Re: Turtle note possibilities

At 17:02 21/02/05 +0000, Dave Beckett wrote:
>In terms of changes, I want to add """triple quotes""" but haven't had
>the time to get into the detail of what's allowed inside according to
>the specs, and what various implementations do.  I'm prepared to leave
>that until after a first note pub.

FWIW, here is the triple-quote string parser from the Notation3 parser in 
my Swish implementation.  I don't recall if this came from any formal spec 
but I think it reasonably matches a range of actual data.  Within the 
string, it allows:
   stringLetter (non-control, non-", non-\)
   escape (\c, \uxxxx, \Uxxxxxxxx)
   " followed by non-"
   "" followed by non-"
   newline (\n)

-- Triple-quoted string -- may include line breaks, '"' or '""'.
tripleQuoteString :: N3Parser String
tripleQuoteString =
     (   do  { str <- between (try $ string "\"\"\"")
                              (string "\"\"\"" <?> "end of string (\"\"\")")
                              (many tripleQuoteSubstring)
             ; return (foldr (++) "" str)
     <?> "triple-quoted literal string" )

-- Match non-quote substring or one or two quote characters
tripleQuoteSubstring :: N3Parser String
tripleQuoteSubstring =
     <|> try sqTripleQuoteSubstring1
     <|> try dqTripleQuoteSubstring1

dqTripleQuoteSubstring1 =
         do  { string "\"\""
             ; s <- tripleQuoteSubstring1
             ; return $ "\"\""++s

sqTripleQuoteSubstring1 =
         do  { char '"'
             ; s <- tripleQuoteSubstring1
             ; return $ "\""++s

-- match at least one non-quote character in a triple-quoted string
tripleQuoteSubstring1 :: N3Parser String
tripleQuoteSubstring1 =
         do  { str <- many1 tripleQuoteStringChar
             ; return $ foldr (maybe id (:)) "" str

tripleQuoteStringChar :: CharParser st (Maybe Char)
tripleQuoteStringChar =
     <|> do  { (string "\n")
             ; return $ Just '\n'

stringChar :: CharParser st (Maybe Char)
stringChar      =
         do  { c <- stringLetter
             ; return $ Just c
     <|> stringEscape
     <?> "string character"

stringLetter    = satisfy (\c -> (c /= '"') && (c /= '\\') && (c >= '\032'))

stringEscape    =
         do  { char '\\'
             ; do { esc <- escapeCode; return (Just esc) }

-- escape codes
escapeCode      = charEsc <|> charUCS2 <|> charUCS4 <?> "escape code"

-- \c
charEsc         = choice (map parseEsc escMap)
                     parseEsc (c,code) = do { char c; return code }
                     escMap            = zip ("nrt\\\"\'") ("\n\r\t\\\"\'")

-- \uhhhh
charUCS2        =
         do  { char 'u'
             ; n <- numberFW 16 hexDigit 4 0
             ; return $ chr n

-- \Uhhhhhhhh
charUCS4        =
         do  { char 'U'
             ; n <- numberFW 16 hexDigit 8 0
             ; return $ chr n

-- parse fixed-width number:
numberFW :: Int -> CharParser st Char -> Int -> Int -> CharParser st Int
numberFW base baseDigit 0     val = return val
numberFW base baseDigit width val =
         do  { d <- baseDigit
             ; numberFW base baseDigit (width-1) ((val*base) + (digitToInt d))


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 12:26:25 UTC