joker in N3 queries


Would it make sense to add some kind of joker in N3 queries ?
What do I mean with "joker" ?

Something like :

?X a  myPrefix:* .

where * stands for any resource name in that namespace .

I guess the answer is no ...
Indeed, there is nothing like that in .

My use case is the following . I'm using Euler Proof Mechanism
<> with its new Coherent Logic
engine to infer (or instantiate if you prefer) Java objects
represented by triples such as :

_:sk2 a .

and I'd like to get hold of all those triples by this query :
?X a* .

The alternative for me would be to assert all subClassOf relations for
the Java classes I use , and query this :
?X a .

Any idea welcome.

- I tried to find "standard" URI's for representing Java classes but couldn't
- I was obliged to use underscore instead of point as a separator of
Java packages because CWM ( and Euler ) refuse points in Qnames

Jean-Marc Vanel

Received on Monday, 8 September 2008 08:58:00 UTC