swap-scala -- an exploration of RDF and N3 in scala

I had an idea about the semantics of N3 graph literals a couple
weeks ago, and I wanted to explore it in scala.

I ended up doing more work around the bottom of the stack...
e.g. very careful n-triples parsing.

I have basically run out of time to work on this for now.
I wrote up the scala experience...

Fun and Frustration with scala

But I haven't written up the logic bits. I'm just sharing
them in raw form here.

I'm exploring code hosting options... DVCS makes that so
much easier...

101:882f04140bf2 2010-01-18 RDFXMLParser now passes most interesting
tests (except maybe xml:base)

from the README...

 * Implement N3Logic proof checking independent of cwm
 * Influence EricP's scala SQL/SPARQL integration work
 * Influence the Datagraph.org scala RDF work
 * Influence Sandro's RDF2 thinking
 * Influence Pat Hayes's RDF semantics advocacy around "named graphs"
and such

Testing Plan
 * standard RDF entailment tests, which need
   * RDF/XML parser (working well enough to do RDF (not RDFS) entailment
   * n-triples parser (done)
   * RDF proof generator, or
     * N3 proof reader and use cwm to generate proofs
   * RDF proof checker (entailment method is done)
     Currently, we have an RDF entailment method, though some questions
     about variable handling remain.
 * standard RDF positive/negative syntax tests (done except xml:base;
   there are other missing features, but they can come another day)
 * Dave's turtle syntax tests (optional), which needs
   * turtle parser or perhaps just
     * N3 parser (working; feature complete for turtle high level
       but not low-level details such as string escaping)
   * RDF entailment method
 * standard RDFS tests, which needs
   * RDF/XML parser
   * n-triples parser
   * RDFS rules in N3Rules
   * N3Rules proof generator, or
     * N3 proof reader
   * N3Rules proof checker
 * standard RIF BLD entailment tests (http://www.w3.org/TR/rif-test/),
   which needs
   * RIF BLD XML reader
 * N3 syntax tests (http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/n3parser.tests),
   which needs
   * N3 parser (working; not feature-complete)
 * some sort of N3Logic proof testing, which needs
   * N3Logic proof generator and/or N3 proof reader (and use cwm)
   * N3Logic proof checker

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2010 00:20:39 UTC