How to output the conclusions by log:conclusion?

Hi, let me ask a kind of novice question.

I'd like to put together rules in different files,
say fileA.n3 and fileB.n3,  and 
output the conclusions to a file.

I can do it with, for example,
cwm fileA.n3 fileB.n3 -think > output.n3

But what I want to do here is not to include the names
"fileA.n3" and "fileB.n3" in the command line,
but put it in another file, say myMain.n3,
and call
cwm myMain.n3 > output.n3

My ultimate goal is to dynamically load the files
and make inferences, but as a first step,
writing the file names directly is OK.

I tried to do something like, in myMain3.n3,
{ (<fileA.n3>.log:semantics
  <fileB.n3>.log:semantics ) log:conjunction ?f.

 ?f log:conclusion ?g.
} => ...

But I don't know what I should do with ?g.

{ (<fileA.n3>.log:semantics
  <fileB.n3>.log:semantics ) log:conjunction ?f.

 ?f log:conclusion ?g.
 ?g log:includes ?x..
?x log:N3String ?s
} => {
 "1" log:outputString ?s.

What people out there do in such cases?

Thanks in advance.

Yoshio Fukushige

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 11:07:51 UTC