dap commit: FPWD

changeset:   182:595192a920a0
tag:         tip
user:        Robin Berjon <robin@berjon.com>
date:        Fri Aug 03 15:44:17 2012 +0200
files:       discovery-api/FPWD.html discovery-api/Overview.src.html

diff -r a66764a2345e -r 595192a920a0 discovery-api/FPWD.html
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/discovery-api/FPWD.html	Fri Aug 03 15:44:17 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1963 @@
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+       * SyntaxHighlighter
+       * http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter
+       *
+       * SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate.
+       * http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/donate.html
+       *
+       * @version
+       * 3.0.83 (July 02 2010)
+       *
+       * @copyright
+       * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev.
+       *
+       * @license
+       * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+       */
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+      /**
+       * SyntaxHighlighter
+       * http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter
+       *
+       * SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate.
+       * http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/donate.html
+       *
+       * @version
+       * 3.0.83 (July 02 2010)
+       *
+       * @copyright
+       * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev.
+       *
+       * @license
+       * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+       */
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+  <style>/*****************************************************************
+ * ReSpec 3 CSS
+ * Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/
+ *****************************************************************/
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+  <body><div class="head">
+  <p>
+      <a href="http://www.w3.org/"><img src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home" alt="W3C" height="48" width="72"></a>
+  </p>
+  <h1 class="title" id="title">Networked Service Discovery and Messaging</h1>
+  <h2 id="w3c-working-draft-07-august-2012"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Working Draft 07 August 2012</h2>
+  <dl>
+      <dt>This version:</dt>
+      <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-discovery-20120807/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-discovery-20120807/</a></dd>
+      <dt>Latest published version:</dt>
+      <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/discovery/">http://www.w3.org/TR/discovery/</a></dd>
+      <dt>Latest editor's draft:</dt>
+      <dd><a href="http://w3c-test.org/dap/discovery-api/">http://w3c-test.org/dap/discovery-api/</a></dd>
+    <dt>Editors:</dt>
+    <dd><span>Rich Tibbett</span>, <a href="http://opera.com/">Opera Software ASA</a></dd>
+<dd><span>Clarke Stevens</span>, <a href="http://cablelabs.com/">CableLabs</a></dd>
+  </dl>
+      <p class="copyright">
+        <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Copyright">Copyright</a> © 
+        2012
+        <a href="http://www.w3.org/"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup> 
+        (<a href="http://www.csail.mit.edu/"><abbr title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr></a>,
+        <a href="http://www.ercim.eu/"><abbr title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</abbr></a>,
+        <a href="http://www.keio.ac.jp/">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved.
+        <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Legal_Disclaimer">liability</a>,
+        <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#W3C_Trademarks">trademark</a> and
+        <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents">document use</a> rules apply.
+      </p>
+  <hr>
+    <section class="introductory" id="abstract"><h2>Abstract</h2>
+      <p>
+        This specification defines a mechanism for an HTML document to discover and subsequently communicate with <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym>-based services
+        advertised via common discovery protocols within a user's network.
+      </p>
+    </section><section id="sotd" class="introductory"><h2>Status of This Document</h2>
+        <p>
+          <em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other
+          documents may supersede this document. A list of current <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> publications and the latest revision
+          of this technical report can be found in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> technical reports
+          index</a> at http://www.w3.org/TR/.</em>
+        </p>
+      <p>
+        This document represents the early consensus of the group on the scope and features of the proposed
+        <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym>.
+      </p>
+        <p>
+          This document was published by the <a href="http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/">Device APIs and Policy Working Group</a> as a First Public Working Draft.
+            This document is intended to become a <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Recommendation.
+          If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to 
+          <a href="mailto:public-device-apis@w3.org">public-device-apis@w3.org</a> 
+          (<a href="mailto:public-device-apis-request@w3.org?subject=subscribe">subscribe</a>,
+          <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/">archives</a>).
+          All feedback is welcome.
+        </p>
+          <p>
+            Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Membership.
+            This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at 
+            any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
+          </p>
+        <p>
+            This document was produced by a group operating under the 
+            <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">5 February 2004 <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Patent Policy</a>.
+              <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> maintains a <a href="http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/43696/status" rel="disclosure">public list of any patent disclosures</a> 
+            made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for 
+            disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains
+            <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#def-essential">Essential Claim(s)</a> must disclose the
+            information in accordance with <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-Disclosure">section
+            6 of the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Patent Policy</a>.
+        </p>
+</section><section id="toc"><h2 class="introductory">Table of Contents</h2><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#introduction"><span class="secno">1. </span>Introduction</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#conformance"><span class="secno">2. </span>Conformance</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#dependencies"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Dependencies</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#terminology"><span class="secno">3. </span>Terminology</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#requesting-networked-services"><span class="secno">4. </span>Requesting networked services</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#methods"><span class="secno">4.1 </span>Methods</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#error-handling"><span class="secno">4.2 </span>Error Handling</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#obtaining-networked-services"><span clss="secno">5. </span>Obtaining networked services</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#attributes"><span class="secno">5.1 </span>Attributes</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#methods-1"><span class="secno">5.2 </span>Methods</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#events"><span class="secno">5.3 </span>Events</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#communicating-with-a-networked-service"><span class="secno">6. </span>Communicating with a networked service</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#attributes-1"><span class="secno">6.1 </span>Attributes</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#states"><span class="secno">6.2 </span>States</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#events-1"><span class="secno">6.3 </span>Events</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#service-discovery"><span class="secno">7. </span>Service Discovery</a><ul class="toc"><liclass="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#zeroconf-mdns-dns-sd"><span class="secno">7.1 </span>Zeroconf (<acronym title="Multicast DNS">mDNS</acronym> + <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym>-<acronym title="Service Discovery">SD</acronym>)</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#universal-plug-and-play-upnp"><span class="secno">7.2 </span>Universal Plug-and-Play (<acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym>)</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#network-topology-monitoring"><span class="secno">7.3 </span>Network Topology Monitoring</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#garbage-collection"><span class="secno">8. </span>Garbage collection</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#use-cases-and-requirements"><span class="secno">9. </span>Use Cases and Requirements</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#examples"><span class="secno">A. </span>Examples</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#acnowledgements"><span class="secno">B. </span>Acknowledgements</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#references"><span class="secno">C. </span>References</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#normative-references"><span class="secno">C.1 </span>Normative references</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#informative-references"><span class="secno">C.2 </span>Informative references</a></li></ul></li></ul></section>
+    <section id="introduction" class="informative">
+      <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">1. </span>Introduction</h2><p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p>
+      <p>To enable Web pages to connect and communicate with Local-networked Services provided over <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym>, this specification introduces the
+      <a href="#navigatornetworkservice"><code>NavigatorNetworkService</code></a> interface.</p>
+      <p>
+         Using this <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym> consists of requesting a well-known service type, known by developers and advertised by Local-networked Devices. User authorization, where the user connects the web page to one or more discovered services,
+         is expected before the web page is able to interact with any Local-networked Services.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         A web page creates a request to obtain connectivity to services running in the network by specifying a well-known discovery service type that it wishes to interact with.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         The user agent, having captured all advertised services on the network from the Service Discovery mechanisms included in this recommendation, attempts to match
+      the requested service type to a discovered service according to the processing described herein.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+          If a service connectivity request is successful then the Web page is provided with the necessary information to communicate with the authorized Local-networked Service.
+          If the request fails then the Web page will receive an error callback containing an error code describing the cause of Local-networked Service connectivity failure.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         Once connected to a Local-networked Service the Web page can send requests and receive responses to the Local-networked Service via the messaging format and appropriate channel inferred from the service type
+         authorized via the provided <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym>.
+         The Web page, once connected, can also receive service-pushed events, in the messaging format supported by the Local-networked Device, if such event subscription functionality is provided by the
+         connected Local-networked Service.
+      </p>
+      <div class="example">
+       <p>Example of requesting a <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym>-<acronym title="Service Discovery">SD</acronym> advertised service:</p>
+       <hr>
+       <div><div id="highlighter_298302" class="syntaxhighlighter nogutter  js"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="code"><div class="container"><div class="line number1 index0 alt2"><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">showServices( services ) {</code></div><div class="line number2 index1 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// Show a list of all the services provided to the web page</code></div><div class="line number3 index2 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">for</code><code class="js plain">(</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">i = 0, l = services.length; i &lt; l; i++) console.log( services[i].name );</code></div><div class="line number4 index3 alt1"><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number5 index4 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number6 index5 alt1"><code class="js plain">navigator.getNetworkServices(</code><cod class="js string">'zeroconf:_boxee-jsonrpc._tcp'</code><code class="js plain">, showServices);</code></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="example">
+        <p>Example of requesting a <acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym> advertised service, also handling error conditions:</p>
+        <hr>
+        <div><div id="highlighter_130265" class="syntaxhighlighter nogutter  js"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="code"><div class="container"><div class="line number1 index0 alt2"><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">showServices( services ) {</code></div><div class="line number2 index1 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// Show a list of all the services provided to the web page</code></div><div class="line number3 index2 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">for</code><code class="js plain">(</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">i = 0, l = services.length; i &lt; l; i++) console.log( services[i].name );</code></div><div class="line number4 index3 alt1"><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number5 index4 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number6 index5 alt1"><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain>error( e ) {</code></div><div class="line number7 index6 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">console.log( </code><code class="js string">"Error occurred: "</code> <code class="js plain">+ e.code );</code></div><div class="line number8 index7 alt1"><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number9 index8 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number10 index9 alt1"><code class="js plain">navigator.getNetworkServices(</code><code class="js string">'upnp:urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1'</code><code class="js plain">, showServices, error);</code></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="example">
+        <p>Example of requesting either a <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym>-<acronym title="Service Discovery">SD</acronym> or <acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym> advertised service:</p>
+        <hr>
+        <div><div id="highlighter_213183" class="syntaxhighlighter nogutter  js"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="code"><div class="container"><div class="line number1 index0 alt2"><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">showServices( services ) {</code></div><div class="line number2 index1 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// Show a list of all the services provided to the web page (+ service type)</code></div><div class="line number3 index2 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">for</code><code class="js plain">(</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">i = 0, l = services.length; i &lt; l; i++)</code></div><div class="line number4 index3 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">console.log( services[i].name + </code><code class="js string">'('</code> <code class="js plain">+ services[i].type + <code><code class="js string">')'</code> <code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number5 index4 alt2"><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number6 index5 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number7 index6 alt2"><code class="js plain">navigator.getNetworkServices([</code></div><div class="line number8 index7 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'zeroconf:_boxee-jsonrpc._tcp'</code><code class="js plain">,</code></div><div class="line number9 index8 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'upnp:urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1'</code></div><div class="line number10 index9 alt1"><code class="js plain">], showServices);</code></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
+      </div>
+      <p>For more detailed examples see the <a href="#examples">Examples</a> section.
