dap commit: Media dictionary refinement

changeset:   174:a2ae4ee687a1
tag:         tip
user:        Jungkee Song <jungkee.song@samsung.com>
date:        Wed Jul 25 13:27:10 2012 +0900
files:       gallery/Overview.html
Media dictionary refinement

diff -r d347e7996535 -r a2ae4ee687a1 gallery/Overview.html
--- a/gallery/Overview.html	Tue Jul 24 14:31:11 2012 +0100
+++ b/gallery/Overview.html	Wed Jul 25 13:27:10 2012 +0900
@@ -3,6 +3,37 @@
     <title>Pick Media Intent</title>
     <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
+    <style>
+    	table {
+        border-collapse: collapse;
+        border-spacing: 0px;
+        margin-top: +1em;
+        margin-bottom: +1em;
+        border-color: black;
+        font-family: "Courier New", Inconsolata, "Bitstream Charter";
+        font-size: 90%;
+      }
+      th {
+        background-color:DimGray;
+        color:white;
+        font-weight: normal;
+      }
+      .sub-th {
+  	    background-color: Linen;
+  	    font-style: italic;
+      }
+      .centered {
+  	    text-align: center;
+      }
+      .first-column {
+  	    background-color: Beige;
+  	    font-weight: bold;
+      }
+      .excluded-first-column {
+  	    background-color: DarkGray;
+  	    text-decoration: line-through;
+      }
+    </style>
     <script type="text/javascript" src='https://www.w3.org/Tools/respec/respec-w3c-common' class='remove' async></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" class='remove'>
         var respecConfig = {
@@ -10,7 +41,7 @@
               shortName: "gallery",
               editors: [{
                         name: "송정기(Jungkee Song)", 
-                        url: "", 
+                        url: "mailto:jungkee.song@samsung.com", 
                         company: "Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.", 
                         companyURL: "http://www.samsung.com/sec/"},
                         {name: "이원석(Wonsuk Lee)",
@@ -70,7 +101,7 @@
       <pre class="example highlight">
         var intent = new Intent({ action:   "http://webintents.org/pick",
                                   type:     "http://w3.org/type/media",
-                                  extras:   { search: "olympic",
+                                  extras:   { search: "Olympic",
                                               filters: ["title", "description", "author", "tags"],
                                               limit: 100 }});
         navigator.startActivity(intent, mediaOK, mediaFail);
@@ -256,149 +287,117 @@
         <dl title='dictionary Media' class='idl'>
           <dt>MediaContent content</dt>
-            A dictionary containing a URI to the content of the media resource. It optionally contains a Blob of the content.
+            The dictionary contains the URI to the content of the media resource. It optionally contains a Blob of the content.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>DOMString title</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The attribute speficies the title or name given to the media resource.
           <dt>DOMString description</dt>
-            The text description of the content of the media resource.
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString? id</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-            A URI identifying a media resource.
-            </p>
-            <p class="note">
-              The property, identifier, defined in the core set of [<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-mediaont-10-20120209/#core-property-lists">Ontology for Media Resources 1.0</a>] can be considered as a representation format.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString title</dt>
-          <dd>
-            The title or name given to the media resource.
+            The attribute contains a free-form text description of the content of the media resource.
           <dt>DOMString type</dt>
-            The MIME type of the media resource (e.g., image/png, video/*) [[RFC2046]].
+            The attribute specifies the MIME type of the media resource (e.g., image/png, video/*) [[RFC2046]].
           <dt>DOMString? author</dt>
-            The author of the media resource in string.
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString? category</dt>
-          <dd>
-            The category (genre) of the content of the media resource.
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString? copyright</dt>
-          <dd>
-            The copyright statement associated with the media resource.
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString? fileName</dt>
-          <dd>
-            This field's value is not a url, but is the filename (probably not fully qualified, but simply the name of the leaf file) of the resource being passed as assigned by the user. (See <a href="http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebIntents/MIME_Types">WebIntents/MIME Types</a>)
-          </dd>
-          <dt>unsigned long? fileSize</dt>
-          <dd>
-            The size of the content of the media resource.
-          </dd>
-          <dt>Position? location</dt>
-          <dd>
-            The location information related to the content of the media resource. [[GEOLOCATION-API]] 
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString[]? tags</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The array of strings representing series of tag string.
+            The attribute specifies the creator of the media resource.
+            <p class="note">
+              The name of the attribute represents various contributors, e.g. creator, artist, actoress, etc., in the given media resouce. Hence, the name of the attribute can be changed based on the discussion.
-          <dt>MediaContent? thumbnail</dt>
+          <dt>DOMString? publisher</dt>
-            A dictionary containing a URI to the thumbnail of the content of the media resource. It optionally contains a Blob of the thumbnail of the content.
+            The attribute specifies the publisher of the media resource. The attribute can represent various contributors including media uploader, album artist, producer, etc.
-          <dt>Date? createdDate</dt>
+          <dt>DOMString? composer</dt>
-            <p>
-              The creation date of the media resource in Date type.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>Date? updatedDate</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The last updated date of the media resource in Date type.
+            The attribute specifies the composer of the media resource.
