2009/dap/policy Profile.html,1.7,1.8

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Index: Profile.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/policy/Profile.html,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
--- Profile.html	18 Jun 2010 23:57:40 -0000	1.7
+++ Profile.html	21 Jun 2010 12:33:29 -0000	1.8
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
       <section id="values-and-types">
 	<h3>Values and Types</h3>
 	  <p>Each value in an expression is conceptually a
-	  <em>bag</em> of potentially multiple simple values. The
+	  <code>bag</code> of potentially multiple simple values. The
 	  bag can be empty, containing no simple values. In
 	  practice almost every value encountered in the model is
 	  either an empty bag or a bag containing a single simple
@@ -135,47 +135,51 @@
 	</section> <!-- attribute-match -->
       <section id="subject-specification">
 	<h3>Subject Match</h3>
-	  <p>A <em>subject</em> specification consists of a
-	  conjunctive sequence of <em>subject</em> matches. </p>
-	  <p> A specification is evaluated as follows:
+	  <p>A <code>subject</code> specification consists of a
+	  conjunctive sequence of <code>subject</code> matches. 
+      A specification is evaluated as follows:</p>
 	  <ul> <li>is determined and has value TRUE if
-	  each of the <em>subject</em> matches has value
+	  each of the <code>subject</code> matches has value
 	  TRUE</li> <li>otherwise, is undetermined if any
-	  or the <em>subject</em> matches is
+	  or the <code>subject</code> matches is
 	  undetermined</li> <li>otherwise is determined
 	  and has value FALSE.</li> </ul>
-	  A <em>subject</em> match is an attribute match where the
-	  attribute being matched is a <em>subject</em> attribute,
+      <p>
+	  A <code>subject</code> match is an attribute match where the
+	  attribute being matched is a <code>subject</code> attribute,
 	  and the match value is a literal string and does not
 	  contain any attribute references. </p>
       </section> <!-- subject-specification -->
   <section id="target">
-	  <p>The <em>target</em> of a <em>policy</em> or
-	  <em>policy set</em> identifies the set of
-	  <em>subjects</em> to which the <em>policy</em> or
-	  <em>policy set</em> applies. </p> <p>The <em>target</em>
-	  consists of a disjunctive sequence of <em>subject</em>
-	  specifications. </p> <p> A target specification is
-	  evaluated as follows:
-	  <ul> <li>has value TRUE if at least one of the
-	  subject specifications has value TRUE</li>
-	  <li>otherwise has value FALSE</li> <li>A
-	  <em>policy</em> or <em>policy-set</em> that has
-	  no <em>target</em> explicitly specified is
-	  treated as having a <em>target</em> that
-	  evaluates unconditionally to TRUE.</li> </ul>
-	  </p>
+	  <p>The <code>target</code> of a <code>policy</code> or
+	  <code>policy set</code> identifies the set of
+	  <code>subjects</code> to which the <code>policy</code> or
+	  <code>policy set</code> applies. </p> 
+      <p>The <code>target</code>
+	  consists of a disjunctive sequence of <code>subject</code>
+	  specifications. A target specification is
+	  evaluated as follows:</p>
+	  <ul> 
+        <li>has value TRUE if at least one of the
+        subject specifications has value TRUE</li>
+        <li>otherwise has value FALSE</li> 
+        <li>A
+        <code>policy</code> or <code>policy-set</code> that has
+        no <code>target</code> explicitly specified is
+        treated as having a <code>target</code> that
+        evaluates unconditionally to TRUE.</li> 
+      </ul>
   </section> <!-- target -->
   <section id="decision">
-	  <p>If determined, the result of a <em>rule</em> or
-	  <em>policy</em> or <em>policy set</em> is a
-	  <em>decision</em>, either “not applicable” or any one of
-	  the <a href="#effect"><em>effects</em></a> “permit”,
+	  <p>If determined, the result of a <code>rule</code> or
+	  <code>policy</code> or <code>policy set</code> is a
+	  <code>decision</code>, either “not applicable” or any one of
+	  the <a href="#effect"><code>effects</code></a> “permit”,
 	  “prompt-blanket”, “prompt-session”, “prompt-oneshot” or
-	  “deny”. </p> <p> The result of a <em>rule</em> or
-	  <em>policy</em> or <em>policy set</em> may be
+	  “deny”. </p> <p> The result of a <code>rule</code> or
+	  <code>policy</code> or <code>policy set</code> may be
 	  undetermined under conditions specified for each below.
