Re: scope of _:existentials in N3Logic?

Hello Jos!

Hi Yves,
> Let me first say that I really like your Henry work esp. the N3 DCG.
> Also thanks to Graham for sharing his Swish experience.
> As you say, in Euler we can use Skolem functions via the e:tuple builtin
> but in the latest Euler yap engine we don't need the Skolem functions
> anymore, we use a "Skolem machine" and "labelvars" instead,
> see the predicates sem/1, sem/4 and labelvars/4 in the code at
Wow - at first glance that looks amazing! I really like the idea of using
functors for variable quantification - I will definitely take a deeper look
into it! Did you try that code with SWI already, or does it only run on Yap?

Many thanks,

Received on Monday, 1 March 2010 18:10:48 UTC