+    </p></section>
+    <section id="conformance"><!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">2. </span>Conformance</h2>
+  As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples,
+  and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is
+  normative.
+  The key words <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em>, <em title="must not" class="rfc2119">must not</em>, <em title="required" class="rfc2119">required</em>, <em title="should" class="rfc2119">should</em>, <em title="should not" class="rfc2119">should not</em>, <em title="recommended" class="rfc2119">recommended</em>, <em title="may" class="rfc2119">may</em>,
+  and <em title="optional" class="rfc2119">optional</em> in this specification are to be interpreted as described in [<cite><a href="#bib-RFC2119" class="bibref">RFC2119</a></cite>].
+     <p>Requirements phrased in the imperative as part of algorithms (such as "strip any leading space characters" or "return false and abort these steps") are to be interpreted with the
+     meaning of the key word ("must", "should", "may", etc) used in introducing the algorithm.</p>
+     <p>
+      Some conformance requirements are phrased as requirements on attributes, methods or objects. Such requirements are to be interpreted as requirements on user agents.
+     </p>
+     <p>
+      Conformance requirements phrased as algorithms or specific steps may be implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. (In particular, the algorithms defined in
+      this specification are intended to be easy to follow, and not intended to be performant.)
+     </p>
+     <p>
+      The only conformance class defined by this specification is a <dfn id="dfn-user-agent">user agent</dfn>.
+     </p>
+     <p>
+      User agents may impose implementation-specific limits on otherwise unconstrained inputs, e.g. to prevent denial of service attacks, to guard against running out of memory, or to work
+      around platform-specific limitations.
+     </p>
+     <p>
+      When support for a feature is disabled (e.g. as an emergency measure to mitigate a security problem, or to aid in development, or for performance reasons), user agents must act as if
+      they had no support for the feature whatsoever, and as if the feature was not mentioned in this specification. For example, if a particular feature is accessed via an attribute in a Web
+      IDL interface, the attribute itself would be omitted from the objects that implement that interface - leaving the attribute on the object but making it return null or throw an exception
+      is insufficient.
+     </p>
+      <section id="dependencies">
+         <h3><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Dependencies</h3>
+         This specification relies on several other underlying specifications.
+         <dl>
+            <dt>HTML</dt>
+            <dd>Many fundamental concepts from HTML are used by this specification. [<cite><a href="#bib-HTML5" class="bibref">HTML5</a></cite>]</dd>
+            <dt>WebIDL</dt>
+            <dd>The IDL blocks in this specification use the semantics of the WebIDL specification. [<cite><a href="#bib-WEBIDL" class="bibref">WEBIDL</a></cite>]</dd>
+         </dl>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section id="terminology">
+      <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">3. </span>Terminology</h2>
+      <p>
+         The construction "a <code>Foo</code> object", where <code>Foo</code> is actually an interface, is sometimes used instead of the more accurate "an object implementing the interface <code>Foo</code>".
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         The term DOM is used to refer to the <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym> set made available to scripts in Web applications, and does not necessarily imply the existence of an actual <code>Document</code> object or of any
+         other <code>Node</code> objects as defined in the DOM Core specifications. [<cite><a href="#bib-DOM4" class="bibref">DOM4</a></cite>]
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         An IDL attribute is said to be <em>getting</em> when its value is being retrieved (e.g. by author script), and is said to be <em>setting</em> when a new value is assigned to it.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        A <dfn id="dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</dfn> is a string that begins with <code>upnp:</code> or <code>zeroconf:</code> followed by one or more characters in the ranges U+0021, U+0023 to U+0027, U+002A to U+002B, U+002D to U+002E, U+0030 to U+0039, U+0041 to U+005A, U+005E to U+007E.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        A <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> provided in the <code>type</code> attribute of the <code>getNetworkServices()</code> method will be matched against the services currently contained in the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a> according to the algorithms defined in this specification.
+      </p>
+    </section>
+    <section id="requesting-networked-services">
+     <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">4. </span>Requesting networked services</h2>
+<pre class="widl">[Supplemental, NoInterfaceObject]
+interface <dfn id="navigatornetworkservice">NavigatorNetworkService</dfn> {
+  // Obtain a Local-networked Service
+  void <a href="#dom-navigator-getnetworkservices">getNetworkServices</a>( in any type,
+                           in <a href="#navigatornetworkservicesuccesscallback">NavigatorNetworkServiceSuccessCallback</a> successCallback,
+                           in optional <a href="#navigatornetworkserviceerrorcallback">NavigatorNetworkServiceErrorCallback</a> errorCallback );
+<a class="externalDFN" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/timers.html#navigator">Navigator</a> implements <a href="#navigatornetworkservice">NavigatorNetworkService</a>;
+[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
+interface <dfn id="navigatornetworkservicesuccesscallback">NavigatorNetworkServiceSuccessCallback</dfn> {
+  void handleEvent( in <a href="#networkservices">NetworkServices</a> services );
+interface <dfn id="navigatornetworkserviceerror">NavigatorNetworkServiceError</dfn> {
+  const unsigned short <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-permission_denied">PERMISSION_DENIED_ERR</a> = 1;
+  const unsigned short <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-unknown_type_prefix">UNKNOWN_TYPE_PREFIX_ERR</a> = 2;
+  readonly attribute unsigned short <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code">code</a>;
+[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
+interface <dfn id="navigatornetworkserviceerrorcallback">NavigatorNetworkServiceErrorCallback</dfn> {
+  void handleEvent( in <a href="#navigatornetworkserviceerror">NavigatorNetworkServiceError</a> error );
+  <section id="methods">
+   <h3><span class="secno">4.1 </span>Methods</h3>
+      <dl class="domintro">
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">window</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-navigator">
+            <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/timers.html#navigator">navigator</a>
+          </code>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-navigator-getNetworkServices">
+            <a href="#dom-navigator-getnetworkservices">getNetworkServices</a>
+          </code>
+          (
+          <var title="">type</var>
+          ,
+          <var title="">successCallback</var>
+           [,
+          <var title="">errorCallback</var>
+           ] )
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Prompts the user to select one or more discovered network services that have advertised support for the requested service type.</p>
+          <p>
+            The
+            <var title="">type</var>
+             argument contains one or more <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> tokens that the web page would like to interact with.
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            If the user accepts, the
+            <var title="">successCallback</var>
+             is
+          invoked, with one or more
+            <code>
+              <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a>
+            </code>
+             objects as
+          its argument.
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            If the user declines, the
+            <var title="">errorCallback</var>
+             (if
+          any) is invoked.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+       <div>
+          <p>
+            When the <dfn id="dom-navigator-getnetworkservices" title="dom-navigator-getnetworkservices"><code>getNetworkServices(type, successCallback[, errorCallback])</code></dfn> method is called, the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> run the following steps:
+          </p>
+          <ol class="rule">
+            <li>
+               If <var>successCallback</var> is empty or is not an object of type <code>Function</code> then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> abort these steps.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              Let <var>requested control types</var> be initially set to an empty array.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If <var>type</var> is an array consisting of one or more <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> tokens, then let <var>requested control types</var> by the value of <var>type</var>, removing any non-<a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> tokens from the resulting array.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If <var>type</var> is a string consisting of one <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> token, then let <var>requested control types</var> be an array containing one item with a value of <var>type</var>.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If <var>requested control types</var> is an array that contains at least one or more <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type" title="valid service type">valid service type</a> tokens then continue to the step labeled <em>process</em> below. Otherwise, the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" class="externalDFN">queue a task</a> to invoke <var>errorCallback</var>, if it is provided and is an object of type <code>Function</code>, with a new <a href="#navigatornetworkserviceerror"><code>NavigatorNetworkServiceError</code></a> object whose
+                 <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code"><code>code</code></a> attribute has the numeric value 2
+                  (<a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-unknown_type_prefix"><code>UNKNOWN_TYPE_PREFIX_ERR</code></a>) as its argument,
+                   abort any remaining steps and return.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               <em>Process</em>: Let <var>services found</var> be an empty array.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               For each <var>available service</var> in the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a> run the following steps:
+               <ol class="rule">
+                  <li>
+                    For each <var>requested control type</var> in <var>requested control types</var>: If <var>available service</var>'s <code>type</code> attribute equals the <var>requested control type</var> then let <var>matched service</var> equal the value of <var>available service</var> and continue at the step labeled <var>attach</var> below.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Continue at the next <var>available service</var>.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     <em>Attach</em>: If <var>matched service</var> is not empty then run the following steps:
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                        <li>
+                           Let <var>new service object</var> be a new <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object, mapping the parameters of
+                     <var>matched service</var> to this new object where possible.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           Append <var>new service object</var> to the <var>services found</var> array.
+                        </li>
+                     </ol>
+                  </li>
+               </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If <var>services found</var> is an empty array, then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" class="externalDFN">queue a task</a> to invoke <var>errorCallback</var>, if it is provided and is an object of type <code>Function</code>, with a new <a href="#navigatornetworkserviceerror"><code>NavigatorNetworkServiceError</code></a> object whose
+                 <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code"><code>code</code></a> attribute has the numeric value 1
+                 (<a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-permission_denied"><code>PERMISSION_DENIED_ERR</code></a>) as its argument, abort any remaining steps and return.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Return, and run the remaining steps asynchronously.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Optionally, e.g. based on a previously-established user preference, for security reasons, or due to platform limitations, the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="may" class="rfc2119">may</em> <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" class="externalDFN">queue a task</a> to invoke <var>errorCallback</var>, if it is provided and is an object of type <code>Function</code>, with a new <a href="#navigatornetworkserviceerror"><code>NavigatorNetworkServiceError</code></a> object whose
+                 <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code"><code>code</code></a> attribute has the numeric value 1
+                 (<a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-permission_denied"><code>PERMISSION_DENIED_ERR</code></a>) as its argument, abort any remaining steps and return.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                  The <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> prompt the user in a user-agent-specific manner for permission to provide the
+                  <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/browsers.html#entry-script" class="externalDFN">entry script</a>'s
+                  <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/origin-0.html#origin" class="externalDFN">origin</a> with an array of
+                  <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> objects representing the user-authorized subset of <var>services found</var>.
