toward cwm/N3/reason proof of httpRange-14 argument

At the IRW workshop, I presented an analysis of the httpRange-14 
discussion using N3.

I'm trying to get the corresponding proof in the pfreport format I 
recently developed,
so I can show it to colleagues at U.T. Austin

The proof doesn't check. Here's how I invoked cwm/check:

pbjam:~/w3ccvs/WWW/2006/04/irw65 connolly$ python $swap/ 
argument.n3 --think --why >,argpf.n3
pbjam:~/w3ccvs/WWW/2006/04/irw65 connolly$ PYTHONPATH=$swap/.. 
python2.4 /Users/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/ ,argpf.n3 
 >,argpf.txt 2>,argpfdiag

I think it doesn't work with the HEAD version of cwm; I reduced that 
problem to a
test case and reported a bug.
(	Date: 	September 11, 2006 12:15:59 AM CDT

Now I'm working from the paw-tagged version of cwm.

Results are attached.

Hmm... now that I changed to print the report before
checking the proof (v 2006/09/11 14:38:48)
I seem to be able to get a proof report;
I just need to implement support for log:supports in report() in
And I should maybe print the bindings on GMP...

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 14:47:43 UTC