Re: bug Schema lookup issues

I would like to work on this bug, but I 'm not left with enough 
information to do it.

>1. My test involves using an Ontology of mine
>located on my hard drive that is referenced 
>in the xmlns 
Can you generate a testcase that this bug manifests on, and send it? 
This can be a large amount of work, admittedly, but if I can't reproduce 
a bug, I can't fix it.

>-- I want read in N3 data that references
>my Ontology. But CWM is croaking because it also
>wants to read in other schemas, such as XMLSchema.
Can you give a copy on cwm's output on the testcase, rather than the 
general statement? Knowing which error it is telling you can help a 
great amount.

>   Here are the N3 headers in my test file that
>   accesses my ontology:
>        @prefix rdfs:
><> .
>        @prefix owl:  <>
I failed to see any problems with the above two lines, beyond the lack 
on a period ending the second.


Received on Thursday, 1 July 2004 14:37:48 UTC