+               <p>
+                  If the user grants permission to access one or more networked services then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="should" class="rfc2119">should</em> include an
+                  "ongoing local-network communication" indicator.
+               </p>
+               <p>If the user denies permission, then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" class="externalDFN">queue a task</a> to invoke <var>errorCallback</var>, if it is provided and is an object of type <code>Function</code>, with a new <a href="#navigatornetworkserviceerror"><code>NavigatorNetworkServiceError</code></a> object whose
+                <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code"><code>code</code></a> attribute has the numeric value 1
+                (<a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-permission_denied"><code>PERMISSION_DENIED_ERR</code></a>) as its argument, abort any remaining steps and return.
+              </p>
+              <p>
+                If the user never responds, this algorithm stalls on this step.
+              </p>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Let <var>services</var> be the array of one or more <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> objects for which the user granted permission.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               For each Object <var>service</var> in <var>services</var>, run the following substeps:
+               <ol class="rule">
+                  <li>
+                     Add the <var>service</var>'s <code>url</code> parameter to the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist">entry script origin's <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> whitelist</a>.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    If <var>service</var> was originally created from a <acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym> discovery process and the <var>service</var>'s <code>eventsUrl</code> parameter is not empty then <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-setup-a-upnp-events-subscription">setup a <acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym> Events Subscription</a> for <var>service</var>.
+                  </li>
+               </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Let <var>services manager</var> be a new <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> object.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Set <var>services manager</var>'s <code>servicesAvailable</code> attribute to the length of <var>services</var>.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              Store the set of <var>services</var> as <dfn id="current_authorized_services">current authorized services</dfn> internally against the newly created <var>services manager</var> object.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               The <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" class="externalDFN">queue a task</a> to invoke <var>successCallback</var> with
+               <var>services manager</var> as its argument.
+            </li>
+          </ol>
+          <p>
+            The <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#task-source" class="externalDFN">task source</a> for these
+            <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#concept-task" class="externalDFN">tasks</a> is the
+            <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#user-interaction-task-source" class="externalDFN">user interaction task source</a>.
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            When a <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object is provided to a Web page, the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> add the <code>url</code> property
+             to the <dfn id="dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist">entry script origin's <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> whitelist</dfn>. This list enables the
+            Web page to override and initiate cross-site resource requests towards these URLs, and any sub-resources of these URLs, within the current
+            <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/browsers.html#entry-script" class="externalDFN">entry script</a>'s
+            <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/origin-0.html#origin" class="externalDFN">origin</a> via various existing mechanisms (e.g. Web Sockets, Server-Sent Events,
+            Web Messaging, XMLHttpRequest).
+         </p>
+         <p>
+            If the user navigates away from the current browsing context, the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> remove all previously whitelisted urls from the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist">entry script origin's <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> whitelist</a>.
+            There is no persistence to network service selections provided to a web page. It is not possible to access a previously white-listed networked service without the necessary user authorization in all of the following cases:
+            </p><ul>
+              <li>If the current script is reloaded at any point in the same or different window.</li>
+              <li>if the current script reinvokes the <a href="#dom-navigator-getnetworkservices"><code>getNetworkServices()</code></a> method at any point in its execution.</li>
+              <li>If the user navigates forward or back in their history to reload the current page.</li>
+              <li>If a script is running in a different origin.</li>
+            </ul>
+         <p></p>
+      </div>
+      </section>
+      <section id="error-handling">
+         <h3><span class="secno">4.2 </span>Error Handling</h3>
+      <dl class="domintro">
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">error</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-NavigatorNetworkServiceError-code">
+            <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code">code</a>
+          </code>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            Returns the current error's error code. At the current time, this may be <code>1</code> or <code>2</code>, for which the
+            corresponding error constants
+            <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-permission_denied"><code>PERMISSION_DENIED_ERR</code></a> and
+            <a href="#dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-unknown_type_prefix"><code>UNKNOWN_TYPE_PREFIX_ERR</code></a> are defined.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+         <p>
+            The <dfn id="dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code" title="dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-code"><code>code</code></dfn> attribute of a
+            <a href="#navigatornetworkserviceerror"><code>NavigatorNetworkServiceError</code></a> object <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> return the code for the error, which will be one of the following:
+         </p>
+         <dl>
+            <dt>
+               <dfn id="dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-permission_denied" title="dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-permission_denied"><code>PERMISSION_DENIED_ERR</code></dfn> (numeric value 1)
+            </dt>
+            <dd>
+               The user denied the page permission to access any services.
+            </dd>
+            <dt>
+               <dfn id="dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-unknown_type_prefix" title="dom-navigatornetworkserviceerror-unknown_type_prefix"><code>UNKNOWN_TYPE_PREFIX_ERR</code></dfn> (numeric value 2)
+            </dt>
+            <dd>
+               No <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> tokens were provided in the method invocation.
+            </dd>
+         </dl>
+      </section>
+      </section>
+      <section id="obtaining-networked-services">
+      <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">5. </span>Obtaining networked services</h2>
+      <p>
+         The <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> interface is the top-level response object from a call to <a href="#dom-navigator-getnetworkservices"><code>getNetworkServices()</code></a> and provides access to a set of user-authorized <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> objects for the given request.
+      </p>
+<pre class="widl">[NoInterfaceObject]
+interface <dfn id="networkservices">NetworkServices</dfn> {
+  readonly attribute unsigned long    <a href="#dom-networkservices-length">length</a>;
+  getter <a href="#networkservice">NetworkService</a> (unsigned long index);
+  <a href="#networkservice">NetworkService</a>? <a href="#dom-networkservices-getservicebyid">getServiceById</a>(DOMString id);
+  readonly attribute unsigned long    <a href="#dom-networkservices-servicesavailable">servicesAvailable</a>;
+  // event handler attributes
+           attribute <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#eventhandler" class="externalDFN">EventHandler</a>     <a href="#dom-networkservices-onserviceavailable">onserviceavailable</a>;
+           attribute <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#eventhandler" class="externalDFN">EventHandler</a>     <a href="#dom-networkservices-onserviceunavailable">onserviceunavailable</a>;
+<a href="#networkservices">NetworkServices</a> implements <a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#interface-eventtarget" class="externalDFN">EventTarget</a>;
+      <section id="attributes">
+      <h3><span class="secno">5.1 </span>Attributes</h3>
+        <dl class="domintro">
+          <dt>
+            <code title="dom-networkservices-length">
+              <a href="#dom-networkservices-length">length</a>
+            </code>
+          </dt>
+          <dd>
+            <p>
+              Returns the current number of services in the respective object's <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a>.
+            </p>
+          </dd>
+          <dt>
+            <code title="dom-networkservices-servicesavailable">
+              <a href="#dom-networkservices-servicesavailable">servicesAvailable</a>
+            </code>
+          </dt>
+          <dd>
+            <p>
+              Returns the current number of services matching one of the app-requested <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> tokens that are actively available within the user's current network.
+            </p>
+          </dd>
+        </dl>
+        <div>
+           <p>
+              The <dfn id="dom-networkservices-length"><code>length</code></dfn> attribute <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> return the number of services represented in the object's corresponding <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a> list at the time of getting.
+           </p>
+           <p>
+              The <dfn id="dom-networkservices-servicesavailable"><code>servicesAvailable</code></dfn> attribute <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> return the number of services available in the
+              user's network that match the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> that was initially used to create the current <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> object.
+              By default, <a href="#dom-networkservices-servicesavailable"><code>servicesAvailable</code></a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> be set to <code>1</code>.
+           </p>
+           <p>
+             When a previously unknown instance of a networked service matching one or the requested <a href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service types</a> becomes available on the user's current network, the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> fire a new simple
+             event at the <a href="#dom-networkservices-onserviceavailable"><code>onserviceavailable</code></a> event handler.
+           </p>
+           <p>
+             When a previously known instance of a networked service matching one or the requested <a href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service types</a> becomes unavailable on the user's current network, the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> fire a new simple
+             event at the <a href="#dom-networkservices-onserviceunavailable"><code>onserviceunavailable</code></a> event handler.
+           </p>
+        </div>
+      </section>
+      <section id="methods-1">
+      <h3><span class="secno">5.2 </span>Methods</h3>
+        <dl class="domintro">
+        <dt>
+          <code title="networkservices-getter">
+            <a href="#networkservices">services</a>
+          </code>
+          [
+          <var title="">index</var>
+          ]
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            Returns the specified <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt>
+          <code title="networkservices-getter">
+            <a href="#networkservices">services</a>
+          </code>
+          .
+          <code title="dom-networkservices-getservicebyid">
+            <a href="#dom-networkservices-getservicebyid">getServiceById</a>
+          </code>
+          (
+          <var title="">id</var>
+          )
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            Returns the <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object with the given identifier, or null if no
+            service has that identifier.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+      <p>
+        A <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> object represents the current list of zero or more <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a>, of which zero or more can be available at a time. Each item in <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a> is represented by a <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object.
+      </p>
+      <div class="note"><div class="note-title"><span>Note</span></div><p class="">
+        Each service in a <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> object thus has an index; the first has the index 0, and each subsequent service is numbered one higher than the previous one. If the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> dynamically adds or removes network services for any reason, then the indices of the services in <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a> will change dynamically. If the set of network services changes entirely, then all the previous services will be removed from <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a> and replaced with new services.