+            <p class="note">
+              The usage of the attribute in deployed web services is low (see <a href="#metadata-properties">Metadata properties table</a>.) However, the use case exists in audio applications. The retention of the attribue will be discussed in the group.
           <dt>DOMString? collection</dt>
-            <p>
-              The name of the collection or album that the media resource belongs to.
+            The attribute specifies the name of the collection that the media resource belongs to.
+            <p class="note">
+              The name of the attribute represents various sets of media resources, e.g. music album, photo album, video collection, etc. Hence, the name of the attribute can be changed based on the discussion.
+          <dt>DOMString? genre</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The attribute specifies the genre (category) of the content of the media resource.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>DOMString? copyright</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The attribute specifies the copyright statement associated with the media resource.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>DOMString? path</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The attribute specifies file path of the media resource in user's local storage. The value of the attribute can be an absolute file path or a name of the leaf file considering the use cases.
+            <p class="note">
+              Although, the original purpose of the attribute is to denote the file path of user's local storage, any additional URL information can be delivered in this attribute.
+            </p>
+          </dd>
+          <dt>float? size</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The attribute specifies the size of the content of the media resource.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>Position? location</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The attribute contains the location information related to the content of the media resource. [[GEOLOCATION-API]]
+          </dd>
+          <dt>DOMString[]? tags</dt>
+          <dd>
+              The attribute contains the array of strings representing series of tag string.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>MediaContent? thumbnail</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The dictionary contains the URI to the thumbnail of the content of the media resource. It optionally contains a Blob of the thumbnail of the content.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>Date? date</dt>
+          <dd>
+              The date Date object represents either the creation date or the last updated date of the media resource.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>Date? publishDate</dt>
+          <dd>
+              The publishDate Date object represents the publishing date of the media resource.
+          </dd>
           <dt>unsigned long? duration</dt>
-            <p>
-              The actual duration of the resource. The units are defined to be seconds.
+              The attribute specifies the actual duration of the resource in seconds. (e.g., a running time for a film, a length of a song, etc.)
+          </dd>
+          <dt>Resolution? resolution</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The dictionary specifies the width and height of the media resource in pixels. (e.g., the resolution of Full HD, 1080p, can be represented as: width = 1920 and height = 1080.)
+          </dd>
+          <dt>unsigned long? trackNumber</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The attribute specifies the track number of the media resource.
+            <p class="note">
+              The usage of the attribute is confined to audio type. (see <a href="#metadata-properties">Metadata properties table</a>.) However, the use case exists in audio applications. The retention of the attribue will be discussed in the group.
-          <dt>unsigned long? frameRate</dt>
+          <dt>DOMString? subtitle</dt>
-            <p>
-              The video frame rate. The units are defined to be frames per second.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString? language</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The language used in the media resource.
+            The attribute contains the subtitle used in the media resource.
+            <p class="note">
+              The usage of the attribute in deployed web services is low (see <a href="#metadata-properties">Metadata properties table</a>.) However, the use case exists in audio and video applications. The retention of the attribue will be discussed in the group.
           <dt>unsigned long? likeCount</dt>
-            <p>
-              The count of the vote in favour of the media resource.
-            </p>
+              The attribute specifies the count of the votes in favor of the media resource.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>unsigned long? viewCount</dt>
+          <dd>
+              The attribute specifies the access count made on the media resource.
           <dt>float? rating</dt>
-            <p>
-              The rating value (e.g., customer rating, review, audience appreciation) of the media resource.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>unsigned long? ratingCount</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The number of ratings made on the media resource.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString? resolution</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The frame size of the resource (e.g., width and height of 720 and 480 in px is represented as 720*480+px).
-            </p>
-            <p class="note">
-              If the usage of this property is frequent, a separate dictionary can be defined referring to frameSize property defined in [<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-mediaont-10-20120209/#core-property-lists">Ontology for Media Resources 1.0</a>]
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>unsigned long? samplingRate</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The audio sampling rate. The units are defined to be samples per second.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>Date? publishedDate</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The publishing date of the media resource in Date type.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>DOMString? publisher</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The publisher of the media resource.
-            </p>
-          </dd>
-          <dt>unsigned long? viewCount</dt>
-          <dd>
-            <p>
-              The access count made on the media resource.
-            </p>
+              The attribute specifies the rating value (e.g., customer rating, review, audience appreciation) of the media resource.
@@ -419,6 +418,26 @@
+      <section>
+        <h2>The <a>Resolution</a> dictionary</h2>
+        <p>
+          The <a>Resolution</a> dictionary describes a display resolution of 
+          the given media object. It is usually denoted as "width × height", with 
+          the units in pixels. For example, the HD resolution can be specified as "1280 × 720" meaning the width is 
+          1280 pixels and the height is 720 pixels.
+        </p>
+        <dl title='dictionary Resolution' class='idl'>
+          <dt>unsigned long width</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The width of the media object in pixels.
+          </dd>
+          <dt>unsigned long height</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The height of the media object in pixels.
