How do I make rdfs and owl inference occur?

I was under the impression that I could include an rdfs or owl rule set and get the inferences implied by the semantics of these languages.

For example, using the attached files and the command line below I get rdfs inference for sub/superclass:
python ..\ aircraft1.n3 --think -filter=ac-rules2.n3

This does not work with 

Can someone explain what I should be doing? Are these the right rule sets to be using?

Also, I thought from descriptions in the tutorial that log:semantic would read the contents of the file and put the contents in the store.  For example:
{<> log:semantics ?c} => {?c a :rdfs-rules}.
{<> log:semantics ?c} => {?c a :owl-rules}.

Cwm appears to read these files and add them to the store, but inferences based on these rule sets don't occur.  Do I understand this correctly? Is there another way I should be using log:semantic?

 <<ac-rules2.n3>>  <<aircraft1.n3>> 


David H. Jones
Boeing Phantom Works, 
Mathematics & Computing Technology
425-865-2964 (FAX)

Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 23:33:00 UTC