2009/dap/file-system file-dir-sys.html,1.37,1.38

Update of /sources/public/2009/dap/file-system
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv5002

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Remove mimeType param from toURL.

Index: file-dir-sys.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/file-system/file-dir-sys.html,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -d -r1.37 -r1.38
--- file-dir-sys.html	7 Jun 2011 01:32:03 -0000	1.37
+++ file-dir-sys.html	7 Jun 2011 01:39:06 -0000	1.38
@@ -614,24 +614,14 @@
-          <dt>DOMString toURL (optional DOMString mimeType)</dt>
+          <dt>DOMString toURL ()</dt>
               Returns a URL that can be used to identify this entry.
               Unlike the URN defined in [[!FILE-API]], it has no specific
               expiration; as it describes a location on disk, it should be valid
               at least as long as that location exists.
-              Users may supply <code>mimeType</code> in order to simulate the
-              optional mime-type header associated with HTTP downloads.
-            <dl class='parameters'>
-              <dt>optional DOMString mimeType</dt>
-              <dd>
-                For a FileEntry, the mime type to be used to interpret the file,
-                when loaded through this URL.
-              </dd>
-            </dl>
             <div class='issue'>
               Do we want to spec out the URL format/scheme?  It would be quite
@@ -1201,33 +1191,14 @@
               out this action.</dd>
-          <dt>DOMString toURL (optional DOMString mimeType)</dt>
+          <dt>DOMString toURL ()</dt>
               Returns a URL that can be used to identify this entry.
               Unlike the URN defined in [[!FILE-API]], it has no specific
               expiration; as it describes a location on disk, it should be valid
               at least as long as that location exists.
-              Users may supply <code>mimeType</code> in order to simulate the
-              optional mime-type header associated with HTTP downloads.
-            <dl class='parameters'>
-              <dt>optional DOMString mimeType</dt>
-              <dd>
-                For a FileEntry, the mime type to be used to interpret the file,
-                when loaded through this URL.
-              </dd>
-            </dl>
-            <div class='issue'>
-              <p>
-              If we use the same opaque URL scheme as in [[!FILE-API]], users
-              won't be able to edit and generate URLs themselves.  On the other
-              hand, it would prevent us from having to go to all the trouble of
-              designing a new scheme, and it would simplify the use of the two
-              APIs together.
-              </p>
-            </div>
           <dt>void remove ()</dt>

Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2011 01:39:10 UTC