+      </p></div>
+      <p>
+        The <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/infrastructure.html#supported-property-indices" class="externalDFN">supported property indices</a> of <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> objects at any instant are the numbers from zero to the number of items in <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a> represented by the respective object minus one, if any services are represented in <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a>. If a <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> object represents no <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a>, it has no <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/infrastructure.html#supported-property-indices" class="externalDFN">supported property indices</a>.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        To <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/infrastructure.html#determine-the-value-of-an-indexed-property" class="externalDFN">determine the value of an indexed property</a> for a given index <var>index</var> in a <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> object's <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a>, the user agent <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> return the <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object that represents the <var>index</var>th service in <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a>.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        The <dfn id="dom-networkservices-getservicebyid"><code>getServiceById(id)</code></dfn> method <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> return the first <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object in <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a> represented by the respective object whose <a href="#dom-networkservice-id"><code>id</code></a> attribute is equal to the value of the <var>id</var> argument.
+        When no services in <a class="internalDFN" href="#current_authorized_services">current authorized services</a> match the given argument, the method <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> return null.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         Services available within the local network can connect and disconnect at different times during the execution of a web page. A <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> can
+         inform a web page when the state of networked services matching the requested <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> change. Web pages can use this information to enable in-page experiences for communicating the state of networked services
+         with the ability to change the particular service or set of services the page is connected to by re-invoking the <a href="#dom-navigator-getnetworkservices"><code>getNetworkServices()</code></a> method.
+      </p>
+      </section>
+      <section id="events">
+      <h3><span class="secno">5.3 </span>Events</h3>
+      <p>
+         The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> interface:
+       </p>
+       <table border="1">
+        <thead>
+          <tr>
+            <th>
+              <span title="event handlers">Event handler</span>
+            </th>
+            <th>
+              <span>Event handler event type</span>
+            </th>
+          </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <dfn id="dom-networkservices-onserviceavailable" title="dom-NetworkServices-onserviceavailable">
+                <code>onserviceavailable</code>
+              </dfn>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <code title="event-serviceavailable">serviceavailable</code>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <dfn id="dom-networkservices-onserviceunavailable" title="dom-NetworkServices-onserviceunavailable">
+                <code>onserviceunavailable</code>
+              </dfn>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <code title="event-serviceunavailable">serviceunavailable</code>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p>
+         Events with an event type of <code>serviceavailable</code> or <code>serviceunavailable</code> defined in this specification are simple <code>Event</code> objects.
+      </p>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section id="communicating-with-a-networked-service">
+    <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">6. </span>Communicating with a networked service</h2>
+   The <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> interface is used to provide a set of connection information for an <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> service endpoint and if available, service events, running on a networked device.
+<pre class="widl">[NoInterfaceObject]
+interface <dfn id="networkservice">NetworkService</dfn> {
+  readonly attribute DOMString        <a href="#dom-networkservice-id">id</a>;
+  readonly attribute DOMString        <a href="#dom-networkservice-name">name</a>;
+  readonly attribute DOMString        <a href="#dom-networkservice-type">type</a>;
+  readonly attribute DOMString        <a href="#dom-networkservice-url">url</a>;
+  readonly attribute DOMString        <a href="#dom-networkservice-config">config</a>;
+  const unsigned short <a href="#dom-networkservice-AVAILABLE">AVAILABLE</a>      = 1;
+  const unsigned short <a href="#dom-networkservice-UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a>    = 2;
+  readonly attribute unsigned short   <a href="#dom-networkservice-readystate">readyState</a>;
+  // event handler attributes
+           attribute <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#eventhandler" class="externalDFN">EventHandler</a>     <a href="#dom-networkservice-onreadystatechange">onreadystatechange</a>;
+           attribute <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#eventhandler" class="externalDFN">EventHandler</a>     <a href="#dom-networkservice-onmessage">onmessage</a>;
+<a href="#networkservice">NetworkService</a> implements <a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#interface-eventtarget" class="externalDFN">EventTarget</a>;
+<section id="attributes-1">
+  <h3><span class="secno">6.1 </span>Attributes</h3>
+      <dl class="domintro">
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">service</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-networkservice-id">
+            <a href="#dom-networkservice-id">id</a>
+          </code>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            A unique identifier for the given user-selected service instance.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">service</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-networkservice-name">
+            <a href="#dom-networkservice-name">name</a>
+          </code>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            The name of the user-selected service.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">service</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-networkservice-type">
+            <a href="#dom-networkservice-type">type</a>
+          </code>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            The <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> token value of the user-selected service.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">service</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-networkservice-url">
+            <a href="#dom-networkservice-url">url</a>
+          </code>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            The control <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> endpoint (including any required port information) of the user-selected control service that has been added to the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist">entry script origin's <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> whitelist</a>.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">service</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-networkservice-config">
+            <a href="#dom-networkservice-config">config</a>
+          </code>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            The configuration information associated with the service depending on the requested service type.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+          <p>
+            The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-id"><code>id</code></dfn> attribute is a unique identifier for the service. Two services provided at different times or on different objects <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> have the same <a href="#dom-networkservice-id"><code>id</code></a> value.
+         </p>
+         <p>
+            The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-name"><code>name</code></dfn> attribute represents a human-readable title for the service.
+         </p>
+         <p>
+             The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-type"><code>type</code></dfn> attribute reflects the value of the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-valid-service-type">valid service type</a> of the service.
+          </p>
+         <p>
+            The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-url"><code>url</code></dfn> attribute is an <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/urls.html#absolute-url" class="externalDFN">absolute <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym></a> pointing to the root <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym>
+            endpoint for the service that has been added to the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist">entry script origin's <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> whitelist</a>. Web pages can subsequently use this value for implicit cross-document messaging via various existing mechanisms (e.g. Web Sockets, Server-Sent Events, Web Messaging, XMLHttpRequest).
+         </p>
+         <p>
+            The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-config"><code>config</code></dfn> attribute provides the raw configuration information extracted from the given network service.
+         </p>
+      </section>
+      <section id="states">
+         <h3><span class="secno">6.2 </span>States</h3>
+      <dl class="domintro">
+        <dt>
+          <var title="">service</var>
+           .
+          <code title="dom-networkservice-readystate">
+            <a href="#dom-networkservice-readystate">readyState</a>
+          </code>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>
+            Returns the current state.
+          </p>
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+         A <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object can be in several states. The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-readystate"><code>readyState</code></dfn> attribute <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> return the current state of the networked service,
+         which <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> be one of the following values:
+         <dl>
+           <dt>
+             <dfn id="dom-networkservice-AVAILABLE" title="dom-networkservice-AVAILABLE">
+               <code>AVAILABLE</code>
+             </dfn>
+              (numeric value
+             1)
+           </dt>
+           <dd>
+             <p>The object is connected to its service endpoint.
+            </p>
+           </dd>
+           <dt>
+             <dfn id="dom-networkservice-UNAVAILABLE" title="dom-networkservice-UNAVAILABLE">
+               <code>UNAVAILABLE</code>
+             </dfn>
+              (numeric value
+             2)
+           </dt>
+           <dd>
+             <p>The object is not connected to its service endpoint.
+            </p>
+           </dd>
+         </dl>
+      </section>
+      <section id="events-1">
+         <h3><span class="secno">6.3 </span>Events</h3>
+      <p>
+         The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the
+         <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> interface:
+       </p>
+       <table border="1">
+        <thead>
+          <tr>
+            <th>
+              <span title="event handlers">Event handler</span>
+            </th>
+            <th>
+              <span>Event handler event type</span>
+            </th>
+          </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <dfn id="dom-networkservice-onmessage" title="dom-NetworkService-onmessage">
+                <code>onmessage</code>
+              </dfn>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <code title="event-message">message</code>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>
+              <dfn id="dom-networkservice-onreadystatechange" title="dom-NetworkService-onreadystatechange">
+                <code>onreadystatechange</code>
+              </dfn>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <code title="event-onreadystatechange">readystatechange</code>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p>
+         Events with an event type of <code>message</code> defined in this specification are <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg/#messageevent" class="externalDFN"><code>MessageEvent</code></a> objects as defined in [<cite><a href="#bib-POSTMSG" class="bibref">POSTMSG</a></cite>].
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         Events with an event type of <code>readystatechange</code> defined in this specification are simple <code>Event</code> objects.
+      </p>
+      </section>
+   </section>
+      <section id="service-discovery">
+            <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">7. </span>Service Discovery</h2>
+      <p>
+         A <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> conforming to this specification <em title="may" class="rfc2119">may</em> implement <acronym title="Simple Service Discovery Protocol">SSDP</acronym> [<cite><a href="#bib-UPNP-DEVICEARCH11" class="bibref">UPNP-DEVICEARCH11</a></cite>] and Zeroconf [<cite><a href="#bib-ZEROCONF" class="bibref">ZEROCONF</a></cite>] service discovery mechanisms
+         to enable Web pages to request and connect with <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> services running on networked devices, discovered via either mechanism, through this <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym>. When a <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> implements either of these service discovery mechanisms, then it <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> conform to the corresponding algorithms provided in this section of the specification.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         This section presents how the results of these two service discovery
+         mechanisms will be matched to requested service types and how their properties will be applied to any resulting <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> objects.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         It is expected that user agents will perform these service discovery mechansisms asynchronously and periodically update the <a>list of networked devices</a> as required. The timing of any
+         service discovery mechanisms is an implementation detail left to the discretion of the implementer (e.g. once on user agent start-up, every X seconds during user agent execution or on
+         invocation of this <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym> from a Web page).
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         The <dfn id="dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</dfn> is a single dynamic internal lookup table within user agents that is used to track the current services available in the network at any given time.
+         At any point during the running of either of the two service discovery mechanisms then existing entries within this table can be updated, entries can be added and entries can be removed as the status of networked
+         services changes. Each record contained within this table contains the attributes: <code>id</code>, <code>name</code>, <code>type</code>, <code>url</code> and <code>config</code>.
