2009/dap/contacts Overview.html,1.15,1.16

Update of /sources/public/2009/dap/contacts
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv12981

Modified Files:
Log Message:

- Reduced scope of ContactProperties to be the intersection of existing implementation property capabilities.
- Removed Contact interface constructor. Added 'create' factory method to Contacts interface.
- Simplified representation of Contact interface name and addresses attributes to a search-friendly flat-structure.
- 'Contact Search processing rules' section editorial re-write.
- Removed references to vCard.
- Examples updated.
- Split SuccessErrorCallback interface in to multiple context-driven callback interfaces.  
- Moved ContactError codes to GenericError interface.

- Due to API refactoring described above, removed the following interfaces: 
	- ContactName, 
	- ContactEmail, 
	- ContactAddress, 
	- ContactIMPPAddress, 
	- ContactOrganisation, 
	- ContactPhoneNumber, 
	- ContactData, 
	- SuccessErrorCallback
- Due to API refactoring described above, added the following interfaces: 
	- ContactNode, 
	- ContactFindSuccessCB, 
	- ContactCommitSuccessCB, 
	- ContactRemoveSuccessCB.

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/contacts/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -d -r1.15 -r1.16
--- Overview.html	2 Dec 2009 14:52:31 -0000	1.15
+++ Overview.html	11 Dec 2009 15:14:45 -0000	1.16
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
         <section id='abstract'>
-            <p>This specification defines an API that provides access to a user's unified address book. This specification provides a 
-			1:1 mapping of [[RFC2426]] vCard properties and values with the [[RFC4770]] Instant Messaging vCard extension.</p>		
+            <p>This specification defines an API that provides access to a user's unified address book.</p>		
         <section id='conformance'>
@@ -51,21 +50,21 @@
[...1384 lines suppressed...]
-			<li>If <var title="">filteroptions</var> is not an Array object or an Object object, go to step 7.</li>
-			<li>Let <var title=''>limit</var> be the value of the limit property in <var title=''>filteroptions</var>.
-			<li>If <var title=''>limit</var> is null, is not a valid integer or it is a non-positive integer, go to step 7.
-			<li>Let <var title=''>output</var> be the string ' LIMIT ' followed by the value of the <var title=''>limit</var> property. 
-			<li>Go to step 8.</li>
-			<li>Let <var title=''>output</var> be the string ' LIMIT ' followed by the DEFAULT value of the ContactOptions <var title=''>limit</var> attribute.
-			<li>Let <var title=''>page</var> be the value of the page property in <var title=''>filteroptions</var>.
-			<li>If <var title=''>page</var> is null, is not a valid integer or it is a non-positive integer, go to step 12.
-			<li>Let <var title=''>output</var> be the string ' OFFSET ' followed by the value of the <var title=''>page</var> property multiplied by <var title''>limit</var> (i.e., <var title=''>page</var> * <var title=''>limit</var>). 
-			<li>Go to step 13.</li>
-			<li>Let <var title=''>output</var> be the string ' OFFSET ' followed by the DEFAULT value of the ContactOptions <var title=''>page</var> attribute multiplied by <var title''>limit</var> (i.e., <var title=''>page</var> * <var title=''>limit</var>).
-			<li>Return <var title="">output</var>.</li>
-		</ol>

Received on Friday, 11 December 2009 15:14:56 UTC