sparql list constructor


I try to play with the sparql list constructor implemented in cwm.

Given the following assertions:

	:prop1 "value 1" ;
	:prop3 "value 3" .

and the following CONSTRUCT:
	?obj :result ( ?value1 ?value2 ?value3 ) .
	OPTIONAL { ?obj :prop1 ?value1 }.
	OPTIONAL { ?obj :prop2 ?value2 }.
	OPTIONAL { ?obj :prop3 ?value3 }.

I would expect the result to be:

:example :result ( "value 1" "value 3" ) .

But cwm (cwm= $Revision: 1.193 $ llyn= $Revision: 1.183 $) doesn't return any 
result... How can I specify a rdf:List with optional values?


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Received on Tuesday, 31 July 2007 17:52:56 UTC