Re: cwm on linux/darwin

>I hope you'll forgive a naive question. My computer experience is neither 
>wide nor deep, but I had little trouble running cwm on a linux box -- 
>hooray! However, I get some inexplicable behavior running the same thing 
>on on the same files on my mac (OS X, 10.2.8). Here cwm has no difficulty 
>with things like cwm --n3 foo.n3 --rdf, but when I try cwm --rdf bar.rdf, 
>I get the following errors:
>jjc% cwm --rdf content.rdf
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/jjc/Desktop/cwm-1.0.0/", line 650, in ?
>     doCommand()
>   File "/Users/jjc/Desktop/cwm-1.0.0/", line 426, in doCommand
>     referer="")
>   File "/Users/jjc/Desktop/cwm-1.0.0/swap/", line 151, in load
>     p = rdfxml.rdfxmlparser(store, F,  thisDoc=asIfFrom, flags=flags, 
>   File "/Users/jjc/Desktop/cwm-1.0.0/swap/", line 16, in 
>     import sax2rdf
>   File "/Users/jjc/Desktop/cwm-1.0.0/swap/", line 99, in ?
>     nodeElementExceptions[RDF_NS_URI + a] = True
>NameError: name 'True' is not defined
>Can someone offer a clue as to what I'm missing?

What version of python are you running? What does

python -c 'import sys
print sys.version_info'

give you?

Before python 2.3, True and False  did not exist

Yosi Scharf

Received on Friday, 3 June 2005 04:57:30 UTC