   </section> <!-- decision -->
@@ -190,10 +194,10 @@
   </section> <!-- rule -->
   <section id="condition">
-	  <p>The <em>condition</em> of a <em>rule</em> specifies
+	  <p>The <code>condition</code> of a <code>rule</code> specifies
 	  extra criteria that need to be matched before the
-	  <em>rule</em> becomes applicable. </p> <p> The
-	  <em>condition</em> consists of one or more attribute
+	  <code>rule</code> becomes applicable. </p> <p> The
+	  <code>condition</code> consists of one or more attribute
 	  matches, combined with AND and OR operators into an
 	  arbitrarily nested tree. </p> <p> The AND operator is
 	  evaluated as follows: <ul> <li>is determined and has
@@ -208,18 +212,18 @@
   </section> <!-- decision -->
   <section id="policy">
-	  <p>A <em>policy</em> has a <em>target</em>, and a list
-	  of zero or more <em>rules</em> combined using a <a
-	  href="#combining-algorithm"><em>rule-combining
-	  algorithm</em></a>. Where a directive attribute query
+	  <p>A <code>policy</code> has a <code>target</code>, and a list
+	  of zero or more <code>rules</code> combined using a <a
+	  href="#combining-algorithm"><code>rule-combining
+	  algorithm</code></a>. Where a directive attribute query
 	  finds more than one applicable directive attribute set,
-	  the first one is used. </p> <p>A <em>policy</em>
+	  the first one is used. </p> <p>A <code>policy</code>
 	  optionally has a textual description. </p> <p> A
-	  <em>policy</em> optionally has an id. If an
+	  <code>policy</code> optionally has an id. If an
 	  implementation provides a means to provision a security
 	  policy fragment to replace an existing one, this id can
-	  be used to identify the <em>policy</em> or <em>policy
-	  set</em> to replace. No management of ids is mandated,
+	  be used to identify the <code>policy</code> or <code>policy
+	  set</code> to replace. No management of ids is mandated,
 	  therefore it is recommended that a standardised textual
 	  representation of a UUID should be used as the id. </p>
 	  <p> The result of a policy is determined if and only if
@@ -227,18 +231,18 @@
   </section> <!-- policy -->
   <section id="policy-set">
 	<h3>Policy Set</h3>
-	  <p>The overall security framework is a <em>policy
-	  set</em>. </p> <p> A <em>policy set</em> is a target
-	  with a list of zero or more <em>policies</em> and
-	  <em>policy sets</em> combined using a <a
-	  href="#combining-algorithm"><em>policy-combining
-	  algorithm</em></a>. Where a directive attribute query
+	  <p>The overall security framework is a <code>policy
+	  set</code>. </p> <p> A <code>policy set</code> is a target
+	  with a list of zero or more <code>policies</code> and
+	  <code>policy sets</code> combined using a <a
+	  href="#combining-algorithm"><code>policy-combining
+	  algorithm</code></a>. Where a directive attribute query
 	  finds more than one applicable directive attribute set,
-	  the first one is used. </p> <p> A <em>policy set</em>
+	  the first one is used. </p> <p> A <code>policy set</code>
 	  optionally has an id. If an implementation provides a
 	  means to provision a security policy fragment to replace
 	  an existing one, this id can be used to identify the
-	  <em>policy</em> or <em>policy set</em> to replace. No
+	  <code>policy</code> or <code>policy set</code> to replace. No
 	  management of ids is mandated, therefore it is
 	  recommended that a standardised textual representation
 	  of a UUID should be used as the id. </p> <p> The result
@@ -250,17 +254,17 @@
 	  <p>Where the implementation supports deployment of a
 	  fragment of policy to add to the existing security
 	  policy framework or to replace a part of it, the
-	  <em>policy document</em> is the unit of addition or
-	  replacement. A <em>policy document</em> can be either a
-	  <em>policy</em> or a <em>policy set</em>. </p>
+	  <code>policy document</code> is the unit of addition or
+	  replacement. A <code>policy document</code> can be either a
+	  <code>policy</code> or a <code>policy set</code>. </p>
 		</section> <!-- policy-document -->
   <section id="signed-policy-document">
 	<h3>Signed Policy Document</h3>
 	  <p>Where the implementation supports deployment of
-	  policy fragments as above, the <em>signed policy
-	  document</em> is the cryptographically signed unit of
-	  deployment. It contains one or more <em>policy
-	  documents</em> as well as a single signature. </p>
+	  policy fragments as above, the <code>signed policy
+	  document</code> is the cryptographically signed unit of
+	  deployment. It contains one or more <code>policy
+	  documents</code> as well as a single signature. </p>
   </section> <!-- signed-policy-document -->
   <section id="matching-function">
 	<h3>Matching Function</h3>
@@ -364,25 +368,25 @@
   </section> <!-- modifier-function -->
   <section id="combining-algorithm">
 	<h3>Combining Algorithm</h3>
-	  <p>The <em>policy-combining algorithm</em> for a
-	  <em>policy set</em> determines how child
-	  <em>policies</em> and <em>policy sets</em> are combined.
