CVS User abergkvi
- CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20131017
- CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20131017/images
- CVS 2011/webrtc/editor
- CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20131017
- CVS 2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20131017/images
CVS User akostiai
Mercurial notifier
- dap commit: Fix minor respec link bugs and other minor editorials
- dap commit: [discovery-api] Re-write CORS-related parts of the spec following subsequent feedback on
- dap commit: use https for respec-w3c-common
- dap commit: fix scheme used by ReSpec for some exploratory work to display them properly
- dap commit: Add CORS as the primary network service opt-in mechanism for the NSD API specification