[closed] Re: delta verbose and granularity cmdline options broken

On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 17:51 -0400, EspeonEefi wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 17:43 -0400, EspeonEefi wrote:
> > The documentation for the verbose command line option does not match the
> > current state of the code. In addition, the handling of the granularity
> > option also seems a bit buggy.
> The attached patch has been checked into CVS. I don't think we can
> really test the output of the usage. However, I'm still looking for
> examples of when the output from -g 0 differs from that of -g 1; I'm
> leaving the closing of this bug until I have a test case that
> demonstrates the granularity functionality.

Test added. Like the delta return codes test, this test is a bit hacky,
though I guess it's a bit less so.

Note that after poking some through the code, the lumping code that gets
triggered by default and gets disabled by setting -g 0 makes a
difference only when the left-hand side is an empty formula. In other
instances, the way delta constructs patches seems to automatically lump
things that are related to the same left-hand side together. Once again,
if you know of more cases in which -g 0 should make a difference, please
reply to this thread!

Test added: http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/delta/detailed.tests#t4

-- eefi

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2005 10:01:21 UTC