BUG: Recursion Error With @keywords this

$ echo '@keywords this . @prefix : <#> . this :a :Doc .' | cwm

   File "/misc/tools/cwm/pretty.py", line 312, in _scan
     self._scan(y, x)
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/pretty.py", line 312, in _scan
     self._scan(y, x)
   File "/misc/tools/cwm/pretty.py", line 293, in _scan
     if verbosity() > 98: progress("scanning %s in context %s"
        %(`x`, `context`),
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

The problem occurs in a CVS version checked out today, as well as the 
most recent cwm.tgz.

Sean B. Palmer, <http://purl.org/net/sbp/>
"phenomicity by the bucketful" - http://miscoranda.com/

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2004 11:16:30 UTC