Re: Various cwm patches

On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 16:35 +0200, Alessio Carenini wrote:
> In my thesis project I've used and patched CWM (minor things). If
> someone find these patch interesting or useful, feel free to use it.
> Summary of changes:
> 	* corrected a small bug wich prevented installation via
> 	 "python install"

I should try that stuff out more often...

Let's see... it was on our todo list a while ago...
RFE: python distutils support (
10 Jun 2004;list=public-cwm-bugs

Ah yes, we claimed victory on that as of the 1.0 release.

If anybody else can verify that this patch is an improvement,
please let us know.

> 	* substituted standard streams (sys.argv, sys.stdout) with
> 	 variables, so it is possible to call 'doCommand' function from
> 	 another python program.

Sounds interesting. Again, if somebody else has a moment to look that
over, I'd appreciate it. (I'm getting on a plane today).

> 	* + redland_vfs: modified to allow
> 	 fetching data from a Redland DB backend. Currently supported SQLite
> 	 and MySQL

That's an interesting technique; I'm not sure whether it should become
a cwm feature or not.

> Attached are the modified files.
> Thanks to all

Likewise, thank you!

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2006 14:52:56 UTC