2009/dap/calendar Overview.html,1.28,1.29
2009/dap/camera Overview.html,1.134,1.135
2009/dap/camera Overview.html,1.135,1.136
2009/dap/ReSpec.js/bibref biblio.js,1.336,1.337
2011/webrtc/editor webrtc.html,1.27,1.28
2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20121019 - New directory
2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20121019 webrtc.html,NONE,1.1
2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20121019/images - New directory
2011/webrtc/editor/archives/20121019/images icestates.svg,NONE,1.1 ladder-2party-full.svg,NONE,1.1 ladder-2party-simple.svg,NONE,1.1 ladder-mcu-simple.svg,NONE,1.1 media-stream-1.png,NONE,1.1 media-stream-2.png,NONE,1.1 media-stream.png,NONE,1.1 peerstates.svg,NONE,1.1
dap commit: add battery-plugged-in and battery-unplugged tests; add prime computation to the battery-discharging test
dap commit: add battery-unplugged
dap commit: add levelchange tests
dap commit: add prime computation to the battery-unplugged test
dap commit: Added usage examples
dap commit: additional fixes to merge
dap commit: Apply pub rules to proposed Working Draft update
dap commit: better descriptions
dap commit: change publication date to 4 October
dap commit: changed shortname to not have spaces, and to be short and meaningful - "webintents-local-services"
dap commit: changes to reflect task force
dap commit: Editorial changes to Service Discovery spec
dap commit: Editorial updates to NSD spec
dap commit: finally the right one, update to publish 4 Oct WD
dap commit: First checking: proposal for settings API (v4)
dap commit: fix the test description
dap commit: Fixes a bunch of spelling mistakes in the original draft.
dap commit: Flattened document with template stuff removed.
dap commit: HTML5 Tidy on Network Service Discovery spec markup
dap commit: Minor editorial updates
dap commit: Minor update to pass pub rules
dap commit: more verbose top-level test descriptions
dap commit: Prepare Working Draft for NSD
dap commit: Prepare Working Draft for NSD. Attach WD
dap commit: rename files
dap commit: report charging time, discharging time and level as part of the test name in applicable tests
dap commit: restore Overview.html to ED
dap commit: update patent policy stuff
dap commit: Updates to Service Discovery & Messaging according to feedback @ http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Oct/0005.html
dap commit: Web Intents addendum:
dap commit: Web Intents addendum: Fixed examples
New Taylor & Francis Int. Journal "Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization": Announcement and CfP
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 17:25:07 UTC