-	  </p> <p>The <em>rule-combining algorithm</em> for a
-	  <em>policy</em> determines how child <em>rules</em> are
+	  <p>The <code>policy-combining algorithm</code> for a
+	  <code>policy set</code> determines how child
+	  <code>policies</code> and <code>policy sets</code> are combined.
+	  </p> <p>The <code>rule-combining algorithm</code> for a
+	  <code>policy</code> determines how child <code>rules</code> are
 	  combined. </p> <p>The algorithms are described in the
-	  following subsections. The term <em>child</em> is used
-	  to mean the child <em>rules</em> in the <em>policy</em>
-	  when applying the <em>policy's rule-combining
-	  algorithm</em>, or the child <em>policies</em> and
-	  <em>policy sets</em> in the <em>policy set</em> when
-	  applying the <em>policy set's policy-combining
-	  algorithm</em>. </p>
+	  following subsections. The term <code>child</code> is used
+	  to mean the child <code>rules</code> in the <code>policy</code>
+	  when applying the <code>policy's rule-combining
+	  algorithm</code>, or the child <code>policies</code> and
+	  <code>policy sets</code> in the <code>policy set</code> when
+	  applying the <code>policy set's policy-combining
+	  algorithm</code>. </p>
 	  <section id="deny-overrides-combining-algorithm">
 	    <h4>Deny-Overrides Combining Algorithm</h4>
 	      <p>The Deny-Overrides Combining Algorithm is usable as a
 	      policy-combining algorithm and as a rule-combining
 	      algorithm. </p> <p>The overall result of a
-	      <em>query</em> is evaluated as follows: <ul> <li>if any
+	      <code>query</code> is evaluated as follows: <ul> <li>if any
 	      child evaluates to "deny", then the overall result is
 	      "deny";</li> <li>otherwise, if any child is
 	      undetermined, then the overall result is
@@ -401,7 +405,7 @@
 	    <h4>Permit-Overrides Combining Algorithm</h4>
 	      <p>The Permit-Overrides Combining Algorithm is usable as
 	      a policy-combining algorithm and as a rule-combining
-	      algorithm. The overall result of a <em>query</em> is
+	      algorithm. The overall result of a <code>query</code> is
 	      evaluated as follows: <ul> <li>if any child evaluates to
 	      "permit", then the overall result is "permit";</li>
 	      <li>otherwise, if any child is undetermined, then the
@@ -447,43 +451,40 @@
   </section> <!-- combining-algorithm -->
   <section id="effect">
-	  <p>The <em>effect</em> of a <em>rule</em> is one of the
+	  <p>The <code>effect</code> of a <code>rule</code> is one of the
 	  following: </p>
 	  <section id="permit">
-	      <p>This <em>effect</em> allows requested access without
+	      <p>This <code>effect</code> allows requested access without
 	      user interaction. </p>
 	  </section> <!-- permit -->
 	  <section id="deny">
-	      <p>This <em>effect</em> denies requested access without
+	      <p>This <code>effect</code> denies requested access without
 	      user interaction. </p>
 	  </section> <!-- deny -->
 	  <section id="prompt-x">
 	      <p>The prompt-oneshot, prompt-session and prompt-blanket
 	      effects allow requested access after explicit
-	      confirmation by the user. The implementation <em
-	      title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> prompt the user
-	      before allowing access. </p> <p>The implementation <em
-	      title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> only provide the
+	      confirmation by the user. The implementation MUST prompt the user
+	      before allowing access. </p> <p>The implementation MUST only
+	      provide the 
 	      user the option to grant permission up to the maximum
-	      allowed by the <em>effect</em>, ie: <ul>
+	      allowed by the <code>effect</code>, ie: <ul>
 	      <li>prompt-oneshot: "deny always", "deny this time",
 	      "allow this time";</li> <li>prompt-session:
 	      prompt-oneshot options plus "deny for this session",
 	      "allow for this session";</li> <li>prompt-blanket:
 	      prompt-session options plus "allow always".</li> </ul>
-	      The implementation <em title="must"
-	      class="rfc2119">must</em> provide a means to respond
+	      The implementation MUST provide a means to respond
 	      with any available option that is applicable in the
