2009/dap/policy Framework.html,1.3,1.4

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Index: Framework.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/policy/Framework.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- Framework.html	4 Jun 2010 07:09:06 -0000	1.3
+++ Framework.html	9 Jun 2010 13:48:31 -0000	1.4
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
       the features and the device capabilities exposed by them) are generic, and are
       not themselves dependent on any particular set of JavaScript APIs. This
       model envisages that these controls apply, irrespective of whether the APIs in
-      use are defined by DAP or any independent entity. <!-- This “layering” of
+      use are defined by DAP or any independent entity. <!-- This "layering” of
       JavaScript APIs and mediating access control is illustrated in the figure below. -->
     <section id="trust-domain-control-layer">
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
 	<h3>Subject Attributes</h3>
 	  <p> A <strong><em><a id="subject">subject</a></em></strong> corresponds to an entity that may attempt
 	  security-relevant actions and corresponds to a single
-	  “identity”. (In practice, some web applications might
+	  "identity". (In practice, some web applications might
 	  have multiple identities – for example is a widget
 	  resource is signed by multiple signers – but for the
 	  purposes of this model, each access control query is
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
 	  class determines which attributes are available; other
 	  attributes have the undefined value. </p>
 	  <p> All <strong><em>subject attributes</em></strong> are determined for the applicable
-	  application Execution Phases: widget-install, widget-instantiate.</p>
+	  application execution phases: widget-install, widget-instantiate.</p>
       <section id="widget-resource-identity">
 	<h4>Widget Resource Identity</h4>
 	  <p> The widget identity type applies to all operations
@@ -377,23 +377,23 @@
 	  scope="col">Attribute</th> <th scope="col">Type</th> <th
 	  scope="col">Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr>
 	  <td>class</td> <td>string</td> <td>This has the value
-	  “widget” if and only if the subject is a widget.</td>
+	  "widget" if and only if the subject is a widget.</td>
 	  </tr> <tr> <td>install-uri</td> <td>URI</td> <td>The URI
 	  that the widget resource was originally retrieved from
 	  before installation, if known, otherwise the empty
 	  bag.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>id</td> <td>URI</td> <td>The
-	  identity of the widget. For a W3C widget specification
-	  compliant widget resource, this is the value of the id
-	  attribute of the <widget> element in the widget
+	  identity of the widget. For a W3C widget specification [[!WIDGETS]]
+	  compliant widget resource, this is the value of the <code>id</code>
+	  attribute of the <code>widget</code> element in the widget
 	  configuration document converted from IRI to URI based
-	  on RFC3987. In this case, it is a URI that uniquely
-	  identifies the widget. Empty bag if there is no id
+	  on RFC3987 [[!IRI]]. In this case, it is a URI that uniquely
+	  identifies the widget. Empty bag if there is no <code>id</code>
 	  attribute.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>version</td>
 	  <td>string</td> <td>Version of the widget resource. For
 	  a W3C widget specification compliant widget resource,
-	  this is the version attribute of the <widget> element in
-	  the widget Configuration Document. Empty bag if there is
-	  no version attribute.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  this is the <code>version</code> attribute of the <code>widget</code> element in
+	  the widget configuration document. Empty bag if there is
+	  no <code>version</code> attribute.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  <td>distributor-key-cn</td> <td>string</td> <td>The
 	  common name of the end entity certificate for the
 	  applicable widget resource distributor signature. Empty
@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@
 	  certificate for the widget resource author signature.
