2009/dap/system-info Overview.html,1.44,1.45

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Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/system-info/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.44
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -d -r1.44 -r1.45
--- Overview.html	18 Dec 2009 11:21:05 -0000	1.44
+++ Overview.html	18 Dec 2009 12:21:29 -0000	1.45
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@
         MUST acquire permission through a user interface, unless they
         have prearranged trust relationships with users, as described
         below. The user interface MUST include the URI of the document
-        origin, as defined in [[HTML5]]. Those permissions that are
+        origin, as defined in [[!HTML5]]. Those permissions that are
         acquired through the user interface and that are preserved
         beyond the current browsing session (i.e. beyond the time when
-        the browsing context, as defined in [HTML5], is navigated to
+        the browsing context, as defined in [[!HTML5]], is navigated to
         another URL) MUST be revocable and User Agents MUST respect
         revoked permissions.</p>
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
           <h4>The <a>PowerState</a> Property</h4>
           <p>This property reflects the state of general state of the system's power sources</p>
-          <li class="issue">Find the corresponding DCO properties everywhere</li>
+          <p class="issue">Find the corresponding DCO properties everywhere</p>
           <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface PowerState" class="idl">
@@ -846,168 +846,7 @@
       <!--******************** /Network **********************************-->
-      <!--******************** Display **********************************-->
-      <p class="issue">Move display and sound in an "output devices" section?</p>
-      <section>
-        <h2>Display</h2>
-        <p>This set of properties expose information about the visual display devices available to this system.</p>
-        <section>
-          <h4>ECMAScript Example</h4>
-          <pre class="sh_javascript example">// adjust the display brightness if it is too low
-navigator.device.system.get("Display", success, null);
-function success(display) {
-  if (display.brightness &lt;= 0.2) 
-    navigator.device.system.set("Display", {brightness: 0.8}, adjustCallback);
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <h4>The <a>Display</a> Property</h4>
-          <p>This property provides information on the display available on this system</p>
-          <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface Display' class='idl'>
-            <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN = 0</dt>
-            <dd>The device is not able to determine its orientation.</dd>
-            <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 1</dt>
-            <dd>The display orientation is landscape.</dd>
-            <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 2</dt>
-            <dd>The display orientation is portrait.</dd>
-            <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_INVERTED_LANDSCAPE = 3</dt>
-            <dd>The display orientation is inverted landscape.</dd>
-            <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_INVERTED_PORTRAIT = 4</dt>
-            <dd>The display orientation is inverted portrait.</dd>
-            <dt>attribute unsigned short orientation</dt>
-            <dd>The display orientation from the constants listed in this object.</dd>
-            <dt>attribute float brightness</dt>
-            <dd>The current brightness, from 0 to 1</dd>
-            <dt>attribute float contrast</dt>
-            <dd>The current contrast, from 0 to 1</dd>
-            <dt>attribute boolean blanked</dt>
-            <dd><code>true</code> if this display is currently blanked, <code>false</code> otherwise</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute DisplayDevice activeDevice</dt>
-            <dd>The display currently in use</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute DisplayDevice devices[]</dt>
-            <dd>The sequence of all the available display devices</dd>
-          </dl>
-          <p class="issue">Are we being short-sighted in only listing
-          four? Would it make sense to have it be an angle, except
-          that in most cases it would only change in 90°
-          increments?</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <h4>The <a>DisplayDevice</a> property</h4>
-          <p>This property exposes information on a single display device available to the system. Is it <a>enumerable.</a></p>
-          <p>The <a>DisplayDevice</a> interface defined below inherits from the <a>Screen</a> interface as defined in [[!CSSOM-VIEW]]</p>
-          <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface DisplayDevice : Screen" class="idl">
-            <dt>readonly attribute DOMString info</dt>
-            <dd>A free-form string describing this device</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute DOMString id</dt>
-            <dd>A free-form string identifying this device. The value of this element MUST be unique within the list reported in a <a>Display</a> object.</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int dotsPerInchW</dt>
-            <dd>Resolution of this device, along its width, in dots per inch.</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int dotsPerInchH</dt>
-            <dd>Resolution of this device, along its height, in dots per inch.</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute float physicalWidth</dt>
-            <dd>The display's physical width in centimeters</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute float physicalHeight</dt>
-            <dd>The display's physical height in centimeters</dd>
-          </dl>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <!-- ********* /display ************************************************************* -->
-      <!-- ********* Sound ************************************************************** -->
-      <section>
-        <h2>Sound</h2>
-        <p>The properties below expose the device's audio system.</p>
-        <section>
-          <h4>ECMAScript Example</h4>
-          <pre class="sh_javascript example">//Enumerate the active speakers on the system
-system.audio.get("Audio", success);
