\" for all other OSLC constraint templates, so that RDF models only need to instantiate oslc:Property and put any number of other constraints into the same node."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Property"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:AllowedValuesConstraint ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:MaxSizeConstraint ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:OccursConstraint ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:RangeConstraint ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:ValueRangeConstraint ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:ValueTypeConstraint ;
> .
> oslc:PropertyConstraintTemplate
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   spin:abstract "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:hidden ;
>       spl:valueType xsd:boolean ;
>       rdfs:comment "A hint that the defined property is not normally displayed by a user interface."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:isMemberProperty ;
>       spl:valueType xsd:boolean ;
>       rdfs:comment "If true then the described resource is a container and the defined property is used for container membership."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:name ;
>       spl:valueType xsd:string ;
>       rdfs:comment "oslc:name is used to specify the local name of the defined property. This is normally the portion of the defined property URI (see oslc:propertyDefinition) that follows the last hash (#) or slash (/)."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:readOnly ;
>       spl:valueType xsd:boolean ;
>       rdfs:comment "See"^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:representation ;
>       spl:valueType oslc:Representation ;
>       rdfs:comment "For object properties, oslc:representation is used to specify how the object resource is represented."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:propertyDefinition ;
>       spl:valueType rdf:Property ;
>       rdfs:comment "The property that is being constrained."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:comment "This class groups together all templates that are constraining a given property."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Property constraint template"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf spl:ConstraintTemplates ;
> .
> oslc:RangeConstraint
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   spin:body [
>       rdf:type sp:Construct ;
>       sp:text """
>         # Reports a constraint violation if ?this has any value that does not have the given rdf:type
>         CONSTRUCT {
>             _:cv a spin:ConstraintViolation ;
>                 spin:violationRoot ?this ;
>                 spin:violationPath ?propertyDefinition ;
>                 rdfs:label ?label .
>         }
>         WHERE {
>             {
>                 FILTER (?range != oslc:Any) .
>             } .
>             ?this ?propertyDefinition ?value .
>             FILTER (!spl:instanceOf(?value, ?range)) .
>             BIND (CONCAT(\"Value \", xsd:string(?value), \" at property \", xsd:string(?propertyDefinition), \" does not have type \", xsd:string(?range)) AS ?label) .
>         }
>         """^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:range ;
>       spl:valueType rdfs:Class ;
>       rdfs:comment "For object properties, oslc:range is used to specify an allowed rdf:type of the object resource."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Range constraint"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:PropertyConstraintTemplate ;
> .
> oslc:Reference
>   rdf:type oslc:Representation ;
>   rdfs:comment "The representaton of the object resource MUST NOT be present in the representation of the described resource."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Reference"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:Representation
>   rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
>   rdfs:label "Representation"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:ValueRangeConstraint
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   spin:body [
>       rdf:type sp:Construct ;
>       sp:text """# Reports constraint violations for any value that does not match the constraints defined at a given \"shape\" class
>         CONSTRUCT {
>             _:cv a spin:ConstraintViolation ;
>                 spin:violationRoot ?this ;
>                 spin:violationPath ?propertyDefinition ;
>                 rdfs:label ?label .
> 			?s ?p ?o .
>         }
>         WHERE {
>             ?this ?propertyDefinition ?value .
> 			(?value ?valueRange) spin:constructViolations (?s ?p ?o)
>             BIND (CONCAT(\"Value \", xsd:string(?value), \" of property \", xsd:string(?propertyDefinition), \" does not match the shape \", xsd:string(?valueRange)) AS ?label) .
>         }"""^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:valueRange ;
>       spl:valueType rdfs:Class ;
>       rdfs:comment "For object properties, oslc:valueShape is used to specify a link to resource shape that describes the object resource."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Value range constraint"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:PropertyConstraintTemplate ;
> .
> oslc:ValueTypeConstraint
>   rdf:type spl:ConstraintTemplate ;
>   spin:body [
>       rdf:type sp:Construct ;
>       sp:text """
>         # Reports a constraint violation if ?this has any value that does not have the given datatype
>         CONSTRUCT {
>             _:cv a spin:ConstraintViolation ;
>                 spin:violationRoot ?this ;
>                 spin:violationPath ?propertyDefinition ;
>                 rdfs:label ?label .
>         }
>         WHERE {
>             ?this ?propertyDefinition ?value .
>             FILTER (datatype(?value) != ?valueType) .
