Re: n3 progress

On Dec 13, 2006, at 8:28 PM, wrote:
> I'm finding an issue with euler n3->yap interpretation
> for the rule
> { ?P a :DateProperty.
>   ?E ?P ?WHEN.
>   # we skip the dtlit step of splitting ?WHEN apart
>   (?WHEN "(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-" ) str:search (?YYYY).
>   (?YYYY 0) math:sum ?YEARNUM. # sum coerces strings to int
> } => { [ is k:YearFn of ?YEARNUM ] }.
> it actually gives a wrong intermediate N3 translation
> {?P a p0:DateProperty. ?E ?P ?WHEN. (?WHEN "(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-") 
> str:search
> (?YYYY). (?YYYY 0) math:sum ?YEARNUM} =>
> {?YEARNUM!k:YearFn }.

That does look like a different way to say the same thing. Does
?YEARNUM!k:YearFn not result in a new bnode/skolem constant?

> hm..
> and I still have to implement str:search ..

Actually, I just took str:search out of calAx.n3 in favor of time:month 
and such.

> otoh I think we achieved a stable outcome of e:findall and a correct
> e:bayesian
> in namspace
> resulting in over 10 billion inferences today for tests such as
> and other

wow... I hope to take a look at that soonish.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2006 07:09:49 UTC