Re: Turtle version 2006-01-02

Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> N3 has blank node identifiers starting with  "_:".
> Quoting
> "N3 allows the _: namespace as in NTriples. These identifiers are used 
> to identify blank nodes in the graph. These are generalized in N3 such 
> that they are used to identify blanknodes in the local formula. They are 
> arbitrary temporary names for nodes which are existentially quanitified 
> within the current formula (not the whole file). They can only be used 
> within a single formula, and not within nested formulae."

Right, missed that. I couldn't find any reference to blank nodes in the
N3/N3-rdf grammars or under "Anonymous nodes" and jumped to the
conclusion that they still weren't supported. However, just
showed me that this has been changed some 1.5 years ago :blush:

Sorry for the inconvenience,


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Received on Monday, 23 January 2006 14:07:57 UTC