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musings on powerbox

--- NEW FILE: powerbox-walkthrough.html ---
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>An Attempted Quick Walkthrough of the Powerbox Proposal</title>
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    <section id='abstract'>
      Tyler Close, Mark Miller, and Marc Seaborn of Google have recently submitted their
      <a href='http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Feb/att-0118/Overview.html'>Powerbox proposal</a>
      to the <a href='http://www.w3.org/2009/dap'>Device APIs &amp; Policy WG</a>. It defines a mechanism
      for exposing services (“Providers”) that may be local or remote, and may have privacy and security implications,
      to scripts running in a given page (“Customers”). In order to help develop, digest, and bind it to concrete
      technology this note walks through the development and deployment of a Powerbox-enabled service, 
      discussing some gaps along the way.
    <section class='introductory'>
      <h2>Before You Read More</h2>
        I made this document because I started off with an email but it became too long and messy. So I put the
        mess and length here. It is windy, makes side notes about things to change with the original proposal,
        makes no sense if you don't have the Powerbox document at hand, and is about as well organised as my
        mental capacities generally are. You have been warned.
    <section class='introductory'>
      <h2>Note on the Trusted Case</h2>
        This document only concerns itself with the untrusted Web case. That approach was not taken with the intent
        to disregard the trusted case (e.g. widget, extension, etc.) but simply because given a Powerbox-compliant
        system, the trusted application case can be handled with two simple additions:
        <li>pre-installed Providers; and</li>
          <pre class='sh_html' style='display: inline; margin: auto'>&lt;input type="file"/></pre> elements that can 
          be activated in script.
        This minimal variation in the handling of the trusted case is seen as a bonus. Additional security models
        may be built largely by controlling which Providers are made available by default.
      <div class='note'>
        This may or may not be exaggerated depending on what the <code>input</code>s produce on activation. That's
        an aspect to keep in mind while designing these.
      <h2>The Use Case</h2>
        Cryptozoology is a science with a bright future and devout following. A vast number of creature-specific
        social websites have sprouted in which communities can share sightings, tips, organise events, and so on:
        Dahut Hunters, Unicorn Riders, Yeti Trainers, Werewolves &amp; Villagers, Zero-Bug Browsers, etc.
        All is fine and well for a while and cryptozoologists the world over happily exchange with one another. But
        there is a problem: it is not uncommon for several of the studied species to to appear at the same time
        and location (e.g. after 2am at an open-air mulled wine party) or to cross-breed (e.g. dahunicorns).
        Wishing to recount the multiple encounter, a budding cryptozoologist must load up multiple sites, enter
        the same information multiple times, etc. It's a pain and science suffers. Having heard of the wonders of
        Powerbox, the World Wide Watchers of Cryptids asks its Demonstration through Anecdotal Proof Working Group
        to come up with a solution so that contacts from friends' lists at various community sites can be accessed
        uniformly. It is expected to be modelled after the same API that allows access to the local address book so 
        that one can text both fellow enthusiasts and that dumb ex who called you crazy in one go.
      <h2>Setting Up the Provider</h2>
        As explained by the Powerbox document, a Provider is linked to a website in the following manner from the
        various relevant sites:
      <pre class='sh_html'>&lt;link rel='provider' href='/apis/crypto-contacts-provider' title='Contacts'/></pre>
        Based on that, an <a href='http://www.w3.org/mid/5691356f1002191551r1336c924j4dd5e67c612238a@mail.gmail.com'>affordance
        similar to those used for RSS feeds</a> is made available (oftentimes an icon in the location bar) with which
        the user can install the provider.
        What is not described in the Powerbox proposal is how the link is created between that URI and the filtering
        that file select controls operate on providers. The example in the Powerbox proposal uses the same URI for the provider
        and the provision request, which may or may not be intentional. For simplicity I'll assume a level of indirection 
        and have the link point to a provider description which itself gives the URI for the service. If preferred,
        it is possible to have a standard way of requesting applicability information from the provider URI directly
        The resource at <code>/apis/crypto-contacts-provider</code> is therefore a JSON entity of the following
        rough shape:
      <pre class='sh_javascript_dom'>{
    name:         "Cryptid Contacts for “Unicorns Are Tasty”",
    description:  "Makes your list of UAT contacts easily available everywhere",
    author:       "Damian Archibald Hutt"
    email:        "d@hutt.org",
    site:         "http://unicorn-syrup.com/",
    license:      "http://unicorn-syrup.com/t+c",
    icon:         "http://unicorn-syrup.com/favicon.svg",
    version:      "0.1",
    service:      "http://unicorn-syrup.com/api/contacts",
    proposes:     ["application/json", "application/atom+xml"],
    exposes:      "http://cryptideas.org/contacts",
    params:       {
        apiKey: "c0edbeef"
        Most parameters provided here are straightforward and only intended to make a list of installed providers
        somehow palatable and more useful to end users when manipulated inside the UA. The interesting ones are:
      <table class='simple'>
          <td>The URI of the actual endpoint for the provision request.</td>
          <td>A list of media types (that may include wildcards) to be matched against the <code>accept</code> attribute.</td>
          <td>An identifier for the API that is being exposed. See below.</td>
            An open set of parameters that the UA has to remember and include in following provision requests. This can
            be used to pass in a key that the user needs to have.