 	      context in which the prompt is displayed. </p> <p> Any
-	      default action <em title="must"
-	      class="rfc2119">must</em> be at least as restrictive as
+	      default action MUST be at least as restrictive as
 	      "deny this time". </p> <p> If the user has the option of
 	      deferring a response indefinitely and the user does not
-	      respond explicitly, the requested access <em title="must
-	      not" class="rfc2119">must not</em> be allowed. </p> <p>
+	      respond explicitly, the requested access MUST NOT be
+	      allowed. </p> <p> 
 	      For a widget, a session lasts while the application is
 	      still running and the terminal has not been switched off
 	      or placed in standby mode. </p> <p> For a website,
@@ -493,20 +494,20 @@
   </section> <!-- effect -->
   <section id="query">
-	  <p>A <em>query</em> represents a specific instance of a
+	  <p>A <code>query</code> represents a specific instance of a
 	  security policy being evaluated in order to make an
 	  access control decision relating to an attempted
-	  operation by a web application. </p> <p>A <em>query</em>
-	  is characterised by the collection of <em>subject
-	  attributes</em> associated with the web application
-	  instance, the collection of <em>resource attributes</em>
+	  operation by a web application. </p> <p>A <code>query</code>
+	  is characterised by the collection of <code>subject
+	  attributes</code> associated with the web application
+	  instance, the collection of <code>resource attributes</code>
 	  associated with the attempted operation, and the
-	  collection of <em>environment attributes</em> associated
+	  collection of <code>environment attributes</code> associated
 	  with the circumstances of the attempt. The
 	  determinedness of each of these attributes is in
-	  accordance with the <em>execution phase</em> of the
-	  attempt. </p> <p>A <em>query</em> is evaluated against a
-	  <em>policy-set</em>, resulting in a <em>decision</em> in
+	  accordance with the <code>execution phase</code> of the
+	  attempt. </p> <p>A <code>query</code> is evaluated against a
+	  <code>policy-set</code>, resulting in a <code>decision</code> in
 	  accordance with the evaluation rules defined in this
 	  specification. </p>
   </section> <!-- query -->
@@ -535,19 +536,16 @@
 	    document as defined in XML Digital Signature
 	    [[!XMLDSIG-CORE2]], with the following additional
 	    constraints: </p> <ul>
-	      <li>the <code>&lt;signature&gt;</code> element <em
-	      title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> contain one or
+	      <li>the <code>&lt;signature&gt;</code> element MUST contain one or
 	      more valid &lt;Reference&gt; elements;</li> <li>the
-	      URL attribute of each &lt;Reference&gt; element <em
-	      title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> contain a
+	      URL attribute of each &lt;Reference&gt; element MUST contain a
 	      reference to a <code>&lt;policy&gt;</code>; or
 	      <code>&lt;policy-set&gt;</code> element that is a
 	      sibling of the <code>&lt;signature&gt;</code> element
 	      in the same Signed Policy Document;</li> <li>the
-	      &lt;Reference&gt; element <em title="must"
-	      class="rfc2119">must not</em> have any
+	      &lt;Reference&gt; element MUST NOT have any
 	      &lt;Transform&gt; elements;</li> <li>the widget user
-	      agent <em title="must" class="rfc2119">must</em> treat
+	      agent MUST treat
 	      the <code>&lt;signed-policy&gt;</code> as invalid if
 	      it has a child <code>&lt;policy&gt;</code>; or
 	      <code>&lt;policy-set&gt;</code> element for which
@@ -561,8 +559,7 @@
 	    <code>&lt;policy-set&gt;</code> has two possible
 	    attributes: </p> <ul>
-	      <li>combine, which <em title="must"
-	      class="rfc2119">must</em> take a value of
+	      <li>combine, which MUST take a value of
 	      "deny-overrides", "permit-overrides" or
 	      "first-matching-target". The attribute is optional; if
 	      it is omitted, the default value is
@@ -661,7 +658,7 @@
-<section class='attribute-definitions'>
+<section id='attribute-definitions'>
   <h2>Attribute Definitions</h2>