+      </p>
+            <section id="zeroconf-mdns-dns-sd">
+         <h3><span class="secno">7.1 </span>Zeroconf (<acronym title="Multicast DNS">mDNS</acronym> + <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym>-<acronym title="Service Discovery">SD</acronym>)</h3>
+         <p>
+            For each <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym> response received from a user-agent-initiated Multicast <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym> Browse for <acronym title="DNS Pointer Record">PTR</acronym> records with the name <code>_services._dns-sd._udp</code> on the resolved recommended automatic browsing
+   domain [<cite><a href="#bib-MDNS" class="bibref">MDNS</a></cite>], the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> run the following steps:
+         </p>
+         <ol class="rule">
+            <li>Let <var>service <acronym title="Multicast DNS">mDNS</acronym> responses</var> be an array of <acronym title="DNS Pointer Record">PTR</acronym> records received by issuing a Multicast <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym> Browse for <acronym title="DNS Pointer Record">PTR</acronym> records with the name of the current discovered service type.</li>
+            <li>For each Object <var>service <acronym title="Multicast DNS">mDNS</acronym> response</var> in <var>service <acronym title="Multicast DNS">mDNS</acronym> responses</var>, run the following steps:
+               <ol>
+                  <li>
+                     Let <var>network service record</var> be an Object consisting of the following empty properties: <code>id</code>, <code>name</code>, <code>type</code>, <code>url</code>, <code>config</code>.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>id</code> property to the value of the full <acronym title="DNS Pointer Record">PTR</acronym> Service Instance Name [<cite><a href="#bib-MDNS" class="bibref">MDNS</a></cite>].
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>name</code> property to the value of the <acronym title="DNS Pointer Record">PTR</acronym> Service Instance Name's <var>Instance</var> component [<cite><a href="#bib-MDNS" class="bibref">MDNS</a></cite>].
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>type</code> property to the concatenation of the string <code>zeroconf:</code> followed by the value of the <acronym title="DNS Pointer Record">PTR</acronym> Service Instance Name's <var>Service</var> component [<cite><a href="#bib-MDNS" class="bibref">MDNS</a></cite>].
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>url</code> property to the resolvable Service <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> obtained from performing an <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym>-<acronym title="Service Discovery">SD</acronym> Lookup [<cite><a href="#bib-DNS-SD" class="bibref">DNS-SD</a></cite>] of the current service from the <acronym title="DNS Pointer Record">PTR</acronym> record provided [<cite><a href="#bib-MDNS" class="bibref">MDNS</a></cite>].
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>config</code> property to the string value of the contents of the first <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym>-<acronym title="Service Discovery">SD</acronym> TXT record associated with the <var>service <acronym title="Multicast DNS">mDNS</acronym> response</var> as defined in [<cite><a href="#bib-DNS-SD" class="bibref">DNS-SD</a></cite>].
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     For each Object <var>existing service record</var> in the current <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a>, run the following sub-steps:
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                       <li>
+                        If the <var>existing service record</var>'s <code>id</code> property matches the value of the <var>network service record</var>'s <code>id</code>, then set the
+                        value of <var>existing service record</var> in the current <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a>  to the value of the
+                        <var>network service record</var> and skip the next step.
+                       </li>
+                     </ol>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Add <var>network service record</var> to the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a>.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     For each non-garbage collected <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object run the following steps:
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                        <li>
+                           If the <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object's <code>type</code> attribute does not equal the
+                           current <a>network service record</a>'s <code>type</code> property then continue at the next available active
+                           <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           Increment the <code>servicesAvailable</code> attribute of the <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a> object by <code>1</code>.
+                        </li>
+                     </ol>
+                  </li>
+            </ol>
+           </li>
+         </ol>
+      </section>
+      <section id="universal-plug-and-play-upnp">
+         <h3><span class="secno">7.2 </span>Universal Plug-and-Play (<acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym>)</h3>
+         <p>
+            For each <acronym title="Simple Service Discovery Protocol">SSDP</acronym> Presence Announcement [<cite><a href="#bib-UPNP-DEVICEARCH11" class="bibref">UPNP-DEVICEARCH11</a></cite>] - a <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> NOTIFY request - received from a user-agent-initiated <acronym title="Simple Service Discovery Protocol">SSDP</acronym> Discovery Request [<cite><a href="#bib-UPNP-DEVICEARCH11" class="bibref">UPNP-DEVICEARCH11</a></cite>], the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> run the following steps:
+         </p>
+         <ol class="rule">
+            <li>
+               Let <var>ssdp device</var> be an Object with a property for each <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> header received in the received <acronym title="Simple Service Discovery Protocol">SSDP</acronym> Presence Announcement, with each key being the name of a <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> header and its
+               value being that <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> header's accompanying value.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If <var>ssdp device</var> does not contain at least one <var>NTS</var>, <var>USN</var> and <var>Location</var> parameter, then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> abort these steps.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If the first occurrence of <var>NTS</var> has a value other than <code>ssdp:alive</code>, then continue to the step labeled <var>update service monitor</var> below.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Let <var>root device descriptor file</var> contain the contents of the file located at the <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> provided in the first occurrence of <var>Location</var> obtained according to the rules
+               defined in the section 'Retrieving a description using <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym>' [<cite><a href="#bib-UPNP-DEVICEARCH11" class="bibref">UPNP-DEVICEARCH11</a></cite>].
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If <var>root device descriptor file</var> is empty, then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> abort these steps.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Let <var>advertised services</var> be a <a>list of all advertised services</a> obtained from the <var>root device descriptor file</var> containing all sub-nodes of the <code>serviceList</code> node as described in
+               the section 'Device Description' [<cite><a href="#bib-UPNP-DEVICEARCH11" class="bibref">UPNP-DEVICEARCH11</a></cite>].
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               For each Object <var>advertised service</var> in <var>advertised services</var> run the following steps:
+               <ol class="rule">
+                  <li>
+                     Let <var>network service record</var> be an Object consisting of the following empty properties: <code>id</code>, <code>name</code>, <code>type</code>, <code>url</code>, <code>eventsUrl</code>, <code>config</code>.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>id</code> property to the string value of the first occurrence of <var>ssdp device</var>'s <var>USN</var> parameter.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>name</code> property to the string value of the first occurrence of the <var>service</var>'s <code>serviceId</code> property.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>type</code> property to the concatenation of the string <code>upnp:</code> followed by the string value of the first occurrence of the <var>service</var>'s <code>serviceType</code> property.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>url</code> property to the string value of the first occurrence of the <var>service</var>'s <code>controlURL</code> property.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>config</code> property to the string value of the first occurrence of the <var>device</var> property.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     If <var>service</var>'s <code>eventSubURL</code> property is empty, then continue to the step labeled <em>register</em> below.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Set <var>network service record</var>'s <code>eventsUrl</code> property to the string value of the first occurrence of the <var>service</var>'s <code>eventSubURL</code> property.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     <em>Register</em>: For each Object <var>existing service record</var> in the current <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a>, run the following sub-steps:
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                       <li>
+                        If the <var>existing service record</var>'s <var>id</var> property matches the value of the first occurrence of <var>USN</var> and the
+                        <var>existing service record</var>'s <code>type</code> property matches the value of <var>network service record</var>'s <code>type</code>, then set the
+                        value of <var>existing service record</var> in the current <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a>  to the value of the
+                        <var>network service record</var> and skip the next step.
+                       </li>
+                     </ol>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Add <var>network service record</var> to the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a>.
+                  </li>
+               </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               <em>Update Service Monitor</em>: For each non-garbage collected <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object run the following steps:
+               <ol class="rule">
+                  <li>
+                     If this <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object's <code>type</code> attribute does not equal the
+                     current <a>network service record</a>'s <code>type</code> property then continue at the next available active
+                     <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     If the <var>announcement type</var> equals <code>ssdp:alive</code> then Increment the <code>servicesAvailable</code> attribute of the <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a>
+                     object by <code>1</code>. Otherwise, decrement the <code>servicesAvailable</code> attribute of the <a href="#networkservices"><code>NetworkServices</code></a>
+                     object by <code>1</code>.
+                  </li>
+               </ol>
+            </li>
+         </ol>
+         <p>
+            A <dfn id="dfn-user-agent-generated-callback-url">user-agent generated callback url</dfn> is a Local-network accessible <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> endpoint that a <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> must generate and maintain for receiving <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> NOTIFY requests from <acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym> Event sources.
+         </p>
+         <p>When the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> is to <dfn id="dfn-setup-a-upnp-events-subscription">setup a <acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym> Events Subscription</dfn>, it is to run the following steps with the current <var>network service record</var> object:</p>
+         <ol class="rule">
+            <li>
+               If <var>network service record</var>'s <code>eventsUrl</code> property is empty then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> abort these steps.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Let <var>callback <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym></var> be the value of creating a new <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent-generated-callback-url">user-agent generated callback url</a>.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               Send a <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> SUBSCRIBE request with a <em>NT</em> header with a string value of <code>upnp:event</code>, a <em>TIMEOUT</em> header with an integer value of
+               <code>86400</code> and a <em>CALLBACK</em> header
+               with a string value of <var>callback <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym></var> towards the <var>network service record</var>'s <code>eventsUrl</code> property.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               If a non-200 OK response is received from the <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> SUBSCRIBE request then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> abort these steps.
+            </li>
+            <li>
+               On receiving a valid 200 OK response, run the following steps:
+               <ol class="rule">
+                  <li>
+                     Let <var>callback ID</var> equal the string value of the first included <em>SID</em> header, if it exists.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Let <var>timeout date</var> equal the sum of the current UTC date value plus the integer value of the first included <em>TIMEOUT</em> header, if it exists.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     Run the following steps aynchronously and continue to the step labeled <em>listen</em> below.
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     <em>Refresh Subscription</em>: Run the following steps at a set interval (X) within the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a>:
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                        <li>
+                           Let <var>current date</var> equal the current UTC date.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           If <var>current date</var> is less than the <var>timeout date</var> then continue to the step labeled <em>refresh subscription</em> above.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           Send a <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> SUBSCRIBE request with a <em>SID</em> header with the string value of <var>callback ID</var> and a <em>TIMEOUT</em> header
+                           with an integer value of <code>86400</code> towards the <var>network service record</var>'s <code>eventsUrl</code> property.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           On receiving a valid 200 OK, update <var>callback ID</var> with the string value of the first included <em>SID</em> header, if it exists. All other <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym>
+                           responses should cause the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> to continue from the step labeled <em>refresh subscription</em> above.
