2009/dap/system-info Overview.html,1.63,1.64

Update of /sources/public/2009/dap/system-info
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv27924

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trivial markup fixes.

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/system-info/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.63
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -d -r1.63 -r1.64
--- Overview.html	27 Jan 2010 16:24:40 -0000	1.63
+++ Overview.html	28 Jan 2010 13:40:43 -0000	1.64
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     <script src='../ReSpec.js/js/respec.js' class='remove'></script>
     <script class='remove'>
       var respecConfig = {
-          specStatus:           "FPWD",
+          specStatus:           "ED",
           shortName:            "system-info-api",
           publishDate:  "2010-01-28",
           // previousPublishDate:  "1977-03-15",
@@ -1303,15 +1303,15 @@
-            <li/>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide the ability to list temperature
-            from multiple thermometers.
-            <li/>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide a method to detect the thermal
-            target of a thermometer.
-            <li/>A conforming implementation MAY provide a method to detect the ID of the 
-            thermometer.
-            <li/>A conforming implementation MUST provide a method to detect temperature.
-            <li/>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide a method to monitor temperature 
-            changes based on thresholds.
+            <li>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide the ability to list temperature
+            from multiple thermometers.<li/>
+            <li>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide a method to detect the thermal
+            target of a thermometer.</li>
+            <li>A conforming implementation MAY provide a method to detect the ID of the 
+            thermometer.</li>
+            <li>A conforming implementation MUST provide a method to detect temperature.</li>
+            <li>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide a method to monitor temperature 
+            changes based on thresholds.</li>
@@ -1330,10 +1330,10 @@
-            <li>A conforming implementation MUST provide a list of codecs available</li>
-            on the device.
-            <li>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide video architecture</li>
-            information.
+            <li>A conforming implementation MUST provide a list of codecs available
+            on the device.</li>
+            <li>A conforming implementation SHOULD provide video architecture
+            information.</li>

Received on Thursday, 28 January 2010 13:40:47 UTC