making derivations from given rules

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.

{?P :needs :Test; :testSeverity ?X. ?X math:lessThan 50} => {?P :needs 
{?P :needs :Test; :testSeverity ?X. ?X math:notLessThan 50} => {?P :needs 

{?C => {?P :needs ?S}. ?C log:includes {?P :needs ?X}} => {?X :choose ?S}.

@prefix : <>.

{?U :choose ?V} => {?U :choose ?V}.

:Test :choose :NormalTreatment.
:Test :choose :SpecialTreatment.

and is what I get with euler5; in a more elaborate test case
cwm was also giving such derivation, but not in this case..
only when making GIVEN like

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.

{?P :needs :Test; :testSeverity ?X. ?X math:lessThan 50} => {?P :needs 
{?P :needs :Test; :testSeverity ?X. ?X math:notLessThan 50} => {?P :needs 

{?P :needs ?S} => {?P :requires ?S}.
{?C => {?P :needs ?S}. ?C log:includes {?P :needs ?X}} => {?X :choose ?S}.

cwm answered with

     @prefix : <> .
    :Test     :choose :NormalTreatment,
                :SpecialTreatment .

Now I see that GIVEN

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.

{?P :needs :Test; :testSeverity ?X. ?X math:lessThan 50} => {?P :needs 
{?P :needs :Test; :testSeverity ?X. ?X math:notLessThan 50} => {?P :needs 

@forAll <#P>, <#S>, <#X>.
{?C => {<#P> :needs <#S>}. ?C log:includes {<#P> :needs <#X>}} => {<#X> 
:choose <#S>}.

is also working..

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 17 July 2006 00:52:29 UTC