+                        </li>
+                     </ol>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                     <em>Listen</em>: For each <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> NOTIFY request received at the <var>callback <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym></var> the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> is to run the following steps:
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                        <li>
+                           Let <var>content clone</var> be the result of obtaining the message body of the <acronym title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</acronym> NOTIFY request. If <var>content clone</var> is empty, then the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> abort these steps.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                          Create a new <code>message</code> event that uses the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg/#messageevent" class="externalDFN"><code>MessageEvent</code></a> interface [<cite><a href="#bib-POSTMSG" class="bibref">POSTMSG</a></cite>], with the name <code>message</code>,
+                           which does not bubble, is not cancelable, and has no default action.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           Let the <code>data</code> attribute of the event have the DOMString value of <var>content clone</var>.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" class="externalDFN">Queue a task</a> to
+                            dispatch the newly created event at the current <a class="internalDFN" href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object.
+                        </li>
+                     </ol>
+                  </li>
+               </ol>
+            </li>
+         </ol>
+         </section>
+         <section id="network-topology-monitoring">
+            <h3><span class="secno">7.3 </span>Network Topology Monitoring</h3>
+                  <div>
+                     <p>
+                        When the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> detects that the user has dropped from their connected network, then it <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> run the following steps:
+                     </p>
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                        <li>
+                           Flush all entries from the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-list-of-available-service-records">list of available service records</a>.
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                           For each <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object currently active in the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> perform the following steps:
+                           <ol class="rule">
+                              <li>
+                                 Set the <a href="#dom-networkservice-readystate"><code>readyState</code></a> attribute to <code>2</code> (<a href="#dom-networkservice-UNAVAILABLE"><code>UNAVAILABLE</code></a>).
+                              </li>
+                              <li>
+                                 Create a new <code>readystatechange</code> event that uses the <code>Event</code> interface which does not bubble, is not cancelable, and has no default action.
+                              </li>
+                              <li>
+                                 <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" class="externalDFN">Queue a task</a> to
+                                        dispatch the newly created event at the <a href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object.
+                              </li>
+                           </ol>
+                        </li>
+                     </ol>
+                     <p>
+                        When the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-user-agent">user agent</a> detects that the user has connected to a new network, then it <em title="should" class="rfc2119">should</em> run the following steps:
+                     </p>
+                     <ol class="rule">
+                        <li>
+                           Re-issue an <acronym title="Multicast DNS">mDNS</acronym> search and <acronym title="Simple Service Discovery Protocol">SSDP</acronym> discovery search and handle the responses according to the processing defined in <a href="#service-discovery">Section 6: Service Discovery</a>.
+                        </li>
+                     </ol>
+                  </div>
+         </section>
+      </section>
+   <section id="garbage-collection">
+      <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">8. </span>Garbage collection</h2>
+      <p>
+         A <a class="internalDFN" href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> object containing a <code>url</code> parameter currently in the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist">entry script origin's <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> whitelist</a> <em title="must not" class="rfc2119">must not</em> be garbage collected.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+         Only when the user navigates away from the current browsing context can <a class="internalDFN" href="#networkservice"><code>NetworkService</code></a> objects be garbage-collected and records in the <a class="internalDFN" href="#dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist">entry script origin's <acronym title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</acronym> whitelist</a> be removed.
+      </p>
+   </section>
+    <section id="use-cases-and-requirements">
+      <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">9. </span>Use Cases and Requirements</h2>
+      <p>This section covers what the requirements are for this <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym>, as well as illustrates some use cases.</p>
+      <ul class="rule">
+         <li>
+            Once a user has given permission, user agents should provide the ability for Web pages to communicate directly with a Local-networked Service.
+            <ul class="rule">
+               <li>
+                  Example: A web-based TV remote control. A Web page wants to control the current user's TV, changing the programming shown or increasing/decreasing/muting the
+                  volume of the Local-networked Device. The Web page requests a service type that is known to be implemented by television sets to which it has the
+                  application logic to communicate. Local devices providing the request service types are discovered and presented to the user for authorization. The user selects one
+                  or more of the discovered television sets to be accessible to the current Web page and then clicks 'Share'. The Web page can now communicate directly with
+                  the user-authorized Local-networked services.
+               </li>
+            </ul>
+         </li>
+         <li>
+           Web pages should be able to communicate with Local-networked Services using the messaging channel supported by those Devices.
+           <ul class="rule">
+            <li>
+               Example: A Web page advertises that it is capable of controlling multiple Home Media Servers. The user can select their Home Media Server type from a drop-down list, at which point the
+               Web page sends a request to the user agent to connect with the associated service type of the Home Media Server. The Media Server selected implements a Web Socket channel for
+               bi-directional service communication and so the Web page opens a web socket to the requested Media Server and can communicate as required via that appropriate channel.
+            </li>
+           </ul>
+         </li>
+         <li>
+           Web pages should be able to communicate with Local-networked Services using the messaging format supported by those Devices.
+           <ul class="rule">
+            <li>
+               Example: A Web page advertises that it is capable of interacting with and controlling multiple types of Home Media Server. The user can select their Home Media Server type from a drop-down list or known Media Servers, at which point the
+               Web page sends a request to the user agent to connect with the associated service type (and, optionally, the associated event type) of the Home Media Server. The communiciation protocols supported by Home Media Servers typically vary
+               between <acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym>, JSON-RPC, Protocol Buffers or other messaging formats depending on the Home Media Server requested. The Web page is able to communicate with the user-selected Home Media
+               Server in the messaging format supported by that Device, which, in this example is a simple key/value pair text format.
+            </li>
+           </ul>
+         </li>
+         <li>
+           Web pages should not be able to communicate with Local-networked Services that have not been authorized by the user thereby maintaining the user's privacy.
+           <ul class="rule">
+            <li>
+               Example: A Web page requests access to one type of Local-networked service. The user authorizes access to that particular service. Other services running on that same device, and on other devices
+               within the network, should not be accessible to the current Web page.
+            </li>
+           </ul>
+         </li>
+         <li>
+           A user should be able to share one or more Local-networked Services based on a particular service type request from a Web page.
+           <ul class="rule">
+            <li>
+               Example: A Web page is capable of interacting with a specific profile of Local-networked Service. As such, it makes a request to the user agent to access those services, of which multiple matches
+               are found. The user is capable of selecting one or more of the discovered services to share with the Web page. The Web page can then implement a drag-and-drop interface for the user to drag specific
+               actions on to one or more of the authorized Local-networked Services.
+            </li>
+           </ul>
+         </li>
+         <li>
+           User agents should provide an <acronym title="Application Programming Interface">API</acronym> exposed to script that exposes the features above. The user is notified by UI anytime interaction with Local-networked Services is requested, giving the user
+           full ability to cancel or abort the transaction. The user selects the Local-networked Services to be connected to the current Web page, and can cancel these at any time. No invocations to
+           these APIs occur silently without user intervention.
+         </li>
+      </ul>
+    </section>
+          <section id="examples" class="informative appendix">
+             <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">A. </span>Examples</h2><p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p>
+           <div class="example">
+            <p>This sample code exposes a button. When clicked, this button is disabled and the user is prompted to offer a network service. The user may also select multiple network services. When the user has authorized a network service to be connected to the web page then the web page issues a simple command to get a list of all the albums stored on the connected media player service.
+            </p><p>The button is re-enabled only when the connected network service disconnects for whatever reason (the service becomes unavailable on the network, the user disconnects from their current network or the user revokes access to the service from the current web page). At this point the user can re-click the button to select a new network service to connect to the web page and the above steps are repeated.</p>
+            <p>The provided service type identifier and service interaction used in this example is based on the well-defined service type and messaging format supported by the <a href="http://xbmc.org/about/">XBMC Media Server</a>. </p>
+            <hr>
+            <div><div id="highlighter_949204" class="syntaxhighlighter nogutter  js"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="code"><div class="container"><div class="line number1 index0 alt2"><code class="js plain">&lt;input type=</code><code class="js string">"button"</code> <code class="js plain">value=</code><code class="js string">"Start"</code> <code class="js plain">onclick=</code><code class="js string">"start()"</code> <code class="js plain">id=</code><code class="js string">"startBtn"</code><code class="js plain">/&gt;</code></div><div class="line number2 index1 alt1"><code class="js plain">&lt;div id=</code><code class="js string">"debugconsole"</code><code class="js plain">&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</code></div><div class="line number3 index2 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number4 index3 alt1"><code class="js plain">&lt;script&gt;</code></div><div class="line number5 index4 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plin">startBtn = document.getElementById(</code><code class="js string">'startBtn'</code><code class="js plain">),</code></div><div class="line number6 index5 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug = document.getElementById(</code><code class="js string">'debugconsole'</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number7 index6 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number8 index7 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">start() {</code></div><div class="line number9 index8 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">if</code><code class="js plain">(navigator.getNetworkServices) {</code></div><div class="line number10 index9 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">navigator.getNetworkServices(</code><code class="js string">'zeroconf:_xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp'</code><code class="js plain">, gotBMCService, error);</code></div><div class="line number11 index10 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">startBtn.disabled = </code><code class="js keyword">true</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number12 index11 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">} </code><code class="js keyword">else</code> <code class="js plain">{</code></div><div class="line number13 index12 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;Service Discovery API not supported!"</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number14 index13 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number15 index14 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number16 index15 alt1">&nbsp;</div><iv class="line number17 index16 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">gotXBMCService(services) {</code></div><div class="line number18 index17 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number19 index18 alt2"><code class="js comments">// Listen for service disconnect messages</code></div><div class="line number20 index19 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number21 index20 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">services[0].addEventListener(</code><code class="js string">'readystatechange'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">( e ) {</code></div><div class="line number22 index21 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">if</code><code class="js plain">(services[0].readyState === services[0].UNAVAILABLE) {</code></div><div class="line number23 index22 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;"</code> <code class="js plain">+ services[0].name + </code><code class="js string">" disconnected."</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number24 index23 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">startBtn.disabled = </code><code class="js keyword">false</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number25 index24 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number26 index25 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}, </code><code class="js keyword">false</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number27 index26 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number28 index27 alt1"><code class="js comments">// Send a service message to get albums list (and process the service respnse)</code></div><div class="line number29 index28 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number30 index29 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">svcXhr = </code><code class="js keyword">new</code> <code class="js plain">XMLHttpRequest();</code></div><div class="line number31 index30 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">svcXhr.open(</code><code class="js string">"POST"</code><code class="js plain">, services[0].url + </code><code class="js string">"/getAlbums"</code><code class="js plain">); </code><code class="js comments">// services[0].url and its subresources have been</code></div><div class="line number32 index31 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// whitelisted for cross-site XHR use in this</code></div><div class="line number33 index32 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// current browsing context.</code></div><div class="line number34 index33 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number35 index34 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">svcXhr.setRequestHeader(</code><code class="js string">'Content-Type'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">'application/json-rpc'</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="lne number36 index35 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number37 index36 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">svcXhr.addEventListener(</code><code class="js string">'readystatechange'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">( response ) {</code></div><div class="line number38 index37 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">if</code><code class="js plain">( response.readyState != 4 || response.status != 200 )</code></div><div class="line number39 index38 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">return</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number40 index39 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;"</code> <code class="js plain">+ services[0].name + </code><codeclass="js string">" response received: "</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number41 index40 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.textContent += JSON.parse(response.responseText);</code></div><div class="line number42 index41 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}, </code><code class="js keyword">false</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number43 index42 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number44 index43 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">svcMsg = [</code></div><div class="line number45 index44 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">{ </code><code class="js string">"jsonrpc"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"2.0"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"method"</code><code class="j plain">: </code><code class="js string">"AudioLibrary.GetAlbums"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"params"</code><code class="js plain">: { </code><code class="js string">"genreid"</code><code class="js plain">: -1,</code></div><div class="line number46 index45 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">"artistid"</code><code class="js plain">: -1, </code><code class="js string">"start"</code><code class="js plain">: -1, </code><code class="js string">"end"</code><code class="js plain">: -1 }, </code><code class="js string">"id"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"1"</code> <code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number47 index46 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">];</code></div><div class="line number48 index47 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number49 index48 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code cass="js plain">svcXhr.send(JSON.stringify(svcMsg));</code></div><div class="line number50 index49 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;"</code> <code class="js plain">+ services[0].name + </code><code class="js string">" request sent: "</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number51 index50 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.textContent += JSON.stringify(svcMsg);</code></div><div class="line number52 index51 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number53 index52 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number54 index53 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number55 index54 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">error( err ) {</code></div><div class="line number56 index55 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</cde><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;An error occurred obtaining a local network service."</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number57 index56 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">startBtn.disabled = </code><code class="js keyword">false</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number58 index57 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number59 index58 alt2"><code class="js plain">&lt;/script&gt;</code></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
+           </div>
+           <div class="example">
+            <p>
+             This sample exposes a drop-down list containing a number of common Home-based audio devices. When the user selects an audio device from the list provided, they are prompted to authorize a network service
+             based on the service type requested. The user may also select multiple network services matching the selected service type.
