Re: IKL bakes in owl: and xsd: prefixes rather than using OWL/XSD URIs?

>Pat, IKL looks great... the =p stuff addresses
>a bunch of N3 design issues that Yosi and I have
>been wrestling with.
>One odd thing I noticed...
>The XML Schema datatype names are written with the conventional 
>prefix xsd: in IKL. For example,
>(xsd:dateTime '2002-10-10-T12:00:00-05:00')
>  --
>xsd:dateTime is conventionally short for
>Similarly for owl:oneOf and such.
>Why not in IKL?

Because this version was written for IKRIS and they conspicuously 
aren't using Webs standards, and its just shorter to write. Obviously 
it should be fixed in any future wider-used version of the language.

Don't worry, the nitty syntactic details aren't set in stone.


>Dan Connolly, W3C

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Received on Sunday, 22 April 2007 20:08:40 UTC