- From: Jeff Thompson <jeff@thefirst.org>
- Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 22:05:22 -0700
- To: cwm talk <public-cwm-talk@w3.org>
In the directory /cwm-1.2.1/test I enter: python ../cwm -n3 rules13.n3 --think (The file rules13.n3 is attached below.) Mainly it says: <#ancestor> a daml:TransitiveProperty . <#pa> <#ancestor> <#granpa> . <#bill> <#ancestor> <#pa> . I expect this to conclude that <#bill> <#ancestor> <#granpa>, but it doesn't. This may have to do with the use of log:Truth. Is there an extra trick to get log:Truth to "kick in"? Thanks for any help, - Jeff ============================================ # Test filter in N3 # @prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#> . @prefix daml: <http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil#> . @prefix : <#> . @prefix rules: <#> . # Full DanC challenge @forAll <#a>, <#b>, <#p> . { <#p> a daml:TransitiveProperty . } :means { { @forAll <#x> , <#y> , <#z>. { <#x> <#p> <#y>. <#y> <#p> <#z>. } log:implies { <#x> <#p> <#z>. } } a log:Truth. } . # Intoduce a symmetric implication for convienience { <#a> :means <#b>. } log:implies { <#a> log:implies <#b> . <#b> log:implies <#a> . } . { <#a> log:implies <#b> . <#b> log:implies <#a> . } log:implies { <#a> :means <#b>. } . # and in fact, though it is not axiomatic... # #{ <#x> :means <#y>. } :means { <#x> log:implies <#y> . # <#y> log:implies <#x> . } . # <#ancestor> a daml:TransitiveProperty . # (Was the wrong way around for a long time, just confused people.) <#pa> <#ancestor> <#granpa> . <#bill> <#ancestor> <#pa> . #ends
Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2008 05:05:56 UTC