>             BIND (CONCAT(\"Value \", xsd:string(?value), \" of property \", xsd:string(?propertyDefinition), \" does not have value type \", xsd:string(?valueType)) AS ?label) .
>         }
>         """^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type spl:Argument ;
>       spl:predicate oslc:valueType ;
>       spl:valueType rdfs:Datatype ;
>       rdfs:comment "For datatype properties, oslc:valueType specifies the literal value type. It MUST be one of the following individuals: rdf:XMLLiteral, xsd:boolean, xsd:dateTime, xsd:decimal, xsd:double, xsd:float, xsd:integer, xsd:string."^^xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Value type constraint"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc:PropertyConstraintTemplate ;
> .
> oslc:Zero-or-many
>   rdf:type oslc:Cardinality ;
>   rdfs:comment "The defined property MAY occur any number of times. It is optional and multi-valued."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Zero-or-many"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:Zero-or-one
>   rdf:type oslc:Cardinality ;
>   oslc:maxCount 1 ;
>   rdfs:comment "The defined property MUST occur no more than once. It is optional and single-valued."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Zero-or-one"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:allowedValue
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc:AllowedValues ;
>   rdfs:label "allowed value"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc:allowedValues
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "allowed values"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:hidden
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "hidden"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:isMemberProperty
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "is member property"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:maxCount
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc:Cardinality ;
>   rdfs:label "max count"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
> .
> oslc:maxSize
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "max size"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:minCount
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc:Cardinality ;
>   rdfs:label "min count"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
> .
> oslc:name
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "name"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:occurs
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "occurs"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:propertyDefinition
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "property definition"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:range
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "range"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:readOnly
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "read only"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:representation
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "representation"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:valueRange
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "value range"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .
> oslc:valueType
>   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
>   rdfs:label "value type"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subPropertyOf sp:arg ;
> .

> # baseURI:
> # imports:
> @prefix : <> .
> @prefix oslc: <> .
> @prefix oslc_issue: <> .
> @prefix owl: <> .
> @prefix rdf: <> .
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> @prefix spin: <> .
> @prefix xsd: <> .
> <>
>   rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
>   owl:imports <> ;
>   owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc_issue:Assignee
>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:occurs oslc:Exactly-one ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:email ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:occurs oslc:Exactly-one ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:lastName ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:comment "All assignees must have an email and a last name."^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:label "Assignee"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc_issue:Person ;
> .
> oslc_issue:Issue
>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:assignedTo ;
>       oslc:range oslc_issue:Person ;
>       oslc:valueRange oslc_issue:Assignee ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:submittedBy ;
>       oslc:range oslc_issue:Person ;
>       oslc:valueRange oslc_issue:Submitter ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Issue"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
> .
> oslc_issue:Issue_1
>   rdf:type oslc_issue:Issue ;
>   oslc_issue:assignedTo oslc_issue:JohnDoeWithEmail ;
>   oslc_issue:submittedBy oslc_issue:John ;
>   rdfs:label "Issue 1"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc_issue:John
>   rdf:type oslc_issue:Person ;
>   oslc_issue:firstName "John"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc_issue:JohnDoeWithEmail
>   rdf:type oslc_issue:Person ;
>   oslc_issue:email ""^^xsd:string ;
>   oslc_issue:firstName "John"^^xsd:string ;
>   oslc_issue:lastName "Doe"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc_issue:Person
>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:occurs oslc:Exactly-one ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:firstName ;
>       oslc:valueType xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:email ;
>       oslc:valueType xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   spin:constraint [
>       rdf:type oslc:Property ;
>       oslc:propertyDefinition oslc_issue:lastName ;
>       oslc:valueType xsd:string ;
>     ] ;
>   rdfs:label "Person"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
> .
> oslc_issue:Submitter
>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>   rdfs:label "Submitter"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf oslc_issue:Person ;
> .
> oslc_issue:assignedTo
>   rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc_issue:Issue ;
>   rdfs:label "assigned to"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:range oslc_issue:Person ;
> .
> oslc_issue:email
>   rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc_issue:Person ;
>   rdfs:label "email"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:range xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc_issue:firstName
>   rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc_issue:Person ;
>   rdfs:label "first name"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:range xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc_issue:lastName
>   rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc_issue:Person ;
>   rdfs:label "last name"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:range xsd:string ;
> .
> oslc_issue:submittedBy
>   rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
>   rdfs:domain oslc_issue:Issue ;
>   rdfs:label "submitted by"^^xsd:string ;
>   rdfs:range oslc_issue:Person ;
> .


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Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 22:04:07 UTC