2009/dap/system-info Overview.html,1.20,1.21

Update of /sources/public/2009/dap/system-info
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv12197

Modified Files:
Log Message:
- make generic get/watch function for all properties
- use URLs for property identifiers
- put threshold in get/watch options

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/system-info/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -d -r1.20 -r1.21
--- Overview.html	2 Dec 2009 16:37:32 -0000	1.20
+++ Overview.html	3 Dec 2009 11:29:43 -0000	1.21
@@ -37,13 +37,93 @@
       <h2>API Description</h2>
-        <h3>The <a>SystemInformation</a> interface</h3>
+        <h3>The <a>System</a> interface</h3>
-        <p>Objects implementing the <code>NavigatorDevice</code> interface (e.g. the <code>window.navigator.device</code> object in Web browsers [NAVIGATOR]) provide access to the interfaces defined below through the <code>SystemInformation</code> interface. An instance of <code>SystemInformation</code> would be then obtained by using binding-specific casting methods on an instance of NavigatorDevice.</p>
+        <p>Objects implementing the <code>NavigatorDevice</code>
+        interface (e.g. the <code>window.navigator.device</code>
+        object in Web browsers [NAVIGATOR]) provide access to the
+        interfaces defined below through the
+        <code>System</code> interface. An instance of
+        <code>System</code> would be then obtained by using
+        binding-specific casting methods on an instance of
+        NavigatorDevice.</p>
-        <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInformation' class='idl'>
-          <dt>readonly attribute Power power</dt>
-          <dd>The attribute used to access the <a href="#power">Power API</a></dd>
+        <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface System' class='idl'>
+          <dt>PendingOp get(DOMString propertyId, SuccessCB successCallback, optional ErrorCB? errorCallback, optional Options? options)</dt>
+          <dd>
+            The <code>get</code> function retrieves the current state
+            of any combination of system properties. When called, the
+            function MUST immediately return and asynchronously
+            acquires the current state of the values passed to the
+            filter. If it is successful the success callback is
+            invoked and is passed a <code>SystemState</code> object
+            containing the requested information. If an error occurs,
+            and an <code>errorCallback</code> function is passed, that
+            function is invoked and is passed a
+            <code>PowerError</code> object indicating the cause of
+            error.
+            <dl class="parameters">
+              <dt>DOMString propertyId</dt>
+              <dd>The URI or curie of the property to retrieve.</dd>
+              <dt>SuccessCB successCallback</dt>
+              <dd>function called when the properties have been successfully retrieved</dd>
+              <dt>ErrorCB? errorCallback</dt>
+              <dd>function called when an error occurred while retrieving the properties</dd>
+              <dt>Options? options</dt>
+              <dd>An object containing the various options for fetching the properties requested</dd>
+            </dl>
+          </dd>
+          <dt>PendingOp watch(DOMString propertyId, SuccessCB successCallback, optional ErrorCB? errorCallback, optional in Options? options)</dt>
+          <dd>The <code>watch</code> function allows tracking the change
+          of one or several system properties.  When called, it MUST
+          immediately return and then asynchronously start a watch process
+          defined as the following set of steps:
+            <ol>
+              <li>Acquire a new <code>SystemState</code> object that reflects the system's
+              current state. If successful, invoke the associated 
+              <code>successCallback</code> with a <code>SystemState</code> object as an 
+              argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null 
+              <code>errorCallback</code> argument, this method MUST invoke the 
+              <code>errorCallback</code> with an <code>ErrorCB</code> object as an 
+              argument.</li>
+              <li>Register to receive system events that indicate that the status of the requested properties may have changed</li>
+              <li>When a system event is successfully received, invoke
+              the associated <code>successCallback</code> with a
+              <code>SystemState</code> object as an argument. If an
+              error occurs, and the method was invoked with a
+              non-null <code>errorCallback</code> argument, this
+              method MUST invoke the <code>errorCallback</code> with
+              an <code>ErrorCB</code> object as an argument.</li>
+              <li>Repeat the previous step until the
+              <code>cancel</code> method of the <code>PendingOp</code>
+              object returned by this <code>watch</code> function is
+              invoked.</li>
+            </ol>
+            <dl class="parameters">
+              <dt>DOMString propertyId</dt>
+              <dd>URI or curie identifying the property to track.</dd>
+              <dt>SuccessCB successCallback</dt>
+              <dd>function called when the properties have been successfully retrieved</dd>
+              <dt>ErrorCB? errorCallback</dt>
+              <dd>function called when an error occurred while retrieving the properties</dd>
+              <dt>Options? options</dt>
+              <dd>An object containing the various options for fetching the properties requested</dd>
+            </dl>
+          </dd>
+        </dl>
+        <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Options" class="idl">
+          <dt>attribute double highThreshold</dt>
+          <dd>This attribute has no effect on the <code>get</code> method. On the <code>watch</code> method, it indicates that the successCallback MUST only
+          be triggered if the property is a number and its value is greater than or equal this number.</dd>
+          <dt>attribute double lowThreshold</dt>