-function isSpeaker(device, index, array) {
-  return device.type===device.TYPE_SPEAKER;
-function success(audio) {
-  var activeSpeakers = audio.outputDevices.filter(isSpeaker);
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <h4>The <a>Sound</a> property</h4>
-          <p>This property exposes information on the audio capabilities of this system</p>
-          <p class="note">These properties do not provide volume
-          controls. An application will have to use HTML5's volume
-          control attributes.</p>
-          <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface Sound' class='idl'>
-            <dt>readonly attribute DOMString? info</dt>
-            <dd>A free-form string describing this system's sound architecture</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute AudioOutputDevice outputDevices[]</dt>
-            <dd>Audio output devices attached to this device</dd>
-          </dl>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <h4>The <a>AudioOutputDevice</a> Property</h4>
-          <p>This property exposes information on a single audio
-          output device available to this system. It is
-          <a>enumerable</a>.</p>
-          <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface AudioOutputDevice' class='idl'>
-            <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_UNKNOWN=0</dt>
-            <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when the type of this device is unknown</dd>
-            <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_SPEAKER=1</dt>
-            <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when this device is a loud speaker</dd>
-            <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_HEADPHONES=2</dt>
-            <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when this device is a pair of headphones</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short type</dt>
-            <dd>The type of audio output device. The value is one of the constants defined for this type.</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute DOMString info</dt>
-            <dd>Free-form text describing this device.</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute DOMString id</dt>
-            <dd>A free-form string identifying this device. The value
-            of this element MUST be unique within the list reported in
-            an <a>Audio</a> object.</dd>
-            <dt>attribute boolean active</dt>
-            <dd>Indicates if the device is currently active, i.e. if
-            any sound recording will be made using this device</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int freqRangeLow</dt>
-            <dd>Frequency range, low value, in Hz</dd>
-            <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int freqRangeHigh</dt>
-            <dd>Frequency range, high value, in Hz</dd>
-          </dl>
-        </section>
-      </section>
       <!-- ********* Sensors ************************************************************** -->
@@ -1207,8 +1046,6 @@
         <h2>Audio and Video Codecs</h2>
         <p>The properties below expose the device's audio and video codec capabilities.</p>
-        <p class="issue">It seems better to separate software (codecs) from hardware (displays, speakers, microphone)</p>
           <h4>ECMAScript Example</h4>
           <pre class="sh_javascript example"></pre>
@@ -1306,13 +1143,228 @@
         <!-- ********* /Codecs ************************************************************** -->
+        <!-- ********* Storage ************************************************************** -->
+        <section>
+          <h3>Storage</h3>
+          <p>This set of properties expose a device's storage units and their properties, like type (hard Disk, memory card, etc.) and capacity</p>
+          <section>
+            <h4>The <a>Storage</a> Property</h4>
+            <p>This property exposes the data storage devices connected to this system.</p>
+            <dl title="interface Storage" class="idl">
+              <dt>readonly attribute StorageUnit units[]</dt>
+              <dd>The array of storage units connected to this device</dd>
+            </dl>
+          </section>
+          <section>
+            <h4>The <a>StorageUnit</a> Property</h4>
+            <p>This property exposes a single storage device connected to this system. It is <a>enumerable</a>.</p>
+            <dl title="interface StorageUnit" class="idl">
+              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_UNKNOWN=0</dt>
+              <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when the type of this device is unknown to this API.</dd>
+              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_HARDDISK=1</dt>
+              <dd>When type has this value, then this device is a hard disk</dd>
+              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_FLOPPYDISK=2</dt>
+              <dd>When type has this value, then this device is a floppy disk</dd>
+              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_OPTICAL=3</dt>
+              <dd>When type has this value, then this device uses optical storage technology (CD, DVD, Holographic)</dd>
+              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_RAM=4</dt>
+              <dd>When type has this value, then this device uses solid-state RAM technology (chip, memory card)</dd>
+              <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short type</dt>
+              <dd>The type of pointing device. The value is one of the constants defined for this type.</dd>
+              <dt>readonly attribute DOMString info</dt>
+              <dd>A free-form string describing this device</dd>
+              <dt>readonly attribute DOMString id</dt>
+              <dd>A free-form string identifying this device. The value of this element MUST be unique within the list reported in the <a>units</a> attribute of an <a>Storage</a> object.</dd>
+              <dt>readonly attribute boolean isReadWrite</dt>
+              <dd><code>true</code> when this device suports software modification, <code>else</code> otherwise.</dd>
+              <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int capacity</dt>
+              <dd>The amount of data that this device can hold, in bytes. A <a>watch</a> operation operating on an object of type <a>StorageUnit</a> must invoke the success callback only when this attribute has changed</dd>
+              <dt>readonly attribute int availableCapacity</dt>
+              <dd>The amount of available data that this device can hold, in bytes</dd>
+              <dt>readonly attribute boolean isRemoveable</dt>
+              <dd><code>true</code> if this unit can be removed from the system (e.g. a memory card unplugged, or a disk ejected), <code>false</code> otherwise</dd>
+            </dl>
+          </section>
+        </section>
+        <!-- ********* /Storage ************************************************************** -->
+        <!--******************** Output **********************************-->
+        <section>
+          <h2>Output Devices</h2>
+          <p>This section gathers system properties related to this device's output devices: screens, sound systems, etc.</p>
+          <section>
+            <h2>Display</h2>
+            <p>This set of properties expose information about the visual display devices available to this system.</p>
+            <section>
+              <h4>ECMAScript Example</h4>
+              <pre class="sh_javascript example">// adjust the display brightness if it is too low
+navigator.device.system.get("Display", success, null);
+function success(display) {
+  if (display.brightness &lt;= 0.2) 
+    navigator.device.system.set("Display", {brightness: 0.8}, adjustCallback);
+            </section>
+            <section>
+              <h4>The <a>Display</a> Property</h4>
+              <p>This property provides information on the display available on this system</p>
+              <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface Display' class='idl'>
+                <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN = 0</dt>
+                <dd>The device is not able to determine its orientation.</dd>
+                <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 1</dt>
+                <dd>The display orientation is landscape.</dd>
+                <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 2</dt>
+                <dd>The display orientation is portrait.</dd>
+                <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_INVERTED_LANDSCAPE = 3</dt>
+                <dd>The display orientation is inverted landscape.</dd>
+                <dt>const unsigned short ORIENTATION_INVERTED_PORTRAIT = 4</dt>
+                <dd>The display orientation is inverted portrait.</dd>
+                <dt>attribute unsigned short orientation</dt>
+                <dd>The display orientation from the constants listed in this object.</dd>
+                <dt>attribute float brightness</dt>
+                <dd>The current brightness, from 0 to 1</dd>
+                <dt>attribute float contrast</dt>
+                <dd>The current contrast, from 0 to 1</dd>
+                <dt>attribute boolean blanked</dt>
+                <dd><code>true</code> if this display is currently blanked, <code>false</code> otherwise</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute DisplayDevice activeDevice</dt>
+                <dd>The display currently in use</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute DisplayDevice devices[]</dt>
+                <dd>The sequence of all the available display devices</dd>
+              </dl>
+              <p class="issue">Are we being short-sighted in only listing
+              four? Would it make sense to have it be an angle, except
+              that in most cases it would only change in 90°
+              increments?</p>
+            </section>
+            <section>
+              <h4>The <a>DisplayDevice</a> property</h4>
+              <p>This property exposes information on a single display device available to the system. Is it <a>enumerable.</a></p>
+              <p>The <a>DisplayDevice</a> interface defined below inherits from the <a>Screen</a> interface as defined in [[!CSSOM-VIEW]]</p>
+              <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface DisplayDevice : Screen" class="idl">
+                <dt>readonly attribute DOMString info</dt>
+                <dd>A free-form string describing this device</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute DOMString id</dt>
+                <dd>A free-form string identifying this device. The value of this element MUST be unique within the list reported in a <a>Display</a> object.</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int dotsPerInchW</dt>
+                <dd>Resolution of this device, along its width, in dots per inch.</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int dotsPerInchH</dt>
+                <dd>Resolution of this device, along its height, in dots per inch.</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute float physicalWidth</dt>
+                <dd>The display's physical width in centimeters</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute float physicalHeight</dt>
+                <dd>The display's physical height in centimeters</dd>
+              </dl>
+            </section>
+          </section>
+          <!-- ********* /display ************************************************************* -->
+          <!-- ********* Sound ************************************************************** -->
+          <section>
+            <h2>Sound</h2>
+            <p>The properties below expose the device's audio system.</p>
+            <section>
+              <h4>ECMAScript Example</h4>
+              <pre class="sh_javascript example">//Enumerate the active speakers on the system
+  system.audio.get("Audio", success);
+  function isSpeaker(device, index, array) {
+    return device.type===device.TYPE_SPEAKER;
+  }
+  function success(audio) {
+    var activeSpeakers = audio.outputDevices.filter(isSpeaker);
+  }</pre>
+            </section>
+            <section>
+              <h4>The <a>Sound</a> property</h4>
+              <p>This property exposes information on the audio capabilities of this system</p>
+              <p class="note">These properties do not provide volume
+              controls. An application should use HTML5's audio object
+              attributes.</p>
+              <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface Sound' class='idl'>
+                <dt>readonly attribute DOMString? info</dt>
+                <dd>A free-form string describing this system's sound architecture</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute AudioOutputDevice outputDevices[]</dt>
+                <dd>Audio output devices attached to this device</dd>
+              </dl>
+            </section>
+            <section>
+              <h4>The <a>AudioOutputDevice</a> Property</h4>
+              <p>This property exposes information on a single audio
+              output device available to this system. It is
+              <a>enumerable</a>.</p>
+              <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface AudioOutputDevice' class='idl'>
+                <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_UNKNOWN=0</dt>
+                <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when the type of this device is unknown</dd>
+                <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_SPEAKER=1</dt>
+                <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when this device is a loud speaker</dd>
+                <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_HEADPHONES=2</dt>
+                <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when this device is a set of headphones</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short type</dt>
+                <dd>The type of audio output device. The value is one of the constants defined for this type.</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute DOMString info</dt>
+                <dd>Free-form text describing this device.</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute DOMString id</dt>
+                <dd>A free-form string identifying this device. The value
+                of this element MUST be unique within the list reported in
+                an <a>Audio</a> object.</dd>
+                <dt>attribute boolean active</dt>
+                <dd>Indicates if the device is currently active, i.e. if
+                any sound recording will be made using this device</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int freqRangeLow</dt>
+                <dd>Frequency range, low value, in Hz</dd>
+                <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int freqRangeHigh</dt>
+                <dd>Frequency range, high value, in Hz</dd>
+              </dl>
+            </section>
+          </section>
+        </section>
+        <!-- ********* /Output *************************************************************** -->
         <!-- ********* Input ***************************************************************** -->
           <h3>Input Devices</h3>
-          <p>Note: the watchable attributes only reflect the plugging/unplugging of hardware</p>
-          <p class="issue">Description to Complete</p>
+          <p>The properties defines below expose the input devices connected to the system (e.g. mouse, keyboard, camera).</p>
             <h3>The <a>InputDevices</a> Property</h3>
@@ -1439,57 +1491,6 @@
-        <!-- ********* Storage ************************************************************** -->
-        <section>
-          <h3>Storage</h3>
-          <p>This set of properties expose a device's storage units and their properties, like type (hard Disk, memory card, etc.) and capacity</p>
-          <section>
-            <h4>The <a>Storage</a> Property</h4>
-            <p>This property exposes the data storage devices connected to this system.</p>
-            <dl title="interface Storage" class="idl">
-              <dt>readonly attribute StorageUnit units[]</dt>
-              <dd>The array of storage units connected to this device</dd>
-            </dl>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <h4>The <a>StorageUnit</a> Property</h4>
-            <p>This property exposes a single storage device connected to this system. It is <a>enumerable</a>.</p>
-            <dl title="interface StorageUnit" class="idl">
-              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_UNKNOWN=0</dt>
-              <dd><code>type</code> is set to this value when the type of this device is unknown to this API.</dd>
-              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_HARDDISK=1</dt>
-              <dd>When type has this value, then this device is a hard disk</dd>
-              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_FLOPPYDISK=2</dt>
-              <dd>When type has this value, then this device is a floppy disk</dd>
-              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_OPTICAL=3</dt>
-              <dd>When type has this value, then this device uses optical storage technology (CD, DVD, Holographic)</dd>
-              <dt>const unsigned short TYPE_RAM=4</dt>
-              <dd>When type has this value, then this device uses solid-state RAM technology (chip, memory card)</dd>
-              <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short type</dt>
-              <dd>The type of pointing device. The value is one of the constants defined for this type.</dd>
-              <dt>readonly attribute DOMString info</dt>
-              <dd>A free-form string describing this device</dd>
-              <dt>readonly attribute DOMString id</dt>
-              <dd>A free-form string identifying this device. The value of this element MUST be unique within the list reported in the <a>units</a> attribute of an <a>Storage</a> object.</dd>
-              <dt>readonly attribute boolean isReadWrite</dt>
-              <dd><code>true</code> when this device suports software modification, <code>else</code> otherwise.</dd>
-              <dt>readonly attribute unsigned int capacity</dt>
-              <dd>The amount of data that this device can hold, in bytes. A <a>watch</a> operation operating on an object of type <a>StorageUnit</a> must invoke the success callback only when this attribute has changed</dd>
-              <dt>readonly attribute int availableCapacity</dt>
-              <dd>The amount of available data that this device can hold, in bytes</dd>
-              <dt>readonly attribute boolean isRemoveable</dt>
-              <dd><code>true</code> if this unit can be removed from the system (e.g. a memory card unplugged, or a disk ejected), <code>false</code> otherwise</dd>
-            </dl>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-        <!-- ********* /Storage ************************************************************** -->

Received on Friday, 18 December 2009 12:21:34 UTC