+             In this example, the user selects their make as being <var>Sony</var> and their model as being <var>Bravia S1000</var> from which the Web page can derive a service type
+             (<var>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1</var>).
+             <br><br>Once the user has authorized the device, the web page sends a simple mute command according to the messaging format supported by the device.
+            </p>
+            <hr>
+            <div><div id="highlighter_579010" class="syntaxhighlighter nogutter  js"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="code"><div class="container"><div class="line number1 index0 alt2"><code class="js plain">&lt;select name=</code><code class="js string">"make"</code> <code class="js plain">id=</code><code class="js string">"make"</code><code class="js plain">&gt;</code></div><div class="line number2 index1 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">&lt;option selected=</code><code class="js string">"selected"</code> <code class="js plain">disabled=</code><code class="js string">"disabled"</code><code class="js plain">&gt;Select make&lt;/option&gt;</code></div><div class="line number3 index2 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">&lt;option&gt;Sony&lt;/option&gt;</code></div><div class="line number4 index3 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">&lt;option&gt;Philips&lt;/optin&gt;</code></div><div class="line number5 index4 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">&lt;option&gt;Alba&lt;/option&gt;</code></div><div class="line number6 index5 alt1"><code class="js plain">&lt;/select&gt;</code></div><div class="line number7 index6 alt2"><code class="js plain">&lt;select name=</code><code class="js string">"model"</code> <code class="js plain">id=</code><code class="js string">"model"</code><code class="js plain">&gt;&lt;/select&gt;</code></div><div class="line number8 index7 alt1"><code class="js plain">&lt;div id=</code><code class="js string">"debugconsole"</code><code class="js plain">&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</code></div><div class="line number9 index8 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number10 index9 alt1"><code class="js plain">&lt;script&gt;</code></div><div class="line number11 index10 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">debug = document.getElementById(</code><code class="js strig">'debugconsole'</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number12 index11 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number13 index12 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">models = {</code></div><div class="line number14 index13 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">"Sony"</code><code class="js plain">: [</code></div><div class="line number15 index14 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">{</code><code class="js string">"name"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"Bravia TV S1000"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"type"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"upnp"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"service"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1"</ode> <code class="js plain">},</code></div><div class="line number16 index15 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">{</code><code class="js string">"name"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"Bravia TV S2000"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"type"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"zeroconf"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"service"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"_mediarenderer._http._tcp"</code> <code class="js plain">},</code></div><div class="line number17 index16 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">{</code><code class="js string">"name"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"HiFi WD10"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"type"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"upnp"<code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"service"</code><code class="js plain">: </code><code class="js string">"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1"</code> <code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number18 index17 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">],</code></div><div class="line number19 index18 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">"Philips"</code><code class="js plain">: [ </code><code class="js comments">/* ... */</code> <code class="js plain">],</code></div><div class="line number20 index19 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">"Alba"</code><code class="js plain">: [ </code><code class="js comments">/* ... */</code> <code class="js plain">]</code></div><div class="line number21 index20 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">};</code></div><div class="line number22 index21 alt1">&nbsp</div><div class="line number23 index22 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">makeEl = document.getElementById(</code><code class="js string">"make"</code><code class="js plain">),</code></div><div class="line number24 index23 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">modelEl = document.getElementById(</code><code class="js string">"model"</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number25 index24 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number26 index25 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">makeEl.addEventListener(</code><code class="js string">'change'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js keyword">function</code><code class="js plain">() {</code></div><div class="line number27 index26 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">modelEl.innerHTML = </code><code class="js string">""<code><code class="js plain">; </code><code class="js comments">// reset</code></div><div class="line number28 index27 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">defaultOption = document.createElement(</code><code class="js string">"option"</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number29 index28 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">defaultOption.textContent = </code><code class="js string">"Select model"</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number30 index29 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">defaultOption.setAttribute(</code><code class="js string">"disabled"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"disabled"</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number31 index30 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">defaltOption.setAttribute(</code><code class="js string">"selected"</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">"selected"</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number32 index31 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">modelEl.appendChild(defaultOption);</code></div><div class="line number33 index32 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">for</code><code class="js plain">(</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">i = 0, l = models[makeEl.value].length; i &lt; l; i++) {</code></div><div class="line number34 index33 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">option = document.createElement(</code><code class="js string">"option"</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number35 index34 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</coe><code class="js plain">option.textContent = models[makeEl.value][i][</code><code class="js string">"name"</code><code class="js plain">];</code></div><div class="line number36 index35 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">option.setAttribute(</code><code class="js string">"value"</code><code class="js plain">, models[makeEl.value][i][</code><code class="js string">"type"</code><code class="js plain">] + </code><code class="js string">":"</code> <code class="js plain">+ models[makeEl.value][i][</code><code class="js string">"service"</code><code class="js plain">]);</code></div><div class="line number37 index36 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">modelEl.appendChild(option);</code></div><div class="line number38 index37 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number39 index38 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp</code><code class="js plain">}, </code><code class="js keyword">false</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number40 index39 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number41 index40 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">modelEl.addEventListener(</code><code class="js string">'change'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js keyword">function</code><code class="js plain">() {</code></div><div class="line number42 index41 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">if</code><code class="js plain">(navigator.getNetworkServices &amp;&amp;</code></div><div class="line number43 index42 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">modelEl.value == </code><code class="js string">"upnp:urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1"</code><code class="js plain">) {</code></div><div class="line number44 index43 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">navigator.getNetworkServices(modelEl.value, successCallback, errorCallback);</code></div><div class="line number45 index44 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">} </code><code class="js keyword">else</code> <code class="js keyword">if</code> <code class="js plain">(modelEl.value == </code><code class="js string">"zeroconf:_mediarenderer._http._tcp"</code><code class="js plain">) {</code></div><div class="line number46 index45 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;Service type is not implemented by this application."</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number47 index46 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">} </code><code class="js keyword">else</code> <code class="js plain">{</code></div><div class="line number48 idex47 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;Service Discovery is not supported!"</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number49 index48 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number50 index49 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}, </code><code class="js keyword">false</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number51 index50 alt2"><code class="js plain">&lt;/script&gt;</code></div><div class="line number52 index51 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number53 index52 alt2"><code class="js plain">&lt;script&gt;</code></div><div class="line number54 index53 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">successCallback( services ) {</code></div><div class="line number55 index54 lt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number56 index55 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// Listen for service push messages</code></div><div class="line number57 index56 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number58 index57 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">services[0].addEventListener(</code><code class="js string">'message'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">( msg ) {</code></div><div class="line number59 index58 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;"</code> <code class="js plain">+ services[0].name + </code><code class="js string">" event received: "</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number60 index59 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><coe class="js plain">debug.textContent += msg.data;</code></div><div class="line number61 index60 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}, </code><code class="js keyword">false</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number62 index61 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number63 index62 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// Send a control signal to mute the service audio</code></div><div class="line number64 index63 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number65 index64 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">svcXhr = </code><code class="js keyword">new</code> <code class="js plain">XMLHttpRequest();</code></div><div class="line number66 index65 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">svcXhr.open(</code><code class="js string">"POST"</code><code class="js plain">, services[0].url); </code><cod class="js comments">// services[0].url and its</code></div><div class="line number67 index66 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// subresources have been whitelisted for</code></div><div class="line number68 index67 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// cross-site XHR use in this current</code></div><div class="line number69 index68 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// browsing context.