dap commit: Add removal of entry script origin's URL whitelist urls during the getNetworkServices() algorithm.

changeset:   377:a311e7fe116c
user:        Rich Tibbett <richt@opera.com>
date:        Tue Feb 05 13:20:57 2013 +0100
files:       discovery-api/Overview.src.html
Add removal of entry script origin's URL whitelist urls during the getNetworkServices() algorithm.

diff -r 631133236bc9 -r a311e7fe116c discovery-api/Overview.src.html
--- a/discovery-api/Overview.src.html	Mon Feb 04 16:02:58 2013 +0100
+++ b/discovery-api/Overview.src.html	Tue Feb 05 13:20:57 2013 +0100
@@ -469,6 +469,12 @@
             or more <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> objects for which the user granted
             permission above - known as the current objects <dfn>user-authorized</dfn> services.
+            <li>Remove all previously whitelisted urls from the <a>entry script origin's URL whitelist</a> granted in
+            the current <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/browsers.html#entry-script"
+                  class="externalDFN">entry script</a>'s <a href=
+                  "http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/origin-0.html#origin"
+                  class="externalDFN">origin</a>.
+            </li>
             <li>For each Object <var>service</var> in <var>services</var>, if any, run the following sub-steps:
               <ol class="rule">
                 <li>Add the <var>service</var>'s <code>url</code> parameter to the <a>entry script origin's
@@ -1593,10 +1599,10 @@
             When the <a>user agent</a> detects that the user has dropped from a connected network then, for each
-            <var>existing service record</var> in the <a>list of available service records</a> discovered via that network connection,
-            the <a>user agent</a> MUST run
-            the general rule for <a>removing an available service</a> passing in each <var>existing service
-            record</var>'s <code>id</code> property as the only argument for each call.
+            <var>existing service record</var> in the <a>list of available service records</a> discovered via that
+            network connection, the <a>user agent</a> MUST run the general rule for <a>removing an available
+            service</a> passing in each <var>existing service record</var>'s <code>id</code> property as the only
+            argument for each call.
             When the <a>user agent</a> detects that the user has connected to a new network or reconnected to an

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2013 14:22:55 UTC