Re: serialising literal subjects to rdf/xml

I agree with the technique, except with using owl:sameAs.

What you serialize with owl:sameAs  is a different graph.
RDF systems don't *have* to smush on owl:sameAs.

I propose using a dummy predicate rdf:is which is NEVER put really in  
the graph,it is just part of the syntax.  It is used for making the  
same node from a bnode and a symbol be the same node in the graph.

The equivalent in N3 was :- but I now prefer  == .  This can then be   
used in

joe :mother [ == agnes; mother andrea ].



On 2008-11 -03, at 08:26, Story Henry wrote:

> Suggestion:
> It should be easy to allow any N3 graph with literal subjects to be  
> serialised to rdf/xml, Turtle or Ntriples.
> Use the following method:
>  replace
>      "subject" relation object .
>  with
>      subjectUri owl:sameAs "subject";
>                 relation object .
> That should allow any such graph to be serialised to rdf/xml .
> 	Henry
> Home page:

Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2008 03:15:43 UTC