+          </dd>
+        </dl>
+      </section>
         <h2>The <a>MediaError</a> dictionary</h2>
@@ -496,7 +515,6 @@
       var mediaObject = new Object();
       mediaObject.content = content;
       mediaObject.description = "The city view of Seoul";
-      mediaObject.id = ""; 
       mediaObject.title = "City of Seoul";
       mediaObject.type = "image/png";  // MIME type of the media content
       mediaObject.author = "J.";
@@ -516,5 +534,631 @@
+    <section class="informative appendix">
+      <h2>Metadata Properties</h2>
+      <p>
+      This section describes the critera of the metadata selection and shows 
+      the selected properties and excluded properties under ongoing discussion. 
+      The following table shows the usage of the metadata properties 
+      (see the <a>Media</a> dictionary) in several 
+      platforms and web services.
+      </p>
+      <table border="1" cellpadding="2">
+			  <tbody>
+			    <tr>
+			      <th>Property</th>
+			      <th>Media</th>
+			      <th>Windows</th>
+			      <th>iOS</th>
+			      <th>Ubuntu</th>
+			      <th>Tizen</th>
+			      <th>Android</th>
+			      <th>SoundCloud</th>
+			      <th>Billboard</th>
+			      <th>YouTube</th>
+			      <th>DailyMotion</th>
+			      <th>flickr</th>
+			      <th>google+</th>
+			      <th>Facebook</th>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="sub-th" colspan="14">Selected Property</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-content">content</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-title">title</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-description">description</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-type">type</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-author">author</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-publisher">publisher</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-composer">composer</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">A</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-collection">collection</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-genre">genre</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AV</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-copyright">copyright</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-path">path</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-size">size</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-location">location</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">VI</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-tags">tags</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-thumbnail">thumbnail</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">VI</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-date">date</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-publishDate">publishDate</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-duration">duartion</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AV</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-resolution">resolution</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">VI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-trackNumber">trackNumber</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">A</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-subtitle">subtitle</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AV</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-likeCount">likeCount</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-viewCount">viewCount</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="first-column"><a href="#widl-Media-rating">rating</a></td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="sub-th" colspan="14">Excluded Property</td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">id</td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">bitRate</td>
+			      <td class="centered">AV</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">audioCodec</td>
+			      <td class="centered">AV</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">videoCodec</td>
+			      <td class="centered">V</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">frameRate</td>
+			      <td class="centered">V</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">language</td>
+			      <td class="centered">AV</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">ratingCount</td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">samplingRate</td>
+			      <td class="centered">A</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">bitPerMinute</td>
+			      <td class="centered">A</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			    <tr>
+			      <td class="excluded-first-column">dislikeCount</td>
+			      <td class="centered">AVI</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered">o</td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			      <td class="centered"></td>
+			    </tr>
+			  </tbody>
+			</table>
+			<p>* A: Audio, V: Video, I: Image</p>
+			<section>
+        <h3>Property Selection Criteria</h3>
+        <ul>
+        	<li><b>Simplicity and Practicability</b>: the metadata dictionary should define the minimal 
+        		set of properties that are practically used in deployed plaforms and 
+        		services. Thanks to the prevailing cloud based media services, user 
+        		created media contents tend to be packed with related metadata more 
+        		than ever. Tags and location information are representative such properties. 
+        		While maintaining minimal set of attributes, the <a>Media</a> dictionary covers 
+        		wide use cases from as simple as media information display to virtual image gallery, 
+        		media player apps, and so on. 
+          </li><br>
+          <li>
+          	<b>Commonality</b>: as a great deal of metadata formats are defined and used across various communities, 
+          	it has to be considered that the attributes of the <a>Media</a> dictionary cover generic use cases.
+          	Hence, for the sake of property selection, the previous metadata survey work, quoted as the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-mediaont-10-20120209/#core-property-lists">core set</a>, 
+          	of Media Ontology WG has been refered to. The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-mediaont-10-20120209/#core-property-lists">core set</a> already considered quite a few metadata formats 
+          	including CableLabs 1.1, DIG35, Dublin Core, EBUCore, EXIF 2.2, ID3, IPTC, LOM 2.1, Media RSS, MPEG-7, 
+          	OGG, QuickTime, DMS-1, TTML, TV-Anytime, TXFeed, XMP and YouTube. The <a>Media</a> dictionary defintion 
+          	naturally falls in the subset of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-mediaont-10-20120209/#core-property-lists">core set</a> with a few additional attributes (tags, likeCount and viewCount) 
+          	to support web services.
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </section>
+      <section>
+        <h3>Excluded Properties</h3>
+        <p>
+          The following properties are excluded from the <a>Media</a> dictionary 
+          definition due to the lack of necessity in most of the applications 
+          and services. However, the retention of the properties can be considered 
+          upon any strong use cases under ongoing discussion in the group.
+        </p>
+        <ul>
+          <li>id</li>
+          <li>bitRate</li>
+          <li>audioCodec</li>
+          <li>videoCodec</li>
+          <li>frameRate</li>
+          <li>language</li>
+          <li>ratingCount</li>
+          <li>samplingRate</li>
+          <li>bitPerMinute</li>
+          <li>dislikeCount</li>
+        </ul>
+      </section>
+    </section>
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Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 04:27:28 UTC