 <section class='subject-attribute-definitions'>
   <h2>Subject Attribute Definitions</h2>
@@ -785,56 +782,67 @@
   <h2>Resource Attribute Definitions</h2>
 <p>The resource is identified by one or more of
 	  the following attributes: </p> 
-<table> <caption> <dfn
-	  id="widget-subject-attributes-table">Widget Resource
-	  Attributes Table</dfn></caption> <thead> <tr> <th
-	  scope="col">Attribute</th> <th scope="col">Type</th> <th
+  <caption> 
+    <dfn id="widget-subject-attributes-table">Widget Resource
+	  Attributes Table</dfn></caption> 
+      <thead> 
+        <tr> <th scope="col">Attribute</th> <th scope="col">Type</th> <th
 	  scope="col">Value</th> <th scope="col">Comment</th>
-	  </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td id="api-feature">api-feature (*** ref:
+	  </tr>
+      </thead> 
+      <tbody> 
+        <tr> <td id="api-feature">api-feature (*** ref:
 	  ****)</td> <td>URI</td> <td>The IRI identifier of the
 	  requested Feature converted to URI as per RFC3987
 	  [[!IRI]].</td> <td>This uses the same naming scheme as
 	  in a widget's <code>feature</code> element. Determined for all
-	  applicable application execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
-	  <td id="device-cap">device-cap</td> <td>string</td> <td>Device
-	  capability being accessed, if any. Empty bag if
-	  none</td> <td>See Appendix A (*** change this ref ***).
-	  Determined for all applicable application Execution
-	  Phases.</td> </tr> <tr> <td id=parameter>param:name</td> <td>See
-	  comment</td> <td>The value of parameter name.</td>
-	  <td>The specification of each Device Capabilities lists
-	  the parameters associated with that Device Capability
-	  and the type and semantics of each. Empty bag if the
-	  parameter is not defined. Determined in the invoke
-	  execution phase. Undetermined in all other execution
-	  phases.</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4">The following
+	  applicable application execution phases.</td> </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="device-cap">device-cap</td> <td>string</td> <td>Device
+        capability being accessed, if any. Empty bag if
+        none</td> <td>See Appendix A (*** change this ref ***).
+        Determined for all applicable application Execution
+        Phases.</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="parameter">param:name</td> <td>See
+        comment</td> <td>The value of parameter name.</td>
+        <td>The specification of each Device Capabilities lists
+        the parameters associated with that Device Capability
+        and the type and semantics of each. Empty bag if the
+        parameter is not defined. Determined in the invoke
+        execution phase. Undetermined in all other execution
+        phases.</td> </tr>
+        <tr> <td colspan="4">The following
 	  resource attributes give information on the source of
-	  the implementation of the API Feature.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  the implementation of the API Feature.</td> </tr> 
+      <tr>
 	  <td>feature-install-uri</td> <td>URI</td> <td>The URI
 	  that the API implementation was originally retrieved
 	  from before installation, if known, otherwise the empty
 	  bag.</td> <td>Determined for all applicable application
-	  execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  execution phases.</td> </tr> 
+      <tr>
 	  <td>feature-key-cn</td> <td>string</td> <td>The common
 	  name of the end entity certificate for the signature
 	  associated with the Feature implementation. Empty bag if
 	  none.</td> <td>Determined for all applicable application
-	  execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  execution phases.</td> </tr> 
+      <tr>
 	  <td>feature-key-root-cn</td> <td>string</td> <td>The
 	  common name of the root certificate for the signature
 	  associated with the Feature implementation. Empty bag if
 	  none</td> <td>Determined for all applicable application
-	  execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  execution phases.</td> </tr> 
+      <tr>
 	  <td>feature-key-root-fingerprint</td> <td>string</td>
 	  <td>The fingerprint of the root certificate of the
 	  signature associated with the Feature implementation.
