Surreality: @keywords prefix .

This does very strange things indeed:

$ echo '@keywords prefix . @prefix : <#> . prefix q r . p q r .' | cwm

      @prefix : <#> .
     :rp     :rq :rr .

Oftentimes, triples using prefix are just ignored:

$ echo '@keywords prefix . @prefix : <#> . p q r . prefix q r .' | cwm

      @prefix : <#> .
     :p     :q :r .

This, however, works as expected:

$ echo '@keywords prefix . @prefix : <#> . p q r . q prefix r .' | \
    cwm | egrep -v '^[ \t]*#|^[ \t]*$'

      @prefix : <#> .
     :p     :q :r .
     :q     "prefix" :r .

Similar oddnesses can be gained from @keywords keywords .:

$ echo '@keywords prefix, keywords . @prefix : <#> . \
    keywords q r . prefix q r .' | cwm

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/", line 653, in ?
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/", line 350, in doCommand
     p.load("", baseURI=_baseURI)
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/", line 212, in load
     return self.loadBuf(    # self._formula
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/", line 220, in loadBuf
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/", line 238, in feed
     i = self.directiveOrStatement(str,j)
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/", line 248, in directiveOrStatement
     j = self.directive(str, i)
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/", line 293, in directive
     "'@keywords' needs comma separated list of words")
notation3.BadSyntax: Line 1 of <file:.../keyword-test/>:
    Bad syntax ('@keywords' needs comma separated list of words)
    at ^ in: "@keywords prefix, keywords . @prefix : <#> .
    keywords q r . prefix q r .^..."

Clearly the bug is that declaration keywords are interfering in some 
way with standard @-less keywords, but I've no idea how to explain 
that ":rp :rq :rr" output without using the word cwmic :-)

Sean B. Palmer, <>
"phenomicity by the bucketful" -

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2004 11:55:20 UTC