CfP ISWC2014 Workshop Linked Learning meets LinkedUp

[Apologies for cross-posting]

***** #LILE2014 - "Linked Learning meets LinkedUp: Learning and 
Education with the Web of Data" *****

- Web: -
- collocated with ISWC2014 (, October, 
Riva del Garda, Italy -
- sponsored by LinkedUp (
- selected papers to be invited for special issue of Journal on Data 
Semantics (JoDS) -


  * Submission date: 7 July, 2014
  * Author notifications: July 30, 2014
  * Camera-ready papers: August 20, 2014.
  * LILE2014 will be held on October 19-20, 2014.


The huge success and widespread adoption of the Linked Data approach has 
led to the availability of vast amounts of public data which has the 
potential to fundamentally aid and transform the production, delivery 
and consumption of educational services and content. More recently, 
these approaches started to get adopted by education institutions, with 
Linked Data technologies being used to expose public information 
regarding course offerings, open educational resources and educational 
facilities in a readily accessible and reusable way. This has led to the 
creation of an embryonic "Web of Educational Data" and initiatives such 
as, and LinkedUp 
( While the very nature of the Linked 
Data approach thus clearly offers promising solutions that can 
potentially transform learning, adoption and take-up is still hindered 
by issues which are both technical as well interdisciplinary. Building 
on the success of Linked Learning editions (2011-2013), LILE2014 aims at 
addressing such challenges by providing a forum for researchers and 
practitioners who make innovative use of Linked Data for educational 
purposes, and to discuss, exchange and disseminate their work.


The workshop aims to be a highly interactive research forum for 
exploring the promises of the Web of Linked Data in the broad area of 
learning by gathering researchers from different communities, such as 
Linked Data/Semantic Web, Social Web, Technology Enhanced Learning 
(TEL), and Education. We will welcome high-quality papers about actual 
trends in (a) how education takes advantage of the Web of Data, 
especially through Linked Data technologies and (b) how Linked Data 
principles are being applied in educational contexts. We will seek 
application-oriented, as well as more theoretical papers and position 
papers in the following, non-exhaustive list of topics:

  * Linked data for informal learning and Web-based education
  * Using the Web of Data for personalisation and context-awareness
  * Usability and advanced user interfaces in learning environments and
    linked data
  * Light-weight educational metadata schemas
  * Exposing learning objects to the Web of Data
  * Semantic & syntactic mappings between educational metadata schemas
  * Controlled vocabularies, ontologies and terminologies for learning &
  * and LRMI for annotating educational related Websites
  * Learning flows and designs with Semantic Web technologies
  * Linked data in learning analytics and educational data mining
  * Visual analytics of educational data
  * Linked data in organizational learning and learning organizations
  * Linked data for harmonizing individual learning goals and
    organizational objectives
  * Competency management with linked data
  * Collaborative learning on the Web of Data
  * Linked-data enhanced social learning


The annual Linked Learning workshop series was established 4 years ago 
and has gathered a significant and constantly growing community since 
its first edition, proving the high relevance and timeliness of the 
workshop scope: use of Linked Data in educational scenarios. The first 
edition (Linked Learning 2011, was held 
together with the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC2011in 
Heraklion, Crete in May 2011, while the second edition was collocated 
with WWW2012 in Lyon and the LILE2013 
( with WWW2013 in Rio de Janeiro. 
All three previous editions of LILE/Linked Learning featured an 
interactive mix of keynotes, paper sessions (10-13 accepted high-quality 
papers per workshop) and panel discussions and were among the best 
attended workshops of their respective conferences, bringing together 
key players in the field of Linked Data, Semantic Web, Knowledge-based 
Systems and education. All previous workshops were very successful, 
outstandingly well attended and highly productive as well as engaging; 
the success and establishment of a growing "Linked Learning" community 
has been proven by several related follow-up activities which emerged 
out of the workshop series: outstanding papers from the workshop were 
selected to be published in specific post-proceedings (in addition to 
the general workshop proceedings), and extended versions of some of the 
workshop papers were invited to submit to a special issue of Interactive 
Learning Environments dedicated to the workshop theme which is 
guest-edited by the workshop chairs. In addition, the community 
platforms and 
evolved partially out of the workshop as a means to share and 
disseminate related work in the area of Linked Data for Education. This 
year's LILE workshop will be organized in cooperation with LinkedUp, an 
FP7 Support Action that seeks to explore and exploit open and linked 
data for education and is not only highly related to LILE but also 
emerged out of activities driven by the workshop chairs. The LinkedUp 
project organises the Vici Competition, the final edition of a series of 
three consecutive open competitions ( 
that ask for innovative and robust tools that analyse and/or integrate 
open web data for educational purposes. The selected entries of the 
second competition, Vidi, will present their work at ESWC 2014. The 
presentations and award ceremony of the first competition was held at 
the OKCon 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland and the extended versions of the 
selected entries have been published in open-access proceedings.


We target a public full day workshop and expect between 30 and 40 
participants and approximately 15 paper presentations (incl. LinkedUp 
Vici presentations) and 5-10 posters and system demonstrations. The 
intended audience consists of researchers and practitioners from both 
the general area of TEL and the semantic technologies field, but also 
takes into account related areas such as Web science, social learning, 
multimedia or context-awareness. We also intend to invite 
representatives from highly related (past, current and future) projects 
and initiatives such as: LinkedUp (, VIVO 
(, Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, LRMI 
(, Mature IP (, SOLAR 
(, Commonwealth of Learning 
(, or Open Discovery Space 
( which are already well-represented in 
the workshop committees. The schedule is designed to stimulate a highly 
interactive event by leaving significant time for discussions:


The workshop will accept poster or demonstration abstracts (max. 2 
pages), short position papers (max. 6 pages) and longer technical papers 
not exceeding 15 pages. Papers should follow the LNCS proceedings style. 
Each submission will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the PC. 
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as a 
volume of CEUR-WS.elected papers will be invited to submit extended 
versions to a special issue of Journal on Data Semantics (JoDS). Please 
submit your papers via Easychair using the following link:

*PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (to be extended)*

Sören Auer, University of Leipzig, Germany
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ryerson University, Canada
Charalampos Bratsas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ebrahim Bagheri,Ryerson University, Canada
Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Marco Antonio Casanova, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de 
Janeiro, Brazil
Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gianluca Demartini, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Hendrik Drachsler, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands
Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds, UK
Nikolas Dovrolis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Hannes Ebner, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Fabrizio Giorgini, Lattanzio Learning
Christophe Guéret, DANS, Netherlands
Jelena Jovanovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Carsten Keßler, University of Münster, Germany
Ivana Marenzi, L3S Research Center, Germany
Dmitry Mouromtsev, ITMO University, Russia
Lyndon Nixon, Semantic Technologies Institute, Austria
Abelardo Pardo, University of Sydney, Australia
Elisabetta Parodi, Lattanzio Learning; Italy
Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de 
Janeiro, Brazil
Madi Solomon, Pearson Education, UK
Davide Taibi, Institute for Educational Technologies, Italian National 
Research Council, Italy
Dhavalkumar Thakker, University of Leeds, UK
Thanassis Tiropanis, University of Southampton, UK
Amal Zouaq, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada


Stefan Dietze (L3S Research Center, Germany) -
Mathieu d'Aquin (The Open University, UK)  -
Eelco Herder (L3S Research Center, Germany) -
Dragan Gasevic (Athabasca University, Canada) -

Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <> Project Community Coordinator | 
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Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2014 12:17:30 UTC