Updates to Fuxi

Fuxi was updated.  Changes:

- Removed 4Suite imports
- Removed RelationalPython imports
- Closure graph is graph not a Set (fixed)
- Added a command-line module:

chimezie@Zion:~/devel/Fuxi$ python Fuxi.py
Fuxi.py [--help] [--ruleFacts] [--output=<'conflict' or 'n3' or
'xml'>] [--input-format=<'n3' or 'xml'>] [--ns=prefix=namespaceUri]
[--graphviz-out=<file.out>] [--conflict]
--facts=<facts1.n3,facts2.n3,..> --rules=<rule1.n3,rule2.n3>
        The --output option determines whether to serialize the
inferred triples to STDOUT or to print a summary of the
        conflict set (from the RETE network)
Rule Facts:
        The --ruleFacts switch determines whether or not to attempt to
parse initial facts from the rule graph
RETE network diagram:
        The graphviz-out option is a filename to write a graphviz
diagram of the RETE network to
Input format
        The --input-format option determines the format of the RDF
document(s) specified by --facts
Namespace bindings:
        The --ns option adds a prefix to namespace binding and is used
by both the generated RETE network diagram and the serialization (if
specified by --out)

Example session:

chimezie@Zion:~/devel/Fuxi$ python Fuxi.py --out=n3 --ruleFacts
Time to build production rule (RDFLib): 0.0172629356384 seconds
Time to calculate closure on working memory: 224.906921387 m seconds

@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>.
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>.
@prefix test: <http://metacognition.info/FuXi/DL-SHIOF-test.n3#>.

 test:Animal test:in _:XRfZIlKy56,

 test:Cosi_fan_tutte a test:DaPonteOperaOfMozart;
     test:in _:XRfZIlKy47,

 test:Don_Giovanni a test:DaPonteOperaOfMozart;
     test:in _:XRfZIlKy47,

 test:Lion a test:LivingBeing;
     test:inSomeOf _:XRfZIlKy56,

 test:Nozze_di_Figaro a test:DaPonteOperaOfMozart;
     test:in _:XRfZIlKy47.

 test:Plant test:in _:XRfZIlKy56.

 test:maggie test:child test:marge.

 test:b owl:sameAs test:b,

 test:bart owl:sameAs test:b,

 test:marge a test:Human;
     test:knows test:smithers.

 [ test:saw test:marge].

The test ruleset is

The new code is checked in and bundled at:
 - http://metacognition.info/FuXi/fuxi-1.0rc3.zip

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2006 18:01:50 UTC