 	  Empty bag if none.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  <td>widget-attr:name</td> <td></td> <td>The value of the
-	  named attribute of the &lt;widget&gt; element whose type
+	  named attribute of the <code>widget</code> element whose type
 	  and value are set up in the widget configuration
-	  document for use in the DAP security framework. Empty
+	  document for use in the security framework. Empty
 	  bag if no such named attribute is defined.</td> </tr>
 	  </tbody> </table>
       </section> <!-- widget-resource-identity -->
@@ -435,42 +435,42 @@
 	<h4>Website Identity</h4>
 	  <p> The website identity type applies to all operations
 	  occurring in the execution of a remotely-hosted
-	  document, whether this is the top-level docment of the
+	  document, whether this is the top-level document of the
 	  website or is associated with some child browsing
 	  context (such as an iframe). </p> <table border="1"
 	  summary=""> <caption> <dfn
-	  id="widget-subject-attributes-table">Widget Subject
+	  id="website-subject-attributes-table">Website Subject
 	  Attributes Table</dfn></caption> <thead> <tr> <th
 	  scope="col">Attribute</th> <th scope="col">Type</th> <th
 	  scope="col">Value</th> <th scope="col">Meaning</th>
 	  </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>class</td>
 	  <td>string</td> <td>"website"</td> <td>Has the value
-	  “website” if and only if the subject is of this
+	  "website" if and only if the subject is of this
 	  class.</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="4">sign-schema</td>
-	  <td rowspan="4">string</td> </tr> <tr> <td>** (empty
-	  string)</td> <td>Not signed</td> </tr> <tr>
-	  <td>“tls”</td> <td>The page was fetched using HTTPS and
+	  <td rowspan="4">string</td> </tr> <tr> <td>"" (empty
+	  string)</td> <td>Not signed.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  <td>"tls"</td> <td>The page was fetched using HTTPS and
 	  the browser has verified that the site certificate’s
 	  Common Name matches the host that the page was fetched
 	  from, and it has already applied its own policies
 	  regarding whether the root certificate is in an
 	  acceptable trust domain.</td> </tr> <tr>
-	  <td>“tls-ev”</td> <td>As “tls”, and, additionally, the
+	  <td>"tls-ev"</td> <td>As "tls", and, additionally, the
 	  site certificate has an extended validation field and
 	  the browser's internal policy allows that information to
-	  be passed to the DAP security framework.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  be passed to the security framework.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  <td>uri</td> <td>URI</td> <td colspan="2">The URI used
 	  to access the document that embeds or refers to the
 	  JavaScript code, corresponding to the window.location
 	  property of the browsing context. In the case of that a
-	  Feature is accessed from a child browsing context (for
+	  feature is accessed from a child browsing context (for
 	  example from within a &lt;iframe&gt; within some outer
 	  document), this attribute provides the location of the
 	  child context.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>uri-top</td>
 	  <td>URI</td> <td colspan="2">The URI used to access the
 	  website that embeds or refers to the JavaScript code,
 	  corresponding to the top.window property of the browsing
-	  context. In the case that the Feature is accessed from a
+	  context. In the case that the feature is accessed from a
 	  child browsing context (for example from within an
 	  &lt;iframe&gt;), this attribute provides the location of
 	  the top-level browsing context. If the current browsing
@@ -506,9 +506,8 @@
 	  ****)</td> <td>URI</td> <td>The IRI identifier of the
 	  requested Feature converted to URI as per RFC3987
 	  [[!IRI]].</td> <td>This uses the same naming scheme as
-	  in a widget's &lt;feature&gt; element. See Appendix A
-	  (*** change this ref ****). Determined for all
-	  applicable application Execution Phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  in a widget's <code>feature</code> element. Determined for all
+	  applicable application execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  <td id="device-cap">device-cap</td> <td>string</td> <td>Device
 	  capability being accessed, if any. Empty bag if
 	  none</td> <td>See Appendix A (*** change this ref ***).
@@ -527,22 +526,22 @@
 	  that the API implementation was originally retrieved
 	  from before installation, if known, otherwise the empty
 	  bag.</td> <td>Determined for all applicable application
-	  Execution Phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  <td>feature-key-cn</td> <td>string</td> <td>The common
 	  name of the end entity certificate for the signature
 	  associated with the Feature implementation. Empty bag if
 	  none.</td> <td>Determined for all applicable application
-	  Execution Phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  <td>feature-key-root-cn</td> <td>string</td> <td>The
 	  common name of the root certificate for the signature
 	  associated with the Feature implementation. Empty bag if
 	  none</td> <td>Determined for all applicable application
-	  Execution Phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  <td>feature-key-root-fingerprint</td> <td>string</td>
 	  <td>The fingerprint of the root certificate of the
 	  signature associated with the Feature implementation.
 	  Empty bag if none.</td> <td>Determined for all
-	  applicable application Execution Phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
+	  applicable application execution phases.</td> </tr> <tr>
 	  </tbody> </table>
       </section> <!-- resource-attributes -->
       <section id="environment-attributes">
@@ -558,10 +557,10 @@
 	  </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>roaming</td>
 	  <td>string</td> <td>"national", "international", or
 	  empty string</td> <td>Determined in the following
-	  Execution Phases:
+	  execution phases:
 	  <ul> <li>widget-instantiate</li>
 	  <li>website-bind</li> <li>invoke</li> </ul>
-	  Undetermined in the following Execution Phases:
+	  Undetermined in the following execution phases:
 	  <ul> <li>widget-install</li> </ul>
 	  </td> </tr> <tr> <td>bearer-type</td> <td>string</td>
 	  <td>The type of the current network bearer over which a
@@ -571,10 +570,10 @@
 	  served, if multiple networks are available). A
 	  comma-separated list of one or more of the bearer types
 	  given as examples in W3C DCO [[DCONTOLOGY]].</td>
-	  <td>Determined in the following Execution Phases:
+	  <td>Determined in the following execution phases:
 	  <ul> <li>widget-instantiate</li>
 	  <li>website-bind</li> <li>invoke</li> </ul>
-	  Undetermined in the following Execution Phases:
+	  Undetermined in the following execution phases:
 	  <ul> <li>widget-install</li> </ul>
 	  </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
       </section> <!-- environment-attributes -->

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 13:48:38 UTC