 	  Empty bag if none.</td> <td>Determined for all
-	  applicable application execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
-	  </tbody> </table>
+	  applicable application execution phases.</td> </tr> 
+      </tbody> 
-<section 'class=context-attribute-definitions'>
+<section class='context-attribute-definitions'>
   <h2>Context Attribute Definitions</h2>
-    <p>
 <table> <caption> <dfn
 	  Attributes Table</dfn></caption> <thead> <tr> <th
@@ -848,7 +856,9 @@
 	  <li>website-bind</li> <li>invoke</li> </ul>
 	  Undetermined in the following execution phases:
 	  <ul> <li>widget-install</li> </ul>
-	  </td> </tr> <tr> <td>bearer-type</td> <td>string</td>
+	  </td> 
+ <tr> <td>bearer-type</td> <td>string</td>
 	  <td>The type of the current network bearer over which a
 	  network request will be served, either by request of the
 	  application or by default (per the current serving
@@ -864,7 +874,7 @@
 	  </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
-<section class='examples'>
+<section id='examples'>
 <section id="example-abuse-policies">
   <h2>Example Policies to mitigate Abuse Use Cases</h2>
@@ -877,7 +887,7 @@
 	application is trusted and is on the device. If the user
 	(or the policy provider) has stated that they don’t want
 	to call premium rate numbers in the UK: </p>
-	<pre><code>
+	<pre>
 		&lt;subject-match attr="author-key-root-fingerprint" 
@@ -891,12 +901,17 @@
 		param:recipients="+4409*" func="glob"/&gt; &lt;-- to block UK premium
 		rate numbers --&gt;
-	&lt;/rule&gt; </pre></code>
-	We could extend this to other countries if we are concerned that premium rate
-	numbers would not only be from the host country. Here is an example of a policy
-	fragment for blocking Spanish premium rate numbers that could be added, along
-	with the condition combining operator (please note: there are probably more
-	elegant ways of expressing this by using regular expressions): <pre><code>
+	&lt;/rule&gt; </pre>
+	We could extend this to other countries if we are concerned that
+    premium rate 
+	numbers would not only be from the host country. Here is an
+    example of a policy 
+	fragment for blocking Spanish premium rate numbers that could be 
+    added, along 
+	with the condition combining operator (please note: there are
+    probably more 
+	elegant ways of expressing this by using regular expressions):
+    <pre>
 	    &lt;condition combine="or"&gt;
 		&lt;resource-match attr="dev-cap" match="messaging.*.send"
 		param:recipients="+4409*" func="glob"/&gt; &lt;-- to block UK premium
@@ -904,11 +919,14 @@
 		match="messaging.*.send" param:recipients="+34806*" func="glob"/&gt;
 		&lt;-- to block Spanish premium rate numbers --&gt;
-	</pre></code> If the malicious widget is out in the wild already and has been
+	</pre> 
+<p>If the malicious widget is out in the wild already and has been
 	identified, then we want to prevent it from installing and executing on devices,
-	halting the spread of the malware in its early stages of distribution. </p> <p>
+	halting the spread of the malware in its early stages of
+    distribution.
+ </p> <p>
 	Clearly, if the widget is prevented from installing, then it cannot call a
-	device API – these functions are shown as a belt and braces example:
+	device API – these functions are shown as a belt and braces example:</p>
 	<pre><code> <code>&lt;target&gt;</code>
 		&lt;subject-match attr="id" match="http://maliciouswidget1.example.org"&gt;
@@ -923,7 +941,6 @@
     </section> <!-- premium-rate-abuse -->
 </section> <!-- example policies -->
 <section class='appendix'>

Received on Monday, 21 June 2010 12:33:33 UTC