Re: Off topic: Python unit testing tools

Stefano Debenedetti wrote:
> Graham Klyne ha scritto:
>>I'm working on drawing the software development into a test-led
>>discipline, and am wondering if anyone has any knowledge of any Python
>>equivalents to Mock object, XMLUnit and HTTPUnit libraries available in
>>Java?  Even if they're only very embryonic, I'd much rather throw my
>>efforts into supporting an existing project than trying to create new
> Hello Graham, you might be interested in checking out this twisted.trial [1] example [2]. For more web-specific stuff nevow [3] (which is twisted-based) has a test suite [4] also worth seeing.
> ciao
> ste
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Ah, thanks!

I was aware of Twisted (and might want to use it later in this project),
but didn't realize it had an extended testing framework.  Are there any
XML document test utilities in there?  I don't see anything on taking a
quick poke around.


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Sunday, 23 October 2005 10:13:03 UTC