[closed] Re: diff.py still not working


Ooops . Thanks - it crashed with a graph with no bnodes at all.
I checked in a version of diff with this fixed.


$ python2.3 $SWAP/diff.py -f 
http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/delta/hjs/blog-1.n3 -t 

      @prefix : 
<http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/test/delta/hjs/atom.owl#> .
      @prefix delta: <http://www.w3.org/2004/delta#> .

         }     delta:deletion {<http://bblfish.net/blog/>     :copyright 
"Create Commons" .
          delta:insertion {<http://bblfish.net/blog/>     :copyright 
"Creative Commons" .
         } .


On May 8, 2004, at 8:04, Henry Story wrote:

> After labeling every point of the  graph, I still get a problem.
> Attached are the three files needed to duplicate this experiment. 
> There is very little difference between blog-1.n3 and blog-2.n3. A 
> normal unix diff reveals only one line non commented difference.
> I tested diff on the from.n3 and to.n3 ical examples and those worked 
> well. I am at a bit of a loss. I would have to look at the python 
> code, but, not being a python person, this might take me a lot longer 
> than the time I may have.
> 13:59:59 - ~/Programming/w3c/swap/tmp
> hjs@bblfish:0$ ../diff.py -f blog-1.n3 -t blog-2.n3
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "../diff.py", line 374, in ?
>     main()
>   File "../diff.py", line 366, in main
>     delta = differences(graph, graph2)
>   File "../diff.py", line 235, in differences
>     g_bnodes, g_definitions = nailFormula(g)
> TypeError: unpack non-sequence
> <blog-1.n3>
> <blog-2.n3>
> <atom.owl>
> On 7 May 2004, at 20:17, Henry Story wrote:
>> On 7 May 2004, at 19:56, Henry Story wrote:
>>> Sorry that was the wrong output I sent. Below is what I am getting. 
>>> It looks like it is trying to get the file http://purl.org/atom/ns 
>>> and croaking on trying to parse that. I'll see if I can point the 
>>> name space to the right file.
>> That was indeed correct.
>>  I needed the name space to point to the owl file I used as a model. 
>> It still does not work, but that is because my graph is 
>> insufficiently labeled. I will need to read TBL's paper more 
>> carefully and see if I can improve the constraints on the OWL 
>> semantics, or if I just need to find a way create resource names for 
>> the graph elements.
>> Henry
>> PS. Sorry to have pressed the bug filing button too soon. That must 
>> have been because I did not get the tests to work previously...

Received on Sunday, 16 May 2004 16:38:56 UTC