2009/dap/camera Overview.html,1.25,1.26

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 s/Callback/successCB/ per http://www.w3.org/mid/BA309B13-1F2A-450C-B331-1ED65C19DA34@berjon.com suggestion

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2009/dap/camera/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.25
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -d -r1.25 -r1.26
--- Overview.html	2 Dec 2009 14:00:58 -0000	1.25
+++ Overview.html	2 Dec 2009 14:02:44 -0000	1.26
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@
 <li>Start native camera application. Allow end user to take picture(s) and return.
-</li><li>If successful, invoke the associated <code>successCallback</code> with a <a href="#mediaarray-typedef">
+</li><li>If successful, invoke the associated <code>successCB</code> with a <a href="#mediaarray-typedef">
 <code>MediaArray</code></a> argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null
 <code>errorCallback</code> argument, this method must invoke the <code>errorCallback</code> with a
 <a href="#captureerror-interface"><code>CaptureError</code></a> object as an argument.
-<dl class="parameters"><dt>CaptureCallback successCallback </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation completes </dd><dt>unsigned long limit </dt><dd>Upper limit of images user can take. </dd><dt>optional ErrorCallback errorCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is OPTIONAL.
+<dl class="parameters"><dt>CaptureCB successCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation completes </dd><dt>unsigned long limit </dt><dd>Upper limit of images user can take. </dd><dt>optional ErrorCB errorCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is OPTIONAL.
 </dd><dt>PendingOperation captureVideo () </dt><dd>
 <p>Launch device native camera application for recording video(s).</p>
@@ -193,13 +193,13 @@
 <li>Start native video camera application. Allow end user to take video(s) and return.
-</li><li>If successful, invoke the associated <code>successCallback</code> with a <a href="#mediaarray-typedef">
+</li><li>If successful, invoke the associated <code>successCB</code> with a <a href="#mediaarray-typedef">
 <code>MediaArray</code></a> argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null
 <code>errorCallback</code> argument, this method must invoke the <code>errorCallback</code> with a
 <a href="#captureerror-interface"><code>CaptureError</code></a> object as an argument.
-<dl class="parameters"><dt>CaptureCallback successCallback </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation completes </dd><dt>unsigned long limit </dt><dd>Upper limit of videos user can record. </dd><dt>double duration </dt><dd>Maxium duration of a single video clip in seconds. </dd><dt>optional ErrorCallback errorCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is OPTIONAL.
+<dl class="parameters"><dt>CaptureCB successCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation completes </dd><dt>unsigned long limit </dt><dd>Upper limit of videos user can record. </dd><dt>double duration </dt><dd>Maxium duration of a single video clip in seconds. </dd><dt>optional ErrorCB errorCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is OPTIONAL.
 </dd><dt>PendingOperation captureAudio () </dt><dd>
 <p>Launch device native audio recorder application for recording audio clip(s).</p>
@@ -209,14 +209,14 @@
 <li>Start native audio recorder application. Allow end user to record audio clip(s) and return.
-</li><li>If successful, invoke the associated <code>successCallback</code> with a <a href="#mediaarray-typedef">
+</li><li>If successful, invoke the associated <code>successCB</code> with a <a href="#mediaarray-typedef">
 <code>MediaArray</code></a> argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null
 <code>errorCallback</code> argument, this method must invoke the <code>errorCallback</code> with a
 <a href="#captureerror-interface"><code>CaptureError</code></a> object as an argument.
-<dl class="parameters"><dt>CaptureCallback successCallback </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation completes </dd><dt>unsigned long limit </dt><dd>Upper limit of sound clips user can record.
-</dd><dt>double duration </dt><dd>Maxium duration of a single sound clip in seconds. </dd><dt>optional ErrorCallback errorCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is OPTIONAL.
+<dl class="parameters"><dt>CaptureCB successCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation completes </dd><dt>unsigned long limit </dt><dd>Upper limit of sound clips user can record.
+</dd><dt>double duration </dt><dd>Maxium duration of a single sound clip in seconds. </dd><dt>optional ErrorCB errorCB </dt><dd>Function to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is OPTIONAL.
 </section><section id="mediadata"><h3><a>MediaData</a> interface</h3>
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@
 </dd><dt>attribute double duration </dt><dd>The duration attribute represents length of the video or sound clip in seconds. Not applicable for a image.
 </dd><dt>attribute unsigned long width </dt><dd>The width attribute represents width of the image or video in pixels. Not applicable for a sound clip.
-</section><section id="capturecallbak"><h3><a>CaptureCallback</a> interface</h3>
-<dl title="[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface CaptureCallback" class="idl">
+</section><section id="capturecallbak"><h3><a>CaptureCB</a> interface</h3>
+<dl title="[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface CaptureCB" class="idl">
 <dt>void onSuccess () </dt><dd>
 <dl class="parameters"><dt>MediaArray capturedMedia </dt><dd>Sequence of MediaData successfully captured by the device</dd>
@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@
 <p>The <a>MediaArray</a> typedef represents a <code>sequence</code> of <a href="#mediadata-interface">
 <code>MediaData</code></a> objects. </p>
 <dl title="typedef sequence&lt;MediaData&gt; MediaArray" class="idl"></dl>
-</section><section  id="errorcallback"><h3><a>ErrorCallback</a> interface</h3>
+</section><section  id="errorcallback"><h3><a>ErrorCB</a> interface</h3>
 <p class="note">This may be a general interface for use throughout all APIs. Included here for now for completion.</p>
-<dl title="[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ErrorCallback" class="idl">
+<dl title="[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject] interface ErrorCB" class="idl">
 <dt>void onError () </dt><dd>
 <dl class="parameters"><dt>GenericError error </dt><dd>The error object of an unsuccessful asynchronous operation. </dd></dl>

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 14:02:57 UTC