Re: CWM Bug: bNodes Mistakenly Converted to URIs

Fixed. The test is 
regression.n3#t1029c .


On Oct 14, 2007, at 8:42 AM, Sean B. Palmer wrote:

> On 10/14/07, Yosi Scharf <> wrote:
>> That bug was caused by a missing line in due to me
>> being confused at some point. The cwm CVS has it fixed (I ran
>> into the same thing about a month ago and just fixed it).
> Using the CVS version of cwm and a different but similar test case,
> I've found that the same bug(?) still appears:
> $ cat lists-02.n3
> # lists-02.n3 - Simple lists
> @prefix : <> .
> @keywords a .
> ThreeMemberList predicate (p q r) .
> MixedThreeMemberList predicate ("p" _:q <>) .
> $ cwm lists-02.n3
> #Processed by Id:,v 1.195 2007-08-23 16:28:29 syosi Exp
> #  Notation3 generation by
> #,v 1.197 2007-09-09 22:49:43 timbl Exp
>      @prefix : <> .
>     :MixedThreeMemberList     :predicate  (
>         "p"
>          [
>              ]
>         <> ) .
>     :ThreeMemberList     :predicate  (
>         :p
>         :q
>         :r ) .
> (This is fine.)
> $ cat normalise.n3
> @prefix log: <> .
> { ?s ?p ?o . ?s log:rawType log:Formula .
>   ?o log:rawType [ log:notEqualTo log:Formula ] }
>  => { _:s ?p ?o } .
> { ?s ?p ?o . ?o log:rawType log:Formula .
>   ?s log:rawType [ log:notEqualTo log:Formula ] }
>  => { ?s ?p _:o } .
> { ?s ?p ?o .
>   ?s log:rawType log:Formula .
>   ?o log:rawType log:Formula }
>  => { _:s ?p _:o } .
> { ?s ?p ?o .
>   ?s log:rawType [ log:notEqualTo log:Formula ] .
>   ?o log:rawType [ log:notEqualTo log:Formula ] }
>  => { ?s ?p ?o } .
> (Note: different to the last time you saw normalise.n3; fixed some  
> bugs.)
> $ cwm lists-02.n3 --filter=normalise.n3
> #Processed by Id:,v 1.195 2007-08-23 16:28:29 syosi Exp
> #  Notation3 generation by
> #,v 1.197 2007-09-09 22:49:43 timbl Exp
>      @prefix : <> .
>     :MixedThreeMemberList     :predicate  (
>         "p"
>         <#_g0>
>         <> ) .
>     :ThreeMemberList     :predicate  (
>         :p
>         :q
>         :r ) .
> (This is not fine: <#_g0> should be a bNode.)
>> Thanks for the feedback. It would be nice to feel confident about
>> cwm enough for me to make a release.
> You're welcome; thanks for the fixes. It would indeed be great if we
> could have a cutting-edge packaged release, though actually the CVS
> cwm doesn't seem to be giving me any problems associated with not
> having been through the python install procedure, so that's
> not so bad.
> -- 
> Sean B. Palmer,

Received on Monday, 15 October 2007 15:00:22 UTC