RE: Hydra and Shapes

On 17 Nov 2014 at 05:03, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> I just added a user story for Hydra
> shapes/wiki/User_Stories#S29:_Describing_interoperable.2C_hypermedia-
> driven_Web_APIs_.28with_Hydra.29

Thanks Holger! 

> This is a W3C community group with 100+ participants, working on what
> appears to be an overlapping problem space to ours. Their vocabulary
> includes the notion of "supported properties" which may align with
> oslc:property, owl:Restriction etc. Like our own WG, this effort is
> still evolving, so I am wondering whether it makes sense to try to
> coordinate efforts towards an alignment between vocabularies before
> things diverge into parallel universes...

I'm the chair of the Hydra CG. As you rightly point out, there is quite some
overlap with what we are doing (and plan to do) and what the newly launched
Data Shapes WG is working on. I'd love to see our work converge in some way
or another and have been lurking on this list since its inception (in fact I
also filed a Invited Expert application quite some time ago). Unfortunately,
I'm quite busy at the moment and thus unable to keep up with the traffic on
this list. I'll, however, try my best to chime in in relevant discussions. I
definitely see a lot of room for collaboration in this important space.


Received on Monday, 24 November 2014 21:14:51 UTC