      <h2>Resource Requisition</h2>
        So most cryptozoologist websites have set up their provider installer as described above and most folks
        have installed them. We can now proceed with our “ChupacaBroadcast” web application with which one can
        notify friends of a sighting.
        Here I introduce a slight variation on the original proposal (largely because I don't see how it is 
        supposed to be matched otherwise):
      <pre class='sh_html'>&lt;input type='file' accept='application/json' pattern='http://cryptideas.org/contacts' multiple='multiple'/></pre>
        Essentially here, the <code>accept</code> attribute matches one of our <code>proposes</code> options, and
        the <code>pattern</code> attribute matches the <code>exposes</code> option. Reusing <code>pattern</code>
        here may be a bit tricky, but I feel that it is better than class in that it matches the intent somewhat more 
        clearly, and HTML5 currently forbids <code>pattern</code> here so it's up for grabs.
      <h2>Resource Provision</h2>
        Let's assume that we have a user who belongs to both the “Dahut Circle” and the “Unique Horns” websites,
        for both of which he's installed the providers, and who wishes to share his snapshot of a dahunicorn.
        He opens up ChupacaBroadcast and activates the above <code>input</code> control. The UA pops up a list
        of all providers that support returning that media type for that API identifier which includes amongst
        others the two cited above plus the local contact store (our user is running the famous Zero-Bug Browser,
        which naturally exposes cryptid APIs).
        First of all, does the <code>multiple</code> mean that the user can select several providers at once,
        or is that always/never the case? Or is the idea that that's something that the service should have
        to take into account so as to return a URI that exposes a single object (whatever that means, HTTP-wise)?
        I'm going to assume here that it means the user can select multiple providers at once as it seems to be
        the most useful (where useful is "what jumps first to me mind") thing. Having selected “Dahut Circle”,
        “Unique Horns”, and “Local”, and okayed the dialog, a provision request is sent to all three services with
        the following parameters (departing slightly from the proposal):
        <dd>sent using the <code>Accept</code> header</dd>
        <dd>the value of the <code>lang</code> attribute on the element or its closest ancestor, if any</dd>
        <dd>the <code>version</code> field of the provider description</dd>
        <dd>the <code>exposes</code> field of the provider description</dd>
          all the params from the provider description as JSON [Note: the whole request could perhaps use JSON
          instead of <code>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</code>]
        <dd>all <code>data-*</code> attributes present on the element</dd>
        For obvious reasons of privacy granularity, we do not want the providers to have as their sole choice to
        expose either all of the user's contacts or none. As such they do <em>not</em> yet return a provision
        response with a <code>Location</code> header that would provide the actual data (though if we did want
        an API providing all of the contacts they certainly could). Instead, the provision responses use the
        code <code>300 Multiple Choices</code> and has an entity body (of course they may also return error
        For each provider the user is now presented with the return body. One way of doing this would be to
        have the provider choice dialog stay open and have its content replaced with the bodies, each in a 
        different tab. The body can be anything that the browser understands, and its content is naturally
        unavailable to the original page. In our case each of them presents the user with a list of their
        contacts from which they can select several, all, or none. These bodies can interact with the provider
        as much as they want using regular HTTP (so that for instance they could also implement complex
        multipage wizards) but the first response that returns <code>201 Created</code> with a defined 
        <code>Location</code> header will cause that body (its tab if there are several, the dialog if it was
        the last one) to close.
        Once the user has picked all of his contacts, the provided resources specified by the three services.
        Since we have more than one, we cannot use the <code>value</code> getter but must mint a new one
        similar to that used in the File API: <code>provisions</code> (name eminently changeable). [Note that
        this does not prevent inclusion in form submission.]
        The user then writes his message and okays it, which causes the following code to run (assuming jQuery
        for brevity):
      <pre class='sh_javascript_dom'>function tellEveryone () {
    var contacts = [], received = 0;
    var provs = $("#myInput")[0].provisions;
    for (var i = 0, n = provs.length; i &lt; n; i++) {
        $.getJSON(provs[i], function (data) {
            $.each(data.contacts, function (i, it) { contacts.push(it); });
            if (received == n) sendMessage({
                to:       contacts,
                subject:  "A dahunicorn!",
                body:     "HA! Who's crazy NOW!?"
        And that's it!
      <h2>Next Steps</h2>
        The original proposal had an interesting video example, and this one does a very simple contacts selection.
        What I'd be interested finding out is whether this scales nicely to more complex protocols, including full
        CRUD, as well as as double-checking that we can make this work simply in trusted environments.

Received on Tuesday, 23 February 2010 16:49:06 UTC