Web Awareness Barometer 2008

Will the Semantic Web ever hit the market?
What is missing to make it a reality?

Tell us what you think in our current survey, the Web Awareness  
Barometer 2008.

Please participate!

This year, which is already beginning to draw to a close, has seen  
many exciting developments on the Semantic Web.

But, as past technological evolutions have shown: many innovations  
that researchers and experts get excited about today, won't even have  
entered the market the day after tomorrow.

This is why we would like to know how you feel about the state of the  
Semantic Web in 2008: Please participate in our survey:

Web Awareness Barometer 2008


This is not only an excellent opportunity to give feedback to science  
and development, but also your chance to win a set of two tickets for  
the i-Know / i-Semantics conference which is going to take place in  
Graz in September 2009 (value: about ? 700).

The survey is conducted by the Semantic Web Company, Corporate  
Semantic Web <www.corporate-semantic-web.de>, and the Know-Center Graz.

- your participation contributes to gaining a better understanding of  
the potentials and barriers for the application of new web technologies.


Adrian Paschke

Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke
AG-Corporate Semantic Web
Free University Berlin

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Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2008 18:01:51 UTC