dap commit: fix links

changeset:   100:cceec0844b54
tag:         tip
user:        Anssi Kostiainen <anssi.kostiainen@nokia.com>
date:        Mon May 21 11:53:35 2012 +0300
files:       proximity/Overview.html
fix links

diff -r 1d227c967f0e -r cceec0844b54 proximity/Overview.html
--- a/proximity/Overview.html	Mon May 21 11:45:41 2012 +0300
+++ b/proximity/Overview.html	Mon May 21 11:53:35 2012 +0300
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@
             class="idl" data-merge='DeviceProximityEventInit'>
           <dt>readonly attribute double value</dt>
-            <a>The current proximity</a>.
+            The <a>current device proximity</a>.
           <dt>readonly attribute double min</dt>
-            <a>The minimum device proximity</a>.
+            The <a> minimum device proximity</a>.
           <dt>readonly attribute double max</dt>
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@
             meets the following conditions:
-                If the implementation is unable to report <a>the current
-                proximity</a>, initialize the <code>value</code> attribute
-                to positive Infinity, otherwise initialize the attribute
-                to <a>the current proximity</a>.
+                If the implementation is unable to report the <a>current
+                device proximity</a>, initialize the <code>value</code>
+                attribute to positive Infinity, otherwise initialize the
+                attribute to the <a>current device proximity</a>.
                  If the implementation is unable to report the <a>minimum

Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 08:53:48 UTC