+          <dd>This attribute has no effect on the <code>get</code> method. On the <code>watch</code> method, it indicates that the successCallback MUST only
+          be triggered if the property is a number and its value is lower than or equal this number.</dd>
@@ -51,76 +131,48 @@
       <section id="power">
-    <p>This API exposes the device's power state: whether it is running on internal or external power source, as well as its charge level. The API also allows monitoring power sources.</p>
-    <dl title='[NoInterfaceObject] interface Power' class='idl'>
+        <p>The property and option below expose the device's power
+        state: whether it is running on internal or external power
+        source, as well as its charge level.</p>
-      <dt>PendingOp getCurrentPower(in SuccessCB successCallback, [Optional] in ErrorCB errorCallback)</dt>
-      <dd>The <code>getCurrentPower</code> function retrieves the
-      current state of the power source. When called, the function
-      MUST immediately return and asynchronously acquires the current
-      state. If it is successful the success callback is invoked and
-      is passed a <code>PowerState</code> object containing the
-      requested information. If an error occurs, and an
-      <code>errorCallback</code> function is passed, that function is
-      invoked and is passed a <code>PowerError</code> object
-      indicating the cause of error.</dd>
+        <section>
+          <h3>Example</h3>
+          <pre class="example">
+var success = function(power) {
+  alert("Low battery level: "+power.batteryLevel);
+        </section>
-      <dt>PendingOp watchPower(in SuccessCB successCallback, [Optional] in ErrorCB errorCallback, [Optional] in PowerOptions options)</dt>
-      <dd>The <code>watchPowerSource</code> method takes one, two or
-      three arguments.  When called, it MUST immediately return and
-      then asynchronously start a watch process defined as the
-      following set of steps:
-        <ol>
-          <li>Acquire a new <code>PowerState</code> object that reflects the delivery 
-          context's current power state. If successful, invoke the associated 
-          <code>successCallback</code> with a <code>PowerSource</code> object as an 
-          argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null 
-          <code>errorCallback</code> argument, this method MUST invoke the 
-          <code>errorCallback</code> with a <code>PowerError</code> object as an 
-          argument. </li>
-          <li>Register to receive system events that indicate that the power status may have changed</li>
-          <li>When a system event is received:
-            <ul>
-              <li>If the <code>lowThreshold</code> attribute has a is
-              non-null value, fire the <code>successCallback</code>
-              function if the value of <code>powerLevel</code> is less
-              than the value of <code>lowThreshold</code></li>
-              <li>If the <code>highThreshold</code> attribute has a
-              non-null value, fire the <code>successCallback</code>
-              function if the value of <code>powerLevel</code> is
-              greater than the value of <code>lowThreshold</code></li>
-              <li>If both <code>highThreshold</code> and
-              <code>lowThreshold</code> are null, fore the
-              <code>successCallback</code> function if the power's
-              state has changed significantly. The definition of what
-              consitutes a significant change is left to the
-              implementation.</li>
-            </ul>
-          </li>
-        </ol>
-      </dd>
-    </dl>
+        <section>
+          <h4>Properties</h4>
+          <dl>
+            <dt>Battery Level</dt>
+            <dd>URI: <code>http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/SysInfo/Power#batteryLevel</code><br/>
+            Curie: <code>power:batteryLevel</code><br/>
+            Corresponding DCO property: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/dcontology/hardware.html#batteryLevel">batteryLevel</a></dd>
+            <dd>Specifies that the resulting <code>PowerState</code> object MUST contain a <code>batteryLevel</code> value.</dd>
-    <section>
-      <h4>PowerOptions</h4>
-      <dl title='interface PowerOptions' class='idl'>
-        <dt>attribute double highThreshold</dt>
-        <dd>...</dd>
+            <dt>Time Remaining</dt>
+            <dd>URI: <code>http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/SysInfo/Power#timeRemaining</code><br/>
+            Curie: <code>power:timeRemaining</code></dd>
+            <dd>Specifies that the resulting <code>PowerState</code> object MUST contain a <code>timeRemaining</code> value.</dd>
-        <dt>attribute double lowThreshold</dt>
-        <dd>...</dd>
-      </dl>
-    </section>
+            <dt>External Power Source</dt>
+            <dd>URI: <code>http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/SysInfo/Power#externalSource</code><br/>
+            Curie: <code>power:externalSource</code></dd>
+            <dd>Specifies that the resulting <code>PowerState</code> object MUST contain a <code>externalSource</code> value.</dd>
+          </dl>
+        </section>
       <dl title='interface PowerState' class='idl'>
       <dt>readonly attribute boolean usingExternalPowerSource</dt>
-      <dd>The <code>usingExternalPowerSource</code> attribute must be
+      <dd>This attribute must be
       <code>true</code> if the device is plugged into an external
       power source. Otherwise, it must be <code>false</code>. If the
       correct value cannot be obtained, or if the device does not have
@@ -262,12 +314,6 @@
           CpuUsageOptions</code> parameter. </li>
-      <dt>void clearWatch(in int watchId)</dt>
-      <dd>The <code>watchCpuUsage() </code>method returns an integer value that uniquely 
-      identifies the watch process. When the <code>clearWatch()</code> method is called 
-      with this identifier, the watch process MUST stop monitoring device CPU utilization 
-      and MUST cease invoking any callbacks.
-      </dd>

Received on Thursday, 3 December 2009 11:29:47 UTC