trailing '.' and ';' but no ','

cwm, Turtle and SPARQL allow trailing '.' and ';' but not ',' . I made
a pitch to DanC to suggest that trailing ';'s are more confusing than
liberating, but he may have convinced me otherwise. The distinction
between ';'s and ','s seems arbitrary.

Are we at an optimum now? Should n3.n3 (and turtle and SPARQL) change
to allow trailing ','s? 

objecttail cfg:mustBeOneSequence (
                ( )
                ( "," )
                ( ","   object objecttail )

Should we get rid of trailing ';'s?

I notice that we are also under-utilizing umlauts and plus there's the
extensive set of graphics characters near kanji that are well-utilized
in spam.

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Received on Monday, 13 June 2005 00:54:05 UTC