</code></div><div class="line number70 index69 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number71 index70 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">svcXhr.setRequestHeader(</code><code class="js string">'SOAPAction'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1#SetMute'</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number72 index71 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">svcXhr.setRequestHeader(</code><code class="js string">'Content-Type'</code><code class="js plain">, </code><code class="js string">'text/xml; charset="utf-8";'</code><code class="js plain">);</code></div><div class="line number73 index72 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number7 index73 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">svcXhr.onreadystatechange = </code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">( response ) {</code></div><div class="line number75 index74 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">if</code><code class="js plain">( response.readyState != 4 || response.status != 200 )</code></div><div class="line number76 index75 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">return</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number77 index76 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;"</code> <code class="js plain">+ services[0].name + </code><code class="js string">" response received: "</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number78 index77 alt"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.textContent += response.responseXML;</code></div><div class="line number79 index78 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number80 index79 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number81 index80 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js comments">// Service messaging to mute the provided service</code></div><div class="line number82 index81 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">var</code> <code class="js plain">svcMsg = </code><code class="js string">'&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number83 index82 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;s:Envelope s:encodingtyle="<a href="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/</a>" '</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number84 index83 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'xmlns:s="<a href="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/</a>"&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number85 index84 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;s:Body&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number86 index85 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;u:SetMut xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1"&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number87 index86 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;InstanceID&gt;0&lt;/InstanceID&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number88 index87 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;Channel&gt;Master&lt;/Channel&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number89 index88 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;DesiredMute&gt;true&lt;/DesiredMute&gt;'<code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number90 index89 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;/u:SetMute&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number91 index90 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;/s:Body&gt;'</code> <code class="js plain">+</code></div><div class="line number92 index91 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js string">'&lt;/s:Envelope&gt;'</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number93 index92 alt2">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number94 index93 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="s plain">svcXhr.send(svcMsg);</code></div><div class="line number95 index94 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </code><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;"</code> <code class="js plain">+ services[0].name + </code><code class="js string">" request sent: "</code><code class="js plain">;</code></div><div class="line number96 index95 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.textContent += svcMsg;</code></div><div class="line number97 index96 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number98 index97 alt1">&nbsp;</div><div class="line number99 index98 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js keyword">function</code> <code class="js plain">errorCallback( error ) {</code></div><div class="line number100 index99 alt1"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">debug.innerHTML += </cde><code class="js string">"&lt;br&gt;An error occurred: "</code> <code class="js plain">+ error.code;</code></div><div class="line number101 index100 alt2"><code class="js spaces">&nbsp;&nbsp;</code><code class="js plain">}</code></div><div class="line number102 index101 alt1"><code class="js plain">&lt;/script&gt;</code></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
+          </div>
+       </section>
+    <section id="acknowledgements">
+      <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">B. </span>Acknowledgements</h2>
+      <p>Thanks are expressed by the editor to the following individuals for their feedback on this specification to date (in alphabetical order):
+      <br><br>
+      Gar Bergstedt, Lars-Erik Bolstad, Hari G Kumar, Bob Lund, Giuseppe Pascale, Marcin Simonides, Clarke Stevens, Christian Söderström, Mark Vickers, ...</p>
+      <p>Thanks are also expressed by the editor to the following organizations and groups for their support in producing this specification to date (in alphabetical order):
+      <br><br>
+      CableLabs, Opera Software ASA, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Device APIs Working Group, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Web and TV Interest Group, ...</p>
+    </section>
+<section class="appendix" id="references"><!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">C. </span>References</h2><section id="normative-references"><h3><span class="secno">C.1 </span>Normative references</h3><dl class="bibliography"><dt id="bib-DNS-SD">[DNS-SD]</dt><dd>S. Cheshire; M. Krochmal. <a href="http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd.txt"><cite>DNS-Based Service Discovery.</cite></a> 27 February 2011. IETF Draft. URL: <a href="http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd.txt">http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd.txt</a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-DOM4">[DOM4]</dt><dd>Anne van Kesteren; Aryeh Gregor; Ms2ger. <a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html/"><cite>DOM4.</cite></a> URL: <a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html/">http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html/</a> 
+</dd><dt id="bib-HTML5">[HTML5]</dt><dd>Ian Hickson; David Hyatt. <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5"><cite>HTML5.</cite></a> 25 May 2011. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5">http://www.w3.org/TR/html5</a> 
+</dd><dt id="bib-MDNS">[MDNS]</dt><dd>S. Cheshire; M. Krochmal. <a href="http://files.multicastdns.org/draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns.txt"><cite>Multicast DNS.</cite></a> 14 February 2011. IETF Draft. URL: <a href="http://files.multicastdns.org/draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns.txt">http://files.multicastdns.org/draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns.txt</a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-POSTMSG">[POSTMSG]</dt><dd>Ian Hickson. <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg"><cite>HTML5 Web Messaging.</cite></a> URL: <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg">http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg</a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-RFC2119">[RFC2119]</dt><dd>S. Bradner. <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt"><cite>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels.</cite></a> March 1997. Internet RFC 2119.  URL: <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt">http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt</a> 
+</dd><dt id="bib-UPNP-DEVICEARCH11">[UPNP-DEVICEARCH11]</dt><dd><a href="http://upnp.org/specs/arch/UPnP-arch-DeviceArchitecture-v1.1.pdf"><cite>UPnP Device Architecture 1.1</cite></a>. 15 October 2008. UPnP Forum. PDF document. URL: <a href="http://upnp.org/specs/arch/UPnP-arch-DeviceArchitecture-v1.1.pdf">http://upnp.org/specs/arch/UPnP-arch-DeviceArchitecture-v1.1.pdf</a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-WEBIDL">[WEBIDL]</dt><dd>Cameron McCormack. <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-WebIDL-20110927/"><cite>Web IDL.</cite></a> 27 September 2011. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-WebIDL-20110927/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-WebIDL-20110927/</a> 
+</dd><dt id="bib-ZEROCONF">[ZEROCONF]</dt><dd>S. Cheshire; B. Aboba; E. Guttman. <a href="http://files.zeroconf.org/rfc3927.txt"><cite>Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses.</cite></a> May 2005. IETF Draft. URL: <a href="http://files.zeroconf.org/rfc3927.txt">http://files.zeroconf.org/rfc3927.txt</a>
+</dd></dl></section><section id="informative-references"><h3><span class="secno">C.2 </span>Informative references</h3><p>No informative references.</p></section></section></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r a66764a2345e -r 595192a920a0 discovery-api/Overview.src.html
--- a/discovery-api/Overview.src.html	Fri Aug 03 15:16:38 2012 +0200
+++ b/discovery-api/Overview.src.html	Fri Aug 03 15:44:17 2012 +0200
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
     <script src="tools/syntaxhighlighter/js/shBrushXml.js" type="text/javascript" class='remove'></script>
     <script src="tools/syntaxhighlighter/js/shBrushJScript.js" type="text/javascript" class='remove'></script>
-    <script src='./js/profiles/w3c-common-loader.js' type="text/javascript" class='remove'></script>
+    <script src='http://www.w3.org/Tools/respec/respec-w3c-common' type="text/javascript" class='remove' async></script>
     <style type="text/css">
       /* Custom CSS optimizations (Richard Tibbett) */
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
          The term DOM is used to refer to the API set made available to scripts in Web applications, and does not necessarily imply the existence of an actual <code>Document</code> object or of any
-         other <code>Node</code> objects as defined in the DOM Core specifications. [[!DOM-CORE]]
+         other <code>Node</code> objects as defined in the DOM Core specifications. [[!DOM4]]
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@
-         Events with an event type of <code>message</code> defined in this specification are <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg/#messageevent" class="externalDFN"><code>MessageEvent</code></a> objects as defined in [[!WEBMESSAGING]].
+         Events with an event type of <code>message</code> defined in this specification are <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg/#messageevent" class="externalDFN"><code>MessageEvent</code></a> objects as defined in [[!POSTMSG]].
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@
             <h2>Service Discovery</h2>
-         A <a>user agent</a> conforming to this specification MAY implement <acronym title="Simple Service Discovery Protocol">SSDP</acronym> [[!UPNP]] and Zeroconf [[!ZEROCONF]] service discovery mechanisms
+         A <a>user agent</a> conforming to this specification MAY implement <acronym title="Simple Service Discovery Protocol">SSDP</acronym> [[!UPNP-DEVICEARCH11]] and Zeroconf [[!ZEROCONF]] service discovery mechanisms
          to enable Web pages to request and connect with HTTP services running on networked devices, discovered via either mechanism, through this API. When a <a>user agent</a> implements either of these service discovery mechanisms, then it MUST conform to the corresponding algorithms provided in this section of the specification.
@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@
          <h5>Universal Plug-and-Play (<acronym title="Universal Plug-and-Play">UPnP</acronym>)</h5>
-            For each SSDP Presence Announcement [[!UPNP]] - a HTTP NOTIFY request - received from a user-agent-initiated SSDP Discovery Request [[!UPNP]], the <a>user agent</a> MUST run the following steps:
+            For each SSDP Presence Announcement [[!UPNP-DEVICEARCH11]] - a HTTP NOTIFY request - received from a user-agent-initiated SSDP Discovery Request [[!UPNP-DEVICEARCH11]], the <a>user agent</a> MUST run the following steps:
          <ol class="rule">
@@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@
                Let <var>root device descriptor file</var> contain the contents of the file located at the URL provided in the first occurrence of <var>Location</var> obtained according to the rules
-               defined in the section 'Retrieving a description using HTTP' [[!UPNP]].
+               defined in the section 'Retrieving a description using HTTP' [[!UPNP-DEVICEARCH11]].
@@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@
                Let <var>advertised services</var> be a <a>list of all advertised services</a> obtained from the <var>root device descriptor file</var> containing all sub-nodes of the <code>serviceList</code> node as described in
-               the section 'Device Description' [[!UPNP]].
+               the section 'Device Description' [[!UPNP-DEVICEARCH11]].
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@
                            Let <var>content clone</var> be the result of obtaining the message body of the HTTP NOTIFY request. If <var>content clone</var> is empty, then the <a>user agent</a> MUST abort these steps.
-                          Create a new <code>message</code> event that uses the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg/#messageevent" class="externalDFN"><code>MessageEvent</code></a> interface [[!WEBMESSAGING]], with the name <code>message</code>,
+                          Create a new <code>message</code> event that uses the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/postmsg/#messageevent" class="externalDFN"><code>MessageEvent</code></a> interface [[!POSTMSG]], with the name <code>message</code>,
                            which does not bubble, is not cancelable, and has no default action.

Received on Friday, 3 August 2012 13:44:59 UTC