Re: a profiler for cwm

Le mer 28/07/2004 à 23:04, Joseph Scharf a écrit :
> I've done some work on this today. The version of cwm in cvs on the 
> branch rel-0-8-0-perf  constistently runs ``make tr.rdf'' in about a 
> minute on my machine.  I hope you find it useful.

Impressive indeed, it took 2 minutes on my machine, that is almost twice
than before! It looks like the resulting file has some bugs; I'll check
on my side, since this likely due to the changes in the rules I made,
but I'll let you know if not. (the errors are buggy empty blank nodes,

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Thursday, 29